#444- The Mail-Right Show: Best Real Estate Lead Generation Strategies For 2024?

#444- The Mail-Right Show: Best Real Estate Lead Generation Strategies For 2024?

Best Real Estate Lead Generation Strategies For 2024?

Real estate lead generation strategies for 2024 are revealed! Unlock powerful tips to elevate your business and connect with potential buyers now.

Are you ready to supercharge your real estate business in 2024? This insightful show delves into proven lead-generation strategies tailored to today’s competitive landscape. Learn how to harness social media, leverage data analytics, and implement effective networking practices that can significantly boost your client base. Equip yourself with the knowledge you need—tune in now and transform your approach today.

#1 – Social Marketing

#2 – Sphere of Influence

#3 – Online Content Marketing

#4 – Hustling

#5 – Paid Leads

#6 – In Personal Networking

Episode Full Show Notes

[00:00:04.410] – Robert Newman

Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. This episode is number 444. John has done this 444 times, and I have done this. Let’s see, it was 182 when I joined. Somebody who’s watching or listening to the show do the math.

[00:00:22.090] – Jonathan Denwood

You’re a beginner.

[00:00:24.280] – Robert Newman

I’ve been here a few hundred times. Today, we will look at what John and I think are some solid real estate lead-generation strategies for 2024. 2024 sounds similar to 2023, 2022, or 2021. However, we’ll still have our take on what these things are, what you might do, how you might do it. I am going to focus my side of the show on talking a little bit about the differentiation in where you are at with your career as it relates to these particular marketing strategies because that’s been a hot button with me as people have been calling me to either, one, double down on the marketing that we do at Inbound R-E-M, or two, basically give me notice that they’re quitting the business. It’s been a weird year, which happens every once in a while in real estate. I’m excited about this topic because it’s been an odd year. So without any further ado, John, you’re the brilliant mofo who comes up with all the subjects, does all the work, reviews, researches, and does so many different things for the show.

[00:01:42.900] – Robert Newman

Suppose you can do us two things. One, introduce yourself to everybody. But number two, I’d love to hear you say why you decided to do a refresher on this subject for the MailRight show.

[00:01:54.670] – Jonathan Denwood

Yeah, I do research. Well, first of all, I’m the joint founder of mailright. Com, mail-right. Com. We’re a WordPress-based platform, CRM, social media calendar, email, text messaging, and landing pages. We give you everything you want in one place to do your digital marketing at an affordable price. So go to Melright and look at that because it’s a great platform. And secondly, why this? I do some general research every week about the subject, and I delved into this and I thought we could give some value to our listeners. It’s that simple, Robert.

[00:02:47.490] – Robert Newman

Okay. So value, buckle up, everybody. It’s value. We’re doing a value show today. You’re getting your grocery shopping and real estate marketing done, and today, you’re in the value bin. So we’re just going to open this up. We’re going to break your mind.

[00:03:11.130] – Jonathan Denwood

We’re going to be in a funny mood today. He was pretty nice. He’s been very nice to be today on this episode. I’m getting worried, listeners of yours. I’m getting worried. He’s been too nice to be.

[00:03:25.990] – Robert Newman

We’re going to change your life. All right, we’re going to. So, let’s start off by talking about social marketing. So first of all, John, for those who may not be 100% sure what we’re putting under that bucket, maybe a small handful of people need to learn what that is. What is social marketing?

[00:03:43.310] – Jonathan Denwood

Well, we covered it last week. So if you want a bit more in-depth on this, go and have a listen to last week’s episode, folks. And we were dealing with all the social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, well, X formerly known as Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, the Big Daddy, when it comes to effective social media. I would say the three that I think most real estate agents could get some leads are YouTube, Instagram, Facebook. Facebook, I really do think you need to throw some money at it if you’re going to get some real results. But they’re the three main platforms. And like I said, listen to last week’s episode where we go into some depth about how you can use those in 2024 to get some leads.


