#176 Mail-Right Show Zillow The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

We having back a guest which we had on the podcast a couple of weekss ago Philadelphia broker Gaurav Gambhir to discuss his views connected to Zillow i.e. the good, the bad and the ugly parts of working with this leading lead generation platform!

Gaurav began his real estate career in 2002 after graduating from Drexel University, where he studied Computer Science, Business and Mathematics. The analytical skills he gained through his studies provided a solid foundation for his first job in a real estate company as a Network Administrator.

His love for learning the real estate business ultimately lead him to manage 3 Million square feet of Commercial / Industrial and Residential real estate for a private property owner in Philadelphia. His 10+ years of experience now includes almost every aspect of the Real Estate business, including but not limited to: Financing, Negotiating, Tenant Fit-Outs, Property Management.

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Jonathon: Welcome back folks to the Mail Right show. This is episode 176. We’ve got a returning guest. We thought he did a fantastic job last time where we just got to have him back. And I don`t want to destroy his name but am going to have a go. That`s Guarav Gambhir. How bad did I do?

Guarav: A little bit bad. I think Robert does it much better.

Jonathon: Oh, right. Would you like to introduce? 

Guarav: Yeah, my name is Guarav Gambhir.

Jonathon: Okay, right. 

Guarav: We’ll get there one in Darwin.

Jonathon: Could you tell him where you’re based? And. 

Guarav: I’m based in Philadelphia. I have a team called the Condo Shop, a black label and I have Rent Philly, so we focus on rentals, luxury condominiums. We are part of Keller Williams. And I have a management company and a construction company and an investment company. So we tried to capture a lot more on every aspect of real estate. And then we just bought a market center, which is the franchise in Philadelphia, KW Philadelphia. We have our team of about 400 people. And that brought us a title company with it. 

Jonathon: So in other words you are just a busy guy in general right. Robert would you like to introduce yourself to the new listeners and viewers?  

Robert: Yeah, I’d love to. So first of all I want to give a shout out to my coach, but I am going to steal the spotlight for a second. Cause I want to give a shout out to my cohost Jonathan, who actually runs the Mail Right Show. He told me that, we’ve had our largest audience in November of 2018. So thank you for all those at tune in listening. Thank you John, because he definitely runs every single thing related to the show. All I do is show up. So I just wanted to say on air. Thank you very much. Oh, for some reason you’re fascinated by this guy with the two little things in his beard. You can go to inboundrem.com. I’m a real estate marketing guy. And an SEO guy and I tried to give out a lot of my wisdom for free. If you can even call it wisdom, it might just be bad advice. Over to you John.

Jonathon: Oh no. Robert does his research. He truly does. So we’re going to discuss it is first off Zillow. Basically, could you give us what your basic views of Zillow? What they are? Have you used it and what do you think some of its strengths and some of its weaknesses are?

Guarav: Sure. I think Zillow is a fantastic company. They came with the logic of everybody else was building websites for agents, for themselves, or teams. And Zillow came about and said instead of agents holding on to information that they felt was proprietary to them or was there a value proposition, we’re going to open up and allow many people to go online, create a great SEO program. And how one portal for everyone to come in. Great concept, perfect scenario. They’re doing fantastic on that level.

I think what happens afterwards, Zillow, started going into growing further and further. And they started invading into the real estate agents domain. I think that’s where the conflict started. So I think that’s a conversation that we had today of how such a great company, great concept. And then where we are today and where do we see Zillow and why is there re talking so much about Zillow? How big they have gotten? And the research industry is looking them as one of the biggest threats to the real estate industry.

Jonathon: Yeah, I think that’s a good, very good synopsis. So what do you think Robert? 

Robert: I love the fact that we’re having the conversation. I have a lot of clients that are on both sides of what I call the Zillow equation. On the one side, I have clients that invest a ton of time there. There’s this huge community of realtors that aren’t sit on something, some kind of board that Zillow has. Like it’s a community of realtors that kind of gives them their industry feedback. And I have a couple of clients that sit on that board. And I know what they were thinking when they went and did this most recent switch where they were doing hot transfers from people. And I thought it was a major mistake. I thought it was a horrible, horrible mistake before they even did it. And then I have the other side.

