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#194 Mail-Right Show Building Systems So You Have More Time to Get Quality Leads!

You are trying to build a real estate business however some months you need more lead but other weeks you just can’t seem to even be able to cope with dealing with existing client’s demands plus also following through with contacting new possible client inquiries.

This is where building effective internal systems inquiries all-important connection to being a successful real estate agent in 2019.

Jonathon: Welcome back folks to the Mail Right Show. This is episode 194. It’s going to be a conversation between me and my great cohost Robert Newman. We’re going to be talking about processes and why they’re really important. If you’re going to build up a real estate business. Robert’s abroad, he’s our foreign correspondent for the next couple of weeks. He’s actually our own, I’m not going to embarrass him. He is in Spain. He is in Barcelona. He is roughing it folks. I’m not jealous. Obviously. I’ve got jealous at all. Robert, would you like to introduce yourself to the new listeners and viewers?

Robert: I’d love to. My name is Robert Newman. I’m the founder of Inbound Rem. Well it’s a blog that teaches real estate agents how to market themselves online. But also it’s turned into a service company that also builds websites and generates leads for you. So that’s who I am. And John’s right. I’m in Spain and in Barcelona. I’m having a great time and taking advantage of the fact that I work. I have built a totally distributed company is that tech word for it.

Jonathon: That is fantastic. And I’m the founder and CEO of Mail Right. And what is Mail Right folk? Basically we’re a platform that generates leads for you and keeps in contact with those leads. So when they’re ready to buy or sell, they contact you. And you can try the Mail Right system for $1 for 14 days. And you can also book a demo, which I normally do, which I’m more than happy to show you all through the system. And you can make your own judgment if it’s worth signing up for. But I am sure, you will do. So Robert systems and why you thought this was and I agreed why this was a great topic. You want to start off?

Robert: I’d love to. So we had a guest on the show, um, about two or three weeks ago. Lars Hedenborg I think it was. And I might be, I’m probably getting his last name wrong, but I’m not gonna.

Jonathon: I butchered it so.

Robert: But he was a broker who was talking about how over the years that he had in business that he was okay trying to be more efficient with the systems that he was building. And how he had gotten to a place where he’s paying himself like $17,000 an hour. And he was talking about the concept of working one day a week on his real estate business. And I’m sure that there are a lot of people out there that are probably going, that sounds impossible but sounds like a dream. And the funny thing is that there isn’t actually a lot of difference between building a distributed technology company that’s focused on real estate marketing. And building a real estate company brokerage or being an agent and trying to build a brokerage of being an agent and trying to improve your quality of life.

As an example, one of the complaints I hear about from real estate professionals on a very consistent basis is how they’re always out running around working their real estate business. And what is the solutions to not doing that is creating systems. And what do I mean by systems and why would you create a system? So let’s dig into that for a second before we talk about like the details. So a system is this. So let’s just say that part of your job right now as a real estate agent is you’re going on caravans, you’re viewing a lot of homes. As a single example, let’s just say that something that you’re doing all right. Or let’s say that, uh, you’ve got a digital lead system in place and you’re getting 50 or a hundred leads a day.

And you’ve got to call those leads in order to qualify them and make a sale. There’s a lot of things that is involved in anybody’s day to day career like yours in mine. John, you and I are both still at this moment doing the sales for our individual companies. But guess what? A system would be replacing ourselves, taking a task that we don’t necessarily, that that we think could be better for ourselves and our long-term goals. And then turning a system. So taking something and organizing in such a way that somebody else can step into the task without a huge degree of lost efficiency. And then you and I could step back and take on another task. And if we kept doing that, kept replacing yourself in each thing that we did, eventually we’d be at the stock, top of a stack, a lot of people doing all the things that we didn’t necessarily want to do ourselves.

And taking a percentage of the profit. It’s the concept of building a business. And honestly, I’ve used this concept my entire sales career. Not just as a business owner, but as a sales executive. An example of a system that I’ve oftentimes placed into my sales rules is every time there’s a task like cold calling or qualifying leads. I usually hire and train the system often times out of my own pocket in order to let somebody else do that task so that I am myself can focus on tasks that have a higher profit margin. Such as just being on the phone, talking to people, that might actually buy something from me as opposed to me qualifying a lead and then talking on the phone. Does that make sense so far?

Jonathon: Totally.