[00:04:43.320] – Robert Newman

I agree. For For those of you who are not following along entirely on your brain side, that would be 443 would be the episode number. And we did cover a lot of cool stuff. And I’m going to take my comments on that show a step further. I’m going to say this, skip all the platformic stuff. It just confuses the issue. I have a question for everybody, you included, John. It is simple to me. I am not a social marketer. I’m not even really an SEO guy. I break it down to the simplest level. I am a storyteller, and once I’ve learned something I like to teach about what I’ve learned, it’s been something that has been true of me since I’ve been 11 years old. Always been that way. So it’s my wiring. Do consider that you have storytelling wiring, or is it something different with you, John?


[00:05:36.640] – Jonathan Denwood

I have to think about that. There’s part of me that would say I am a bit of a story. I like to work things out. I like to think about things and work them out. And what I like about business is the money, obviously, because that gives me some degree of freedom. But I like solving puzzles and businesses. Running a business is a big puzzle, isn’t it?


[00:06:07.750] – Robert Newman

It is indeed. So what I heard you say is that independence is your core motivator. Yeah, it is. Independence and freedom is your core motivator, and the complexities of business are satisfying to you, and storytelling is more minor for you. If I was consulting with you, John, I would not necessarily drive you. If I was going to drive you any place, I’d drive you in the direction of Google. Why would I do that? Because you can do less storytelling less frequently. You don’t have to always be talking to your audience on Google. When people are talking to us about social marketing, and John and I did a really good job of explaining the platforms last week and which ones do what and why you might want to focus on them. But instead of looking at it like that, I like telling stories. Once a camera is on, I don’t really care is the truth of it. I’m just the story that I want to tell that day and trying to educate people and help them on a subject that I feel deeply well-versed in. For me personally, I’m obsessive about what the level of expertise needs to be when you say I’m going to teach you something.


[00:07:16.790] – Robert Newman

That’s why I still feel like I learn new things, John, about real estate marketing. I’ve been doing it for 16 years. I’ve taken six deep dives into sync at this point, and I’m going to take a seven. I need to know for sure that I understand the platform, backwards and forwards, before I have the audacity to say that I’m going to teach you something about it. What other people are wired for should be how it determines the rest of this, a lot of these subjects that we’re going to talk about. Social marketing, sphere of influence, online content marketing. These are the subjects today, hustling, paid leads, in-personal networking with social marketing, ladies and gentlemen. Can you tell a story? Do you want to update everybody your life every single day? And some of you are like that. Some of you are extroverts, and it’s easier for you to do five minutes of an update than think about a content piece that’s going to resonate or educate. I run across those people all the time, John. And if that’s the case, social marketing is for you. Go ahead.


[00:08:17.400] – Jonathan Denwood

Yeah, there’s a good resource. I was listening to another podcast, The Truptical MBA, and the two people on that podcast, one of them has built up multiple audience over the past 4-5 years. I think it’s got over 400,000 ex-followers, and I think he’s got a very big podcast The Tropical MBA. And the last episode, he went through eight things he wish somebody had advised him on his own journey around social media. So if you wanted, I thought it was quite good, the hint he was giving. So folks, if you want another resource, go over and listen to that podcast, The Tropical MBA, the last episode, and I think you get something from it.


[00:09:15.960] – Robert Newman

The Tropical MBA, for those of you who might not have followed along without, well, that’s excellent. Number two on our list, and probably the next subject before we go to our break in about seven minutes, Sphere of influence. A Sphere of Influence, I feel. Have you ever, John, I’ll bet you anything in the world that you’ve never heard of a steak company that sell, like a knife company that sells strictly through Sphere of Influence, and they’ve been doing it that way for 60 years. Have you ever heard of Cutco?


[00:09:50.280] – Jonathan Denwood

No, I haven’t.


[00:09:51.480] – Robert Newman

Okay. So some of the world’s best knives are made by a company called Cutco. Cutco only sells through college students who do a networking sales process that Cutco introduces to you. Effectively, if you start off with a list of 50 people, they give you a script that is something like, I’m a brand new college student. I’m trying to put myself through school. And Cutco So hits two or three notes that a college student who isn’t a professional in sales isn’t going to understand our notes. It’s the help me note, okay, you can assist me, the youth note, the age of the people that are selling their product for them. Then last but not least, the overall desire to be altruistic in general. So they do a very good job of that. They do such a good job. It’s one of the biggest knife companies in the US, and it’s sold strictly through Sphere of Influence. My wife worked for them for a while, my ex-wife of many years ago. This is like 25, 30 years ago, guys, everybody. She worked for them for a while. It was a fascinating sales structure because she never stopped having leads, John, ever.