Jonathon: Can you give a little bit of background about these switches as you call it? 

Robert: Sure. Well, here’s what, here’s what, as I understand it, here’s what happened. Zillow was looking at the data. And the data said that these realtors that were paying for their advertising, that 50% of the leads that were generated through the Zillow platform, we’re not contacted. Okay. They were never called. And, and I’m not sure if they were tracking emails or calls, but their data, however they degenerate the Dataset was suggesting that 50% of the leads that they were getting were not contacted. So they got this brilliant idea that said, hey, what if we as the, as the market has heated up as their people are spending the same amount of money and getting less and less of a return.

As Zillow trying to make more and more of a profit, they said, hey, why don’t we try to dip into this pool of what they perceived was an untouched 50% of their lead base? And what happened was it was a disaster. So they would look at your account and say, hey, do you normally get 12 leads? So what we’re going to do is we’re going to contact these 12 leads, we’re going to qualify him for you, and we’re going to throw over the leads that we think are qualified. So number one, they weren’t able to ramp up a call center that did a very good job of nationwide qualifying Zillow leads. And being a call center guy that literally came from that industry. I looked at that contract and said, there’s nobody in the world that is big enough or qualified enough to handle a team of a thousand people. 

Get them all trained to do hot transfers the right way for Zillow. That was number one. And then number two, and much more importantly in my opinion, was the fact that there’s no way that all these realtors, cause I deal with a lot of realtors who spend 600 or a thousand or $1,500 a month and this is a lot of money for these guys. It doesn’t matter who they are, it’s a lot of money for them. I have a few brokers that spend 10, 20, 30, 40 grand and they don’t look at their advertising as close as the little guys do because they’ve got nine or 10 advertising buckets and they’re not. And Guarav can probably speak to that much better than I can.

Robert: Okay. But these little guys pay a lot of attention to their budget. And there’s no way in this universe that they weren’t paying attention to 50% of the leads string. There’s nobody in the world that can convince me that they were simply ignoring half of their generated leads. I think that what was happening is they were looking at them and were able somehow to pre-qualify for whatever reason; they could look at the email address. They could, maybe there was a sentence that came in with the lead. Maybe there was something that said this is not qualified and so they’re not going to get my attention. In terms of whom I’m going to contact the fastest or who I’m going to spend the most effort on or whatever that statistic was. So that’s my opinion on this recent hot transfer Guarav, I’m curious to know, can you add something?

Guarav: I’m taking my notes. We are going to have so many topics to talk about. I’m on the other side of the spectrum Robert. I’m on the I, so I consider myself from the business perspective, let’s think, what if I was Zillow and considering if I was a smart businessman, how would I think? So there’s a whole pool of I’m getting into industry and, and tell the world I am a lead generation company. I’m going to go online and I’m going to generate people coming in. I have millions and millions of people coming in on my website. I’m generating and giving them value of seeing the data and then I say, well, the way I’m going to make money is having those people contact information and I’m going to give to the agents. So you started selling the leads to agents in certain zip codes. And you start charging them 20 bucks a lead. Then there’s a huge demand saying, oh, this is great at 20 bucks I can buy a lead.

Guarav: Why would I spend so much money in marketing and creating the value? It’s easy to buy the leads. Then there is the supply and demand went up when been to 40 bucks, then 60 bucks, then hundred bucks and they change the model or you’re not exclusive anymore. You’re going to be the top three and they have different algorithms that convince you, you have a certain market share. And that market share is like number of shares we can sell and we going to dilute your shares as we get more people and investors into the company. They continue evaluating to dilute my shares again and again. And every single time I turn around, I had less number of shares available, I have less space available. Because there was more demand. It got to the point we were paying almost $175 a lead. And that leads are not really all balanced leads where I can make money from.