Robert: So the reason that you do systems is like my number one reason forever approaching systems and learning systems and applying systems is usually quality of life. That’s it. That’s my number one reason for all those people that are listening. I just wanted to explain that if you are looking at the measurement of the exchange of time for money. And you don’t feel like you’re getting great value, in other words, maybe you have a lot of money or maybe have enough, but you don’t have any time, you’re not seeing your family enough, you’re not getting to go on, you know, go to Barcelona. Whatever it is that you want to do, you’re not doing that. That would be because you don’t have systems in place to allow you to do those things. So you have to kind of decide what the most important thing to you is. And if you decide that there’s any type of quality conversation that’s coming up within that internal dialogue, it’s time for you to talk about systems. It’s time for you listen to this podcast or listen to other podcasts and see how you can implement systems.

Basically taking lower value tasks off your plate and getting people that you can pay to do those tasks that we’d be happy to do them. But we do them for far less than what you do. Then one of the things that Lars has talked about and then I’m going to move on is he talked about the concept of understanding how much money he’s personally worth per hour. That’s, he talked about it in our interview three separate times. And why did he do that? Because to understand what the value of a system is, you have to understand what your core inherent value is to your business. My core inherent value is nowhere near $17,000 yet I’m going to about 250 $300 an hour is where I’m at right now. That’s about how much my time is worth my business. So anything that makes less than two or $350 an hour is not something I should be doing.

If I can pay an accountant to do $50 worth of accounting work, guess what? I should pay that person 300 and whatever amount of money. And I should stick to the tasks basically selling that, pay me the higher dollar value. Does that make sense John?

Jonathon: Of course.

Robert Okay. All right. Just thinking, I mean, you’re the audience for the fucking purpose of this call. I’m sorry. Excuse me, everybody. My bad. We don’t promise a PG show as far as I know. So, okay. All right.

Jonathon: We try and keep it semi clean. But we do not guarantee cleanness in every episode. We are not child friendly in other words totally.

Robert: So here’s an exercise for our audience guys. The first thing that you should do, you should take whatever you made last year, estimate this doesn’t have to be accurate. Estimate how many hours you think you worked. So 40 hours a week times whatever, three a thousand hours a month, a year. Break that down into an hourly amount. And that’s your hourly amount. And then you take a look at your tasks. What really made you the money? Was it running from point A to B to inspect the home? Was that what made you your money? Or was it interfacing with the client and putting the paperwork in front of them or looking at a house and say, this is the house you really want, isn’t it? Closing however you want to describe what you feel like you’re top moneymaking activity is. In my opinion for most real estate agents, it’s probably physically going to the home with their clients and selling the homes for agents. For brokers it’s getting more of their agents into that situation or for really, really proactive agent. It’s allowing buyer’s agents that work for them to take the lower value appointments while they take the higher value.

Jonathon: I think certain group of people going to be listening to this. And I’m thinking am nowhere near this position. So why is this of interest to me? Because I’m struggling to get a certain level of leads and turning them into commission checks. This conversation that Robert and Jonathan’s having doesn’t affect me at the present moment. And your wrong folks, I’m sorry to say you’re wrong. And I’ll just want to quickly say why I feel you’re wrong and see if Robert agrees. Because a lot of, if you hire a marketing system like Mail Right or Real Geeks or Easy Agent Pro. Or you get a system not what Robert Market and you start whatever the system you get. Either is pertini, doesn’t matter what system you buy into, but you start generating reasonably, level of leads, which you’ve got to follow through. And then some of those leads actually turn actually sign you and you’re actually having homes that you’re selling. Without systems, the situation can quickly turn into mayhem. And it can quickly turn into burnout. And so many agencies feast on mayhem. It`s either they’re running around trying to get leads or they’ve got too many bloody leads.

And there quality of service, the satisfaction, the ability to get referrals from existing clients deteriorates. And how do you deal with this vicious situation is through processes. Would you agree Robert?

Robert: I absolutely would. Let’s take a brand new agent. Somebody who’s never made a sale in their life. All right. And yeah, they’re listening. They share going, oh, this stuff doesn’t help me is that just doesn’t. What would the process be for a brand new agent? Processes are not actually as complicated as people think. You know what your process is when you start real estate, when you never sold a piece of real estate ever before in your life. Your first process is a professional, in my opinion. Just my opinion is a professional sales kick. What I mean by professional sales kick start off with Mike Ferry or I personally think Mike’s better at the basics then Tom. But whatever Tom or Mike Ferry. And a lot of these guys that are these old school pros, you can get free scripts off their websites.