[00:11:03.220] – Robert Newman

My wife never ran out of leads. She was always incredibly good because when somebody says, I don’t want to buy your knives, she has a recap, there’s lots of sales words for it, but she has a thing that she says that says, Well, I understand you’re not going to buy any knives for me, but you know what? I am a college student. I’m struggling. I’m hungry. You got to At the very least, can you think of 10 people similar to you that might be willing to hear me out or might be willing to talk to me briefly about whatever the knives? It’s not said like that. Essentially, their end pitch, their letting go of the sales situation is, Can you give me 10 other people? And then she, my wife, would get them into their phonebook when we still had those things in your address book and just say, Give me 10 names. And they did. And then she called and would say, I was referred to you by so and so. And it was a never-ending cycle, ever. It was always… The pitches were good enough that they had always at least three people that said yes out of every 10.


[00:12:17.620] – Robert Newman

Those three people, at least one would give you another 10. And so the cycle continues, sphere of influence, on ad nauseam. So when you’re thinking Speaking sphere of influence, John, do you have an example of how you may have pulled in a lead or something like that through sphere of influence?


[00:12:38.340] – Jonathan Denwood

No, but I’ve got an example where my ego has been damaged today.


[00:12:43.300] – Robert Newman



[00:12:45.930] – Jonathan Denwood

Yeah. Automatic, who run, who’s the parent company behind WordPress, who’s doing a lot more outreach to WordPress influencers. And they had a call, seemingly they had a special Zoom yesterday or the day before, where they contacted all the major influencers in the WordPress space to discuss what they’re doing, and they wanted to be more open, more touchy feely to the WordPress influencer community. And guess who never got invited to this? Who’s got the second biggest WordPress podcast in that area, but never got invited to this special Zoom to be touched and filled a bit more, Robert. Guess who never got invited.


[00:13:43.440] – Robert Newman

Wow. You, John.


[00:13:45.530] – Jonathan Denwood

No, I never got invited. My ego is a little bit bruised. That little bit of green inside us all.


[00:13:57.870] – Robert Newman

Well, that deeply sucks. I’m so Sorry.


[00:14:00.300] – Jonathan Denwood

It’s painful, isn’t it? I know my place now.


[00:14:05.050] – Robert Newman

Well, sphere of influence, ladies and gentlemen, is widely misunderstood. So I’m going to give everybody a piece of advice. I’m going to assume that every single person listening to this podcast understands what the idea of contacting your friends and family is like. And let me tell you, as a lifetime storyteller, the secret… I’ve done every multi-level marketing thing that there is, and selling to your friends and family is stressful. What’s not stressful is developing a story about the things that you do for a living and making it clear that the light post is on for them to contact you should they ever need your services in your particular area. I do have quite a few clients that are through my sphere of influence. It is because I am not in anybody’s face about what I do. Half my friends don’t know, and the other half are always surprised. Everybody assumes I’m a starving artist because of the way I look, because of the way I talk, because of the way I am when I’m I focus very heavily on the idea when I am asked of saying I am… I really give it a little sizzle.


[00:15:11.780] – Robert Newman

I’m probably one of the best real estate SEO guys in the country. And then I go, well, it’s a very small field, and I really consider myself more of a storyteller. But that’s what I do. I build real estate websites, drive traffic, and I get leads. You keep it simple. Have an elevator pitch for your sphere of influence, everybody. It needs to be under 10 to 20 seconds. You cannot think. If somebody’s interested, they’ll ask you a follow-up question. That’s it. So that’s number one. Number two, if you’re really going to work your sphere, I’m going to go back to something John and I have said to you constantly. I have noticed, John, that a lot of real estate agents do not follow any particular sales strategy. They don’t hire sales coaches or anything. And while I am long past the days in which I would have a basic sales coach, I write scripts and I am deep in that now. I had my time in which I was hiring everybody. I had tons of coaches, tons of books I read, tons of things that I did. I had corporate coaches, I had sales language coaches, I had psychology coaches.