Guarav: So now I have to, I have to go to them and try to, I have to catch to those clients, get in touch with them, make sure that I can make some money off those clients. So now the problem here that happens is. Now Zillow looks at it and says, well, I have all this, millions of people coming in. They go through my portal. I give the leads of people. I know my conversion rate is going to be three to 5%. They understand that already. However, I have no idea who this three to 5% people are. So now the agents get a lead, they go them through dark loop. They have the transaction and they know then they’re repeat clients. I want to get sphere of influence. I’m going to do climate position parties. I’m all those things. And Zillow says.

Guarav: Now going back and says how do I get them? I’ve already spent all this money getting them to my website and I sold them once. It’s best if I sell them the second time, but I don’t know what they bought. So I go to the realtors and say you have to come back to Zillow and feed me the information of which ones actually have to complete it. Agents are busy. They don’t have no loyalty of going back and spending time that the hate paperwork. So now Zillow says, I’m giving it to you. I know you’re selling them. I know you’re making money from them, but I have no idea who they are. So guess what I’m going to tell you, if I tell you, I’m going to force you to use me; you’re going to say no. So what I’m going to tell you is that to help you go through the list of people, I’m going to create a program called ISA.

Guarav: ISA is not really built in my mind from Zillow to help the agents; it is to capture the information. Now I know that phone number? The client, what are they looking to buy? How long? And guess what? I’m going to click preapprove you. So I bought a mortgage company so I can make money for Mortgage Company. So now I’m going to tell you a preapproved client from my side who is now information is on my system. And because you don’t want to use my transaction, guess what?

I’m going to go buy dark because that’s what all you guys use international anyways. So to me, for me transactional data is the most valuable information for me to sustain in this business, which I didn’t have before. So now what happens is the ISA comes in between the whole value that is sold to people before or my agents and unit. Robert and Jonathan.

Guarav: My value as an agent comes in from me, not through a robot or a person who has no experience. What are you basically telling me is I’m not as good as selling myself. So we’re going to set up on your behalf. My first contact is the most important one. If you call Comcast and you have a problem, you’re going to give your heart out of every time you have. And if they say, hey, by the way, I’m going to transfer you. You’re going to shorten your story then and were transfer to somebody else. You’re going to show you a story. Again, if you’re trying to be the fourth person, I don’t want to talk to you anymore. So what happens now you’re the ISA who and it’s an interesting concept. Less than 1% of people in Zillow who use Zillow actually register on Zillow.

Guarav: They have no idea who these people are. It’s like going into a shopping market that’s coming in whole foods. You have no idea. But if I knew who you are when you enter and you’re leaving, I can know your pattern. I can sell you; I can sell you what might be something which might be beneficial to you. So since they don’t even have that, it’s important for them to create this ISA program. Now, here’s what I’ll say is the second concept, and we’re going to talk more about this as well. If I knew everything, if I’m Zillow and my major money comes in, I spend ridiculous amount of money in SEO to get people. I make no money. I’m spending money on the ISA. Hundred and $70 $130 a liter is non-sustainable. Who is making the maximum number, amount of money in this whole transaction?

Guarav: 6% which is the agent. Well, how do I put my hand into that? Because I need to control it. So what’s going to happen is now not thinking comes, hello again. I’m Zillow. I generate the lead. I help you pre-screen the lead. I pre-approved the lead for mortgage perspective. I know what they like and what they don’t like. I know when the last time they bought the property because I have a dot look transactional data. Why do I need you, Mr. Agent to pay you percent? Would you like to work at $250 for an hour or would you like to work at thousand dollars a transaction? Why would I not do that? So what happens is Zillow just release the news that are negative. When investor spent so much money into a corporation and they have to get the returns and the company is showing negative, the board of directors goes back and tells the board members like, I don’t care what you do, and you need to make money. And how do you make money?

Guarav: You look at the pool of money and see what are the biggest part and the easiest part I can tap into. So I feel they’re dark. Look buying for transactional data, which they never had because they’re not brokers. The, I buyer program that’s in the market, buying a mortgage company, getting agents and understanding with them how the transaction is done. So I believe all this I buy program I buyer program and using third party brokers is a demo and a timeline for them to learn and understand what is the real value of the agent in this transaction. Once I understand what your real value in the transaction is, I’m going to take some value away and reduce the cost for myself. 