I’m so this is zero investment recommendations. So you take one of Mike Ferry’s very favorite methods of selling and that’s calling the expired listings. He’s got 101 scripts. I’m not making this up. He’s got like 101 for free that you can get grabbed from him. So your first process understands where you’re going to go to find your clients. That’s step number one and then step number two is making a schedule. So I have who I’m going to, when I’m going to go to them. And then what am I, what am I going to say? So are you door knocking? Are you calling somebody? And if you are calling somebody, then you have your scripts and you know what, you’re probably going to fail. All processes take time, but that’s your first process right there.

It’s who do you call, what do you call them with and when do you call them? That’s it. It’s a process. That’s a process. That’s process number one. And then when you’ve been doing that for 90 to 120 days, I promise you that you’re going to get pretty good at understanding what an objection is. And guess what? If you’ve gotten lucky and made your first couple of sales off that first process, what would you do? That would, it would apply to our earlier part of our conversation. You’d make another process to let somebody replace the parts of that that are probably not the most efficient, such as the cold calling to the prospective client on the FSBO list. Why? Because after 90 days you probably understand what people say typically? And now that you have your list of objections, what people are saying inside your local marketplace, you go to Upwork, which is a service that has contractors and for three to $5 an hour you hire a flawlessly English speaking Filipino representative. You create your scripts that you know work because you’ve been using them for 90 days yourself. You hand those off to that person and you say, I am only looking for you to find the people that are interested in other words that they want to possibly reenlist their home because the person that did it the first time didn’t do a very good job at it.

Jonathon: I’m just going to slightly interrupt there, but I know what you are going to say with what I’m just about to say to you. I’ve got Filipinos of a certain quality of the price I mentioned. But my experience is that you will be able to obtain a fluent speaking Filipino, personal assistant of a certain quality level, a certain hourly rate that you would not be able to get employing a domestic individual. But my experience that rate is more around 15 to $20 an hour rather than the three dollar hour. But you’re going to say that you did get there, aren’t you? So you’re going to say that.

Robert: I wouldn’t ever disseminate. I think that the reason that that I don’t find it all that difficult to do is I know exactly what I’m looking for. And in the case that you and I are describing, this person might not know exactly what they’re looking for. And so I’m going to say that 15 to $20 an hour is the equivalent of 50 to $100 an hour here. So if you’re hiring somebody from that amount of money in the Philippines, that’s really top wages. And you should like it in my opinion only there, there is a time and a place where that kind of money would be justified and that would be okay. I have no experience. I’ve never done this thing that Robert and Jonathan are talking about. I have no idea what I’m doing and for 15 or $20 an hour, I have found a person that used to personally assist a real estate agent here in the state.

Jonathon: I think you’re totally right there and I just want to quantify it. The reason why we are having this disagreement, but that’s how I put it. Because Robert’s got an enormous amount of experience hiring off shore and I’ve got a certain amount of experience as well and you learn the hard way. The reason why I brought in a please say between 10 and 15 because what Robert just said is totally correct. For that price folks you should get, be able to get somebody that’s extremely experienced that really doesn’t need enormous amount of supervision. They actually should be able to do things. You’re going to tell him what you require and provides the tools that lists them, do the job. But they should have a level where you don’t have to give him an enormous amount of supervision. And the reason why that’s important because you’ll start in all few don’t really fundamentally 100% know what you’re doing. So that’s why I think it’s better to employ somebody and pay them a bit more. But even at that rate, you will get a much better individual than you would domestically at that rate. Not always but just depends on various factors, doesn’t it Robert?

Robert: It does indeed.

Jonathon: I think we’re going to go for a break folks. And when we come back.

Robert: No, no, no. I said we’re late. You’re spot on.

Jonathon: I feel random. I think we might be a little bit earlier. Actually, let’s go. We’ll be back in a few moments’ folks.

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Jonathon: We are coming back. We’re talking about processes. If you’re in the beginning of your Real Estate career. In the middle or further on, processes are the name of the game. Aren`t they Robert?

Robert: They absolutely are. They absolutely are. So we’ve talked about like setting up processes. So I want to share a dirty little secret. After doing four years of my distributed web based company, which I’m very blessed. It’s growing at almost a hundred percent per year and it has been for a little bit where I’ve been very, very lucky. But here’s the thing, I now prefer not to be sitting in an office with somebody most of the time. And why is that? Because I have found that the inclination for people who don’t just have a task list in front of them along with recorded tutorials is to socialize and to gap. And my personal like opinion is I’d much prefer just to hand off some videos to them, teaching them the task then. And let them text me questions than sit in a room with them and have to go through all the dialogue.