[00:16:21.990] – Robert Newman

I really think that you all need to have a good script. Just like I told you about Cutco, ‘Do you need to have a good reason to call, it needs to be concise, and then you just need to say, ‘Hey, ‘ and you need to make sure that when you end the call, that you leave the door open to other people. I was a bit against this, but I think having coaching about how to deal with objections is quite important.


[00:16:47.630] – Jonathan Denwood

I had a call two weeks ago and she booked it through Zoom. The whole thing was dealing with your objections. She hasn’t bought anything from me, but I was still quite happy how it went because she must have asked me every question in that half hour. It was a constant challenge questions that were, Here’s my objection, what’s your answer to it? It wasn’t one or two, it went on for half hour. And normally you start sweating, don’t you? I do, but I was quite carbon, and I just answered it. I was quite proud because it proved that I had fought, and with some experience now, I had the answers to the objections?


[00:17:48.080] – Robert Newman

Used to. I used to. But you do tens of thousands of door knocks, tens of thousands of calls. And those are the situations that make you sweat. Taking something from cold to warm, you’re going to get a It’s a lot of objections. But it’s a very pugilistic way to learn sales. You’re always fighting with the person to get their attention in their interest. But the greatest salespeople in the world are door knockers and people that sell shit in parking lots. Really. Seriously. I’m not kidding. Those are the greatest salespeople in the world. They will take you from zero to sale when you didn’t even think you were going to buy something.


[00:18:25.810] – Jonathan Denwood

I used to be. The other thing is I used to be really bad because I wasn’t… I don’t know if you agree with this because you got a lot more experience than me on sales, is feeling that you got to feel the silences. It’s counterintuitive, folks. Don’t artificially fill in the silences. If There’s a natural break. Let the person ask the next question. Don’t jump in. Give the person space. Don’t artificially fill it in because that can come across as a bit desperate. Does that make any sense, Robert?


[00:19:19.770] – Robert Newman

It is indeed. Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve definitely hit a point where we should take a break, and we’re going to do that right now. When we come back, we’re going to talk about online content marketing, which is absolutely in my core area of We’re going to talk about hustling that probably means something different to John and I, we’ll see. Then we’re going to talk about in-person networking, which is not that far off sphere of influence, in my opinion. All right, so Ladies and gentlemen, stay tuned. John, stay with me, and we’ll be right back. Three, two, one. Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to This is episode number 444 of the MailRight podcast. Today, we’re talking about some good lead generation strategies. We’re going to say best because that’s better for the algorithms. But I’m going to say good. Like, secretly inside the podcast, I’m going to say good, real estate lead generation strategies for 2024. We’re on to online content marketing. All right? That is such a-You don’t know nothing about that, do you, Rob? It’s such a broad term, ladies and gentlemen, like online content marketing. That could mean video, it could mean the written word, it could mean pictures, it could mean so many different things.


[00:20:39.010] – Robert Newman

What does it mean to you, John?


[00:20:41.220] – Jonathan Denwood

It’s basically some form of content that is online, that actually people see, that can influence them to actually contact you for your services or products.


[00:20:59.090] – Robert Newman

Yeah, there’s like a A new tool coming out called HelloVivo or something like that that the guys over at Ylopo are really deeply looking into to integrate into the core stack. And this is just a toolkit. It’s a toolkit, online toolkit. It’s like, what’s your home worth and forms and information capture and stuff like that. And that toolkit is a type of content marketing, but not really. Content is generally like a story or something of substance. That would be automation marketing, where you’re automating something inside a process, and then you’re expecting that to get you leads. Idx broker is automation marketing, technically. We couch it in content. It’s content surrounded by automation, which then generates your leads. Here’s the problem, ladies and gentlemen, I’ve lost 80% of you. I think I’ve lost John. Everybody falls asleep when you say all of this stuff. I get it. Here’s a better way for me to say content marketing. Can you tell a story or answer questions for people in a way that connects with humans? Break it down to the simplest level. It really comes down to that. Some people tell these stories well, some people don’t.