I think that’s what Zillow is going at this point. So that’s two. I’m on the other side of the spectrum and this is my theory and every step of the way. If you’re just a lead generation company, why are you buying a mortgage company? Why are you buying homes? Why are you starting to buy dark loop? Why do you need all those things if you’re just Leadership Company? No, this needs that. They’re planning to be a massive brokerage and they’re trying to. That’s what happened. The owner of the company who went into the Netflix program. 

Guarav: And he understands how the idea is this industry that there are two fun scenarios, right? I think we discussed this last time. There’s one realtor program. One industry is a physical real estate industry where we are the agents on a physical level and there’s an online industry. So the physical industry is saying, how can I use technology online and use that to my benefit? The all industry is thinking, how do I kick your behind as fast as I can before you get out of the industry so I can capture some of your market share? So there’s a constant battle. So we wanted to be in the online space, online space, wanted to be in the retail space. Amazon buys whole foods. When we go online, Zillow’s next step after capturing the online space is getting the physical space. It’s just logical sense. That’s how I feel. 

Robert: All right, I love that. Go ahead, John. You seem like.

Jonathon: No am interested in your response. I think you put it very eloquent, a very great way, and a very clear way. What do you reckon Robert?

Robert: Well, I really appreciate Guarav like total outline of the way that he perceives Zillow because he has a deeper understanding of the real estate transaction process than I do by about a million miles. So I really appreciate that part. The part of the vision that I have that probably I have a million miles more and I don’t mean this rudely, but the SEO part, the part where we’re Zillow is built one of the greatest websites the real estate industry has ever seen because they basically are optimized for almost every major and minor market for keywords that there is. And so I guess my only comment is I one I do agree with what you’re saying. I do think that Zillow also realizes that right now they have a more route problem because they cannot lose their advertising bucket right now. In terms of how they’re growing their business, they couldn’t afford to lose all of the people that are using them as an advertising platform.

Robert: So the hemorrhaging that they’d been doing, because they have been hemorrhaging clients. I’ve been busier than I’ve ever been. I had to close down my sales department. And I’m just a real estate SEO guy. So the reason a lot of the reason is I’m having small, medium sized brokers, people that normally don’t call me, they’re calling me because they’re done. Or they’re trying to figure out how to re do their budget and everybody’s starting to realize inside the real estate space like that is a realtor or broker, much smaller vision than what Guarav just said.

Is that they’re starting to realize, oh shit; I have to become a hyper local expert because I agree with you. I think everybody instinctively realizes that these guys are going to go and take a big piece of the marketplace and they’re positioned much better than all the startups that are out there. Because they already have exposure. They already have a million, 2 million, and 10 million, whatever the number is. People coming into the website each and every single month they’re there. They’ve, they’ve got what they need. All they need to do now is just figure out what part of their portal they want to transfer and use for this new model. So I agree with them. I’m going to say what the solution is because I’m going to take this step further.

Jonathon: I think we need to go fire break first and then Robert’s going to tell us the solution when we come back. So get ready folks.

Robert: Parking solution.

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Jonathon: We are coming back. I think we’ve had some great insight about Zillow. I think what Robert said, spin spot on. Actually, I’m a bit surprised why people are surprised. What’s the solution? What’s the marketing solution, Robert?

Robert: Well here’s what I’ve said for a long time and here’s what I’m going to continue to say. You can’t trust corporation that’s run by a board of directors not to focus on what their best interest is. Their best interest is never actually going to be in the best interest of the agent or the broker. No matter what they say, no matter what you personally believe, that’s simply not true. So what’s the solution? Take your marketing destiny into your own hands. Calm a local expert. So Guarav and his team are condo specialists. If I was on his team, and let’s say I’m just starting, I’m at the very bottom of the stack. He’s got 400 people in his hands are in all of these different real estate pies. I picked 10 buildings in my local market and I would become an expert.