Now there’s exceptions to this of course, like really high level people that I’m training a personal assistant, maybe you might want to be in the room. For the most part, I think that not being present with somebody is even better than being present with them. And part of the reason that I think that, which is what I want to get into next is because of the tools that are available to make this all happen for us. And I just want to some of the tools that I personally use in order to create processes. I use them every day. And every single other digital agency that I know uses them every, a lot of the more successful real estate brokers that I know use them. I’m going to share my screen if that’s okay with you. Jonathan and here we go.

The first tool, I just don’t want to take too much time. I’m just going to dive right into it is a Google spreadsheets. So Google spreadsheets are hosted up in the cloud, they’re like excel, except they are not on your computer. Anybody can access these spreadsheets from anywhere in the world. You can just stick them up in the cloud and then somebody can come in here and log in. What we’re looking at right now is the spreadsheet that I and my team use the vast majority of the time, it’s my task tutorials. So what that is, we named the task. And then we’ve recorded using another tool called screencast-o-matic. Now there’s many tools that fall into this particular category. I personally have never found anything nearly as good as the Google tools that come with your average Gmail account. But in terms of screen recording stuff, I think there’s many, many, many out there. I know John, you prefer zoom. I do screencast-o-matic.

Jonathon: There’s another one called loom. When it comes to the actual cloud base office utility programs that Robert talking about. But fundamentally I would say now with Google’s equivalent of excel word they had tools have almost 95% of the funds in there to your word. The other one that a lot of people use is ZOHO. They have a suite of office tools that were very extensive as well, but they’re the two leading. But with Google and with Google drive as well, you’ve got a very powerful tool there. Haven`t you Robert?

Robert: You do indeed. And here’s the funny thing. So this is what we’re looking at is what’s called a pre website launch checklist. This goes through every single task that we do before we actually even put a website to production. It’s just a list here. And then there is literally a video connected to each one of these items that goes through the entire list. So for some reason I hire a new resource and it’s time for them to do, let’s say reviewing sales departments and take notes and sales calls. There’s a video on how to do that. So now they understand what they’re supposed to be reviewing for. And then the next task is the wire frame URL creation, which my developer hasn’t yet created a video for it because I don’t do this. But anyway, that’s missing. But next is notating the received intake.

And then if you look at the bottom here, you’ll see that there is, how do I order products? Again, there’s a video from every single one of these things. And this includes, by the way, just tasking out stuff to resources. So if I say this is the task and it needs to go to X, Y, and Z, which is a project manager task, that’s somebody that is talking to the client and getting the website built. They now need to go to a resource to let’s say get image added to the site. Every single one of the things that we do is here. Every single one, no exceptions. Same thing with post launch. We have a few that are missing but we have most of them done development. That’s getting on my developers. So it’s not there content development not filled out yet. Client how to and tutorials, we haven’t really added to this completely, but you guys get the point.

There is a complete step by step process for the most part in here in my Google spreadsheet. And the funny thing is is that we use spreadsheets in every single step. Some of these videos just referenced you on how to build a spreadsheet to do the task and then you go onto the next task. But basically step by step and most of my processes, there’s a little, this is how you do A, this is how you do B. This is how you do C. And the same thing can be said of the real estate broker’s process. If you’re on the phone talking to clients and your objective is to one of these days, hire somebody to qualify your calls. You know what the most powerful thing you can do is record your calls. This is easy to do with digital tools. Hubspot does it automatically. So does line desk. They record your calls for you. So all you do is you save two or three calls where you got everything right.

Which eventually you will. You saved them. You dumped them into a spreadsheet and now guess what? You’ve got a training system, a process in place for training you’re Filipino resource. When you have whatever the amount of money is to get that person to do the task for you. You put it to a spreadsheet like this. you cover whatever objections or whatever things. You put a couple of notes in here as to what did tutorial covers and bang, you’re off to the races. The same thing.

Jonathon: I’m gonna say this to you and see if you agree with this. Obviously a lot of areas, and especially if you’re a beginning or let’s say you are a year into being a real estate agent professional. The brokerage that you join. Now in most areas you can have to join a brokerage. Because to be an agent, you’re going to have to have a brokerage. Now a lot of people join a brokerage because either a friend recommended them to a specific brokerage or they go to the brokerage. They see the principal, the brokerage or the office manager or the individual in the brokerage that deals with new agents. And they get the spill. They get spilled that we offer you these resources. We train you blah, blah, blah. But you know, I’m English and being that I’m cynical.