[00:22:19.610] – Robert Newman

I’m going to give you everybody an analogy, including you, John. My current favorite case study for Inbound RUM, and we have a couple of hundred clients now, so we’ve got a lot of clients to look at, is in ’78, I think she is, English woman, just like you, in New Jersey, which is one of the most conservative marketing spots that you can go to for real estate. It’s mostly nepotism there. And it took me three years to close a very small local marketing package deal. I say close, it’s old sales language, but three years of talking to this lady before she pulled the trigger on the smallest thing that we offer as an agency. And here’s the crazy thing, John. We’re getting her to go viral, which is nuts to me. Nuts. And the way that The way that we’re doing it, the videos of hers that go viral, the ones that don’t do good, she isn’t doing very well on the relocation subjects and things like that. But for some reason, effectively, when she goes, this is what- Can I guess? Go ahead, guess.


[00:23:30.120] – Jonathan Denwood

She does breakdancing?


[00:23:32.670] – Robert Newman



[00:23:33.380] – Jonathan Denwood

She’s not into breakdancing? No. I can see that going, a 70-year-old New Jersey granny going breakdancing.


[00:23:42.440] – Robert Newman



[00:23:43.260] – Jonathan Denwood

No, she’s not into breakdancing. That’s English flippancy in its pure- Oh, no, you know what?


[00:23:48.090] – Robert Newman

This is English for you. All right. What goes really well is basically what I hate about your house.


[00:23:54.740] – Jonathan Denwood

I can see that working, actually.


[00:23:57.360] – Robert Newman

I can see that working.


[00:23:58.810] – Jonathan Denwood

Is she still very English.


[00:24:02.040] – Robert Newman

Very. More so than you.


[00:24:04.420] – Jonathan Denwood

I can see that be delicious. It is.


[00:24:09.370] – Robert Newman

She’s getting thousands of views. She has actually gotten a listing because she does She is your English grandmother, and boy, oh, boy, does she have some things to say about what you’re doing wrong when you try to list your house, and stuff like that, things she doesn’t like. They’re going really Richter because she’s detailed, she’s into it. And I am telling all of you, including you, John, this is a much older lady. So you’re sitting here going, I don’t know if this is going to work. And it works gangbuster. She even gets calls. I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe it.


[00:24:49.230] – Jonathan Denwood

There’s a certain group of American friends or acquaintances that I know that like me, being really awful to them. My sarcasm. They can’t get enough of my sarcasm. But there’s another group of Americans that think I’m a total asshole. But there is a percentage of Americans that just lap it up. They just want more and more of the sarcasm.


[00:25:19.020] – Robert Newman

Well, that is a note for all of you. In terms of what strategy you’re going to pursue, online content marketing is It’s about creating something online. It could be a blog post, it could be a YouTube video, it could be a TikTok. You could be really into hanging out with your kids. As long as you can connect that in the thinest of ways to your real estate career, like what are the best schools or what are the parks that I like in this neighborhood? And by the way, I rep homes here.


[00:25:53.510] – Jonathan Denwood

I was wondering why our ratings are getting higher for this. It’s starting to go back up again. Do you remember that old TV series, The Persuaders?


[00:26:05.330] – Robert Newman

Yeah, I do actually.


[00:26:07.100] – Jonathan Denwood

You’re Tony Curtis and I’m Roger Moore.


[00:26:11.030] – Robert Newman

That’s fair. I’m glad that our ratings are going back up. Listen, if you guys have lots of questions about content marketing, it’s far too big of a subject to break out into a little podcast. For content marketing, I’m an incredible resource. I know it’s horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible to toot your own horn, but we’ve just done a really good job with it, especially when you’re focused on real estate. People that have done a good job in general would be Neil Patal and Brian Deane. But if you are not looking for that, if you’re looking for something specific to real estate agents, then InboundRM, in my opinion, is one of the better resources to go look at. For content suggestions, strategies, ideas, thoughts, that’s what I’m I’m calling everybody to go check out. Hustling. John, you are one of my favorite hustlers. So explain hustling to the audience.


[00:27:11.290] – Jonathan Denwood

Well, in the context, I got a sublist here that I didn’t give you, but I door knocking, open houses, expires, meet up, cinemas, investors, the classical stuff. I dig this off another website, by the way, folks. And they had door knocking. I’m not The only thing with door knocking, I live in Northern Nevada, folks, and it’s not quite, but it’s a bit like Orange County in California. If you knocked on quite a few doors, it’s a good job. You’re going to get your head blown off. So I don’t think that’s the brightest of ideas, because there is a certain subset that would probably shoot you if they didn’t know you and you knocked on their door. Open houses, I think they despise, but I never understood it, because I think it could be a great source of hustle leads. I think it expides. It’s a classic one, isn’t it? I think it works if you want to go down that road. Meetup, cinemas. Yeah, I think meetups, great. And the investors, obviously, if the market turns the professional investor class that have their money saved, we went to the market to scoop up the offers, weren’t I?


[00:28:37.320] – Robert Newman

I’m going to give you a rebuttal to something you just said from the days in which I used to run Campusing Cruise for ADT, which was a home security company. We knocked on a lot of doors. Well, one of the days, there was a territory the ADT had marked off all of their canvassing maps, and that was Lake Elizabeth, which is near Bakersfield, California. The reason they marked it off is that Elizabeth has the highest percentage of alcoholics, retired alcohol cops in the entire country. Right.


[00:29:08.600] – Jonathan Denwood

That’s amazing.


[00:29:10.450] – Robert Newman

So they were like, Don’t go there.


[00:29:12.940] – Jonathan Denwood

I bet go and buy a place, and I’ll fit in, wouldn’t I?


[00:29:16.710] – Robert Newman

So we went there. No, you don’t want to. We went there because these retired cops were mostly people that run the prisons. Anybody in California would know that there’s three prisons, Oilsdale, Delano. They put them all out there way far away from everybody. And so these cops were all the retired guards, just sad and happy men and women. And indeed, they answered the door because I, of course, took my crews there, and they didn’t answer the door with more guns. But because number one, they hadn’t had a lot of door knocking, and number two, they were concerned about security. We also sold a lot of security systems, which was shocking to everybody.


[00:29:53.820] – Jonathan Denwood

Well, it would fit in, wouldn’t it?


[00:29:56.210] – Robert Newman

Yeah, it would because they were just like, It’s just like anything else that we’re talking about. Here’s where a professional salesperson comes in, because of course, every single one of those guys that answers the door with their gun-Do you think the knives would work as well? The knives?


[00:30:13.820] – Jonathan Denwood

Your ex-wife, the knife selling.


[00:30:16.990] – Robert Newman

Oh, no.


[00:30:19.810] – Jonathan Denwood

Well, they’re into guns security. I would have thought they were being into knives.


[00:30:24.950] – Robert Newman

I loved when they answered the door with the gun. To me, the sale was halfway made because that That show that they had a deep interest in the core thing that we tried to provide, which is the idea of security. Truthfully, alarm systems are selling fear, which I don’t like anymore, but I used to.


[00:30:39.880] – Jonathan Denwood

And so when-I know somebody that’s selling a lot of fear right now, but they seem to be doing reasonably well. Right.


[00:30:48.180] – Robert Newman

You can sell a lot of shit with fear. It’s a great, great tool if you want to use it. Anyway, we sold a lot of security systems there. Here’s the thing about hustling. Oftentimes, Hustling is just the idea of being bold, of making sure that your message is locked down pat. If you want a hustler, if you want to be a hustler, I have this strangest recommendation for everybody. Hustle to me is just being on top of your game, focusing on it, waking up, eating, breathing it. When we were canvassing, hustling was getting out there at eight o’clock in the morning and being the first knock on somebody’s door. It was always just sticking to the plan and getting better at the mechanics of the plan, and it worked. Every time. If you can generate that enthusiasm for what you’re doing, it’s going to work. Take any of the things that John said, and it’s going to work. Hustling is really more about being energized and motivated. You can do open houses. Two young men who I shall not name, shocked me because they came on board as new customers for Inbound R. E. M. And John, I’ve done this for 16 years.


[00:31:55.100] – Robert Newman

These young men had figured out a way to leverage garage sales to collect leads and make sales, and they were making a lot of them. Go figure. But here’s what was different about them. They hustled. They’re like, one way or the other, when we wake up and our eyes open, we’re talking to people about real estate. However that is, going to garage sales, whatever it is, we’re just going to go, we’re going to show up and talk to people about real estate.