I would say that most of that will be spilled, but what should you be looking at? Funnily enough, you should be looking at the quality of the internal process. How they do, they will be dealing with the paper work. And the increasing amount of paperwork in the purchase of sale of a home. You should be trying to find a brokerage that has really good processes that don`t make a lot of mistakes. That’s because the sales side of it, the sales spiel, their processes. Their marketing in my experience but it doesn’t apply to everybody are being a bit sweep in and controversial here isn’t going to be that great. It’s going to be down to you to listen to podcasts like what me and Robert are doing. And talking to people and educating you. That’s going to be the determining element of you being successful in sales. You ain’t going to get that for your brokerage. And then you should then be, I’m going to end with that, but I was going to go on. I’m going to stop now. What did you think of that bit, Robert?

Robert: I think as I just messaged you that we need to do a whole show on it. That’s how strongly I feel about it. I think that what tools the digital broker, like brokerages say that they have versus what they give you is always vastly different, especially as a new agent. I think that a 90% of the time I’m on the phone with a new agent. The story that I’m getting is the same. I’ve got this beautiful pitch and then I came onto the brokerage and my manager kind of patted me on the ass and said, you know, here’s a couple of books for you to read. Go out and sell shit. And that isn’t what you need. If you’re a brand new agent, you need somebody who’s got a full, full toolkit. And while I know this is also going to be equally controversial.

I don’t think they do a perfect job by any stretch of the imagination. But like Keller Williams is a good place for new agents who have no sales experience to hang their hat because they have a very large toolkit. In order to, that even if your local, I think they’re called a managing partner or managing director or something like that. Keller Williams has their own language about the roles inside the brokerage. But whatever the word is, even if that person doesn’t train you Keller Williams themselves, the larger organization has materials. At least you could find there’s new brokerages like EXP encompass or two of the hottest that everybody’s talking about. And for the most part in my experience, those brokerages aren’t quite at the level of training a brand new agent that some of the more established brokerages are. And so if you go there, you’re going to be probably a little disappointed if you have no sales experience and no real estate experience is, it’s just a guess.

And if you guys are listening to the show and you have some stuff you’d like to share, please go to our Facebook page or go to John’s website and drop some comments because.

Jonathon: We love that.

Robert: Yeah, I’m not actually speaking. I’m making some large leaps here based on conversations that I’ve had. But I could be wrong and I’d love for you to tell me I’m wrong. So anyway, that’s my thought there. To circle back around, just the last couple of things about the toolkit, about tools that they use. A screencast schematic is my, is how I record things on the screen. Hubspot is a free tool that I use to record my phone calls. It’s a CRM. It’s a kind of advanced tool for most real estate agents, but it’s free. So you could use it if you just were going for free.

There’s nobody in the real estate space right now that I know of that has completely free accounts that lasts forever, which hubspot does. Same thing with Mail Chimp. They will allow you to have a free account up until the point you get 2000 subscribers. And honestly, I’m not even at 2000 subscribers. So usually you can get a free Mail Chimp account for years before you actually have to pay for it. So these are some free tools that can help. And Google spreadsheets also free. I love free. If we’re going to talk about the new agent, I love free. Every time I get on the phone, I talked to a new agent and they’re like, should I spend $10 and they should I spend $15 on this? I’m like, no, fuck no savior. I mean, you’re on commission only for God’s sakes. Keep that money in your pocket. You’re going to need it. Top ramen is going to be your best friend as soon enough. Trust me.

Jonathon: Well, you gonna really have to keep the cost down because this is gonna take six months to year all. If you really dedicate, if you really want to become full time and you’re relying. It’s not an easy road and most fail but most fail because they don’t realize it’s gonna take six to a year to get any kind of consistent commission checks. Don`t they Robert?

Robert: Absolutely couldn’t agree with that more. I may not know real estate, but I’ve been a commission only sales person for 35 years. I’ve usually insistent on commission only structure because I know what I’m doing. When I take on a new sales career anywhere I’ve ever worked, I always plan on not really getting a consistent check for 90 to 160 days. And I know what I’m doing and have plenty of experience. And oftentimes part of my deal is getting leads and stuff like that. And even with all of that, you make the assumption that you’re just going to have to learn something new and it’s going to take a while, which could include closing deals that go south on you. Cause I’ve had that happen when I’ve taken on new sales roles. Like you get the business and then you lose it because you didn’t know whatever you didn’t know.