[00:32:24.050] – Jonathan Denwood

And of course- It’s not totally necessary, but I think if you’re going to sustain yourself. Obviously, it’s about the money. But I do know some people, they actually do like property. They’re really into it, and they do it for the money, but they also like property. They like knowing about property, all the mechanics. They can’t get enough of it.


[00:32:51.770] – Robert Newman

Yes, correct. Now, ladies and gentlemen, we’re going to close out. The bonus content for today, we’re 33 minutes into this particular episode, and the bonus content today It’s going to be about in-person networking. In California, it’s funny because 85% of the agents around do not do very well with this. But the 15% that do also tend to be some of the best agents in the entire world by sales volume. Because here in California, where I’m at, Beverly Hills, places like that, you cannot call up Jay Z and Beyoncé and try to talk to them about their house. Flat out. If you know them, you met them someplace, or you met their business manager, or you met their personal assistant, or you met their fitness trainer. In-person marketing is its own genius when it comes to how and where. Christoff, too, has an incredible story about how he made his first sales. It was he bought a cruise he couldn’t afford, went on a cruise with rich people, talked to everybody on the boat, and walked away with a whole bunch of business and in the luxury real estate market. John, in-person marketing is its own very special brand of networking, charisma, being willing to talk to people they don’t know, generally speaking, understanding the divide between getting to know you and then mentioning something about what you do for a living.


[00:34:23.480] – Robert Newman

What did you mean when you wrote this down on the list? It’s the last and final subject of the day.


[00:34:28.320] – Jonathan Denwood

Yeah, I’m thinking about what I’m an introvert. I’m not fantastic at this. I say that if I’m in my tribe, I’m more up for it. And my tribe is WordPress, my tribe is bootstrap startup. Rob Rollins online, and he has personal conferences, and I’ve attended. So bootstrap entrepreneurs, WordPress people, that. Other I used to do a lot in Northern Nevada, and I still know quite a few people because my ex-wife was pretty big in the Republican Party in Northern Nevada, and she knew a lot of people. And I used to tag along. And I used to get a lot of business from all the people that she knew, but I cut that out. But I still know quite a few people. But I’m an introvert. I’m quite happy on my own. I like people, but being on my own, I’m okay with it. It doesn’t bother me. So I think I think… I don’t know where I’m going with this. Can you save me, Rob? Because I saw- Sure.


[00:35:54.830] – Robert Newman

I think that in-person networking, which is also… It’s taking me a lot of years to be able to say that I’m competent. I am not… When you would put me in front of… I’ve had the good fortune of meeting some of the best in-person networkers. As a matter of fact, I think I’ve met the top three in real estate: Jade Mills, Joyce Ray, and Ryan Sirehan. They’re all absolutely incredible at in-person. They actually all present much better in-person than they do online or with interviews or anything. When you meet them and they’re dialed into you, every single one of them has these skills that come to play that make you understand how they’re going to get a relationship with a billionaire.


[00:36:40.390] – Jonathan Denwood

The funny thing is, Rob, I like speaking in front of people. I’ve been told I’m pretty good at it. I get a buzz out of that, but I’m not one of these that generally likes going around strange people. But when you see somebody that’s really good at it, it is art, isn’t it?


[00:37:02.080] – Robert Newman

It is really an art. It’s really art because it’s an art between expressing yourself and making the other person feel seen and heard. And there’s a lot of different ways to do that. Betty Graham, who is publicly one of Tom… For all of you listening to this show, there is a master who is now coaching for Tom Ferry. She has taught most, including some of the names I just mentioned. She’s taught most of these people their skillset. She’s just not quite as well known. She’s a master networker, a master attention getter, and she’s a legend in the real estate industry. Her name is Betty Graham. She has trained 30% of the movers and shakers in Coldwell Banker that drive their luxury brand. And she’s currently coaching for Tom Ferry. And the thing about her, John, she is like your super detail-oriented, friendly grandmother type at this point. She just remembers every detail about every person. That’s And she also focuses… She has a great story about how she basically sold a $20 million property based on a relationship with a Pomeranian. True story. So what gets you the deal is really more about creating a relationship with the client.


[00:38:18.160] – Robert Newman

And that can look like a lot of different things. It can look like being an animal lover, or so much goes into it. So, in person, networking is really about understanding people. I’d recommend a lot of psychology books if that’s what you’re going to do, and I’d suggest that you follow along with Betty, Jade, and Joyce and watch how these ladies do interviews and how they communicate. If you can get around them in person because they all do public events, watch their body language and how they naturally smile and greet everybody. Here’s another thing about in-person networking. I hate to break it to everybody listening to the show. But if you think you’re automatically going to know a billionaire or somebody else with a high net worth when they walk up to you, you are currently wrong. A lot of people who have wealth play down appearance these days. They walk around in tennis shoes and stuff that you’re like, I could get those for $10 online. And yeah, they’re cozy. Do you think there’s a difference between the East Coast and the West Coast when it comes? Probably.


[00:39:32.650] – Robert Newman

I spent a lot more time in the West Coast than the East, but I have spent time there, and there is- Well, I haven’t been on the East Coast, but I spent a fair bit of time in London. That’s a whole other thing.


[00:39:43.360] – Jonathan Denwood

And you could tell The wealthy, they dress the accessories. So I imagine, I’m only surmising this, that the East Coast is a bit like London. But I’ve noticed on the West Coast that you’re right. You don’t know. I’ve spoken to people who are VCs at startup events, and you would never guess how much money you’re talking to.

[00:40:13.000] – Robert Newman

Yeah. Some of these guys do not advertise, which makes it more difficult because they want to avoid attention. It’s a new and brave world that we’re in, meaning you have to be dialed in for everyone who walks up to you. That’s another thing about these master networkers: You’ll discover they have a way of inviting everybody in and focusing their time on the people who propel their careers forward. They do it all without insulting anybody. It’s brilliant and a definite, very refined skill set. So, without any further ado, it’s been a great show. We’re 40 minutes on the nose. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, listen, as John and I are both, when we do these podcasts, we’re essentially content marketers. My general idea is that we’re trying to educate you. However, we’re also trying to open the door to another possibility for your business. And John has a great one. John has built the system from the ground up, from soup to nuts, where it’s a website, CRM, and text messaging.

[00:41:17.070] – Robert Newman

It’s got a lot of functionality and a price point equivalent to most of the other lesser-cost but still efficient marketing systems out there. Plus, you get a guy who’s dedicated to the idea of building his business and service and things like that. If anybody is interested in any of that, you can still book a 30-minute call with John, which, personally, John, is a little low on the time frame for real estate agents, but whatever, that’s on you: 30 minutes.

[00:41:47.860] – Jonathan Denwood

Well, they tend to go on a bit longer. Surprise, surprise.

[00:41:54.890] – Robert Newman

Surprise, surprise.

[00:41:56.550] – Jonathan Denwood

They’re terse conversations. I’ve had a couple of 15 minutes lately, and they just said, Oh, I’m not interested. I must have done something. Or they tend to go on forever, but you know that, and I know that, don’t you?

[00:42:12.500] – Robert Newman

Yeah. So, how specifically have I directed people to mail-right? Com. How specifically would you like them to get in touch?

[00:42:20.980] – Jonathan Denwood

Does it read some things? Can you book a chat with me? It’s very similar to the clients that you attract. Some of them are a good fit, and some of them need to be more. It’s a bit the same with real estate, folks. When you’re beginning, you have to hustle and take anything. As you grow, you learn that there are some clients you need to refer somewhere else and some clients that are a perfect fit for you.

[00:42:54.340] – Robert Newman

John’s call to action on his website is Book a Call. It’s on the top of his website over the right, connecting him to a calendar. He’s doing three or four calls daily and seems to be available four or five days, most weeks, not every week, but most weeks. That’s how you get a hold of John. If, for some reason, some of you found me appealing, or you’re deeper into your real estate career, or you are interested in content strategies or social strategies, I am not as easy to find my call button, but you still can find it. You can look under my services page, and there are numerous ways to do it. We have a lot of different little buttons that say, Book a call, call Robert, schedule Robert. Anyway, you can go there. It’s inboundrem.com and then services. I’ve been Robert Newman. John?

[00:43:43.440] – Jonathan Denwood

Jonathan Damewood.

[00:43:44.790] – Robert Newman

All right. Thank you, everybody, for tuning into this show. Thanks for making us an increasingly popular destination. We so very much appreciate it. Take us offline, John.


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