Jonathon: So I’ll just want to give through some before we wrap up. I just want to give this conversation I had. I wouldn’t blame the agent but it’s experience agent but moved to the Reno area about four to five years ago. This is the personal individual that had a once over 25 years’ experience in other areas and had been successful. So they moved to the Reno area. Now the Reno, Lake Tahoe, and Truckee areas folks. First thing they’re quite isolated. The nearest major metropolitan area is going to be the Sacramento area. And it’s depending on how crazy a driver you are. It’s going to be two and a half to over free hours, drive over a mountain range to get to that metropolitan area. The next area is Las Vegas and that’s almost an 8 hour drive in the different direction. So the Reno, Lake Tahoe, and Truckee is quite isolated.

And it’s also hot. It’s also a very hot area where it comes to competition and commission checks is extremely competitive hot area. Because a lot of wealthy people move to Lake Tahoe and to Truckee from the bay area. Well they buy secondary properties or third properties. Now she knew what she was doing. It’s taken her literally. She got a few sales the first year and a few more the second. She’s really doing fantastic now, but it’s taken her literally three and a half years. I personally think she’s done. She could have accelerated that much quicker, but she uses very person related. I would classify as semi old fashion, reputation, building mythologies and they take time. But she’s really doing well. So the reason why introduce this is that even somebody who’s really experienced. It is a really new hot market. If they have some really do our marketing strategy and really looked at they can penetrate a new market is going to be a bit of a slog. Isn’t it Robert?

Robert: It really is. It really is. There’s no, there’s also anybody who’s an experienced sales person knows the following. When you’re building up your pipeline, you’re building relationships and even people that want to do business with you are oftentimes not prepared to do so at the time that you strike up a relationship with you. And you go into their file of somebody I’m going to do business with eventually. In my experience, that file, it starts to come to fruition about a year and a half to two years into a thing. Like my business right now. It can be any of this year. I did like three new accounts off people I talked to a year and a half previous when I started the business. And they just weren’t ready and I’m still talking to this very month that talk to me a year and a half, two years ago, and they’re finally ready right now. It just takes time. It just takes there and there’s no replacing it. Not Everybody. Even the people that that want to do business with. You are going to be ready to do so at the time you originally speak to them.

Jonathon: Well, I would say the bulk of them.

Robert: Yeah, no, true. I am. Yeah, true. I’m agreeing with your point.

Jonathon: Yeah, the bulk of them. So let’s wrap up this show. I think we probably have to do another show on this. As usual I think we’ve only touched the surface. But I think we’ve offered some real honest advice and some new insights here, Robert, which we normally do now. I think by listening and viewing figures last year, not last year. Last month was our biggest month ever for this show. And I want to thank all the new listeners and viewers that joined us. So Robert, how can people find out more about you, your company, your views and what you’re up to?

Robert: Well before I move into that, um, for those people that are listening right now and, and uh, I don’t know about John, but my mission is to actually educate. I like making the money and the service side of my company. It was a means to an end for me. It was just a buildup, revenue based. So I can do what I really want to do, which is by the way, guys is share this kind of information with a profession that in my opinion oftentimes doesn’t get very good advice. And so here’s what I’m going to ask our audience. If any of you, any of you at all, whether you’re a new agent and old agent and broker and you’re listening to the show right now. And you work in an office of agents that like yourself, you think might need some help, please share the show with them.

I’m not doing this show personally to get you to call me. I am actually doing this show to educate you and to help you advance your career. And I know he might be competing with some of the people, which is one of the frustrating things about real estate. But hey, if you know a guy across town that you’re not competing with, share the show with them please. Because we’re here to help. In of if you do want to find me, if for some reason you want to find like an SEO based real estate website service provider that with a website you can own that you want to check out my website, But I also have lots of articles on systems and things like that there that I’ve reviewed that I’ve, that I’ve talked about. I’ve got 70 videos on YouTube. Literally like a hundred hours of content. Please check it out. It should help you.

Jonathon: And what I would also like to do listeners. If you are an agent and you are getting traction, but you are looking for some advice. If you’re prepared to come on the show and be interviewed. Once a month I would like to do a special where we have an agent. And me and Robert looked at their website, their marketing, and their processes. And give some advice to the agent briefly during the show, which would be helpful to the actual listeners and viewers of the show. Because I think that would give some real insights. And people would know it’s for real as well. So if you’re up for that, either contact me or Robert. And we’re get you on the show and we are trying to help you. That would be fantastic. We’re going to wrap up this show folks. We will be back next week with either another internal discussion between me and my foreign correspondent, Robert. Or we will have another great guest. We will see you soon. Bye


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