Robert: I mean, I would go to the homeowner’s association meetings. I would go; I would talk to residents of these buildings. I would sound out what their concerns were with the building, with the local environment of that building. I would become an expert. I mean, I would know every single thing that was happening in this building and around that area. And then I would go online and I would start to do little videos and instagram little videos on YouTube and I would put myself out there as these 10 buildings. I am an expert in these 10 buildings because nobody, nobody, can take away your expertise. And that’s the one thing that Zillow is missing and we’ll always be missing. Is that hey doing have the boots on the ground in order to own that market share. And more and more, more if you want to be relevant in terms of being a real estate agent, you have to be a personal expertise center.

Robert: You actually have to deliver a lot more value than just simply doing a transaction. Well used to be. I mean, and it’s sad that that’s the bar that real estate has been at for a long time. Be Honest. Does the transaction well and voila, you know, have a nice smile on your face and a plate full of baked cookies when you come through the door? That’s been enough for many real estate agents in many markets for the entirety of their career. I think we need to take it a step further.

I think now there has to be expertise either in a property type or the financial mechanisms of the transaction or all of the above. And what’s more, you have to figure out the new technology in order to advertise your expertise. It’s not enough to say that I’m an E-pro. What does that even mean? Because your buyers don’t know. Your buyers don’t know what that certificate. So now you have to say this is, these are the things I’m good at and put it out there. That’s my opinion. What do you think Guarav? 

Guarav: I would kiss you and hug you if I could, because you are dead on to the point. I appreciate every single thing you said because that’s the only way in 2019 and in the future an agent will survive. I talk about this in my market center and to my team as well. The value proposition of an agent needs to go up. Many people thought getting in this business is so easy. We’ll be order takers. What they don’t realize. Also in the last seven to eight years, the market has been doing fantastic as well. When the shift happens, there’ll be huge change. You can’t spend $200 a lead; you can’t have somebody else just like you said, and a corporation who’s going to say whatever they need to say to get past it. But at the end of the day it’s about all about profitability. They have to make money and they don’t care about the individual.

Guarav: So what, what do you have to do as an agent is increasing your value proposition? I love your idea about buildings and that’s why there are so many other companies that are coming up. Smart Zip. There’s a great company that came up and we are looking into them. Realtor.com has increased the value proposition on what they can offer. So other companies that are looking at Zillow and saying, you are so expensive, it makes no sense for us to spend $200 a lead. I can take everybody for a steak dinner and they’d probably be my best friend for life. And that is much more on a repeat client as compared to paying for $100 for a lead that I don’t even know. So we had our top 20% office meeting today. Within the meeting we had almost about $600 million worth of business in teams that happened in a room. 

Guarav: And out of the room. What I realized was more than a quarter million dollars’ worth of Zillow ad will be taken off in 2019. Zillow is going to see a huge, huge drop because they got to a point where it makes, it doesn’t make sense anymore. So people saying, where else can I spend the money? And I can spend that much on. And somebody made a point in a board a few months ago, then $50,000 with a full time person in your office, in your team with social media SEO going in journey, you’ll lead client appreciation. 33 touches follow up newsletters. That value is way better than paying $150 a lead on Zillow. But people are realizing, and thanks to Zillow as well, that the raise, it’s so much, it has a self-realization. They kicked themselves, they kicking themselves out of the market for such high value.

Guarav: How high value they are charging, it doesn’t make sense anymore. So I want to add one more point to you Robert. There’s, you know what I’m talking about two different roles. That is retail and there’s online, there are also two different concepts of a realtor. So we were the realtors in the past where it was only about a realtor without using technology. And that technology came in. Now we bought competing for the space. So this is terminology that Gary Keller uses a lot. There is an agent enabled tech. The technology like Zillow but wants to become an agent centric as well. But they’re companies like Red Fin. There’s a local company called Houser. So they say we can use technology so much that we can discount our brokerage fees because the agent is not doing as much value. That’s what Zillow is going to do. We got to do so much online that we need a person in a broker level or an agent level that is going to only do certain portion of the job so you don’t have to pay the realtor anymore.

Guarav: They don’t want to take the realtor’s away. They only want to take two thirds of the income away from the realtor because of value in their mind is to his less than one third. So that’s what there is trying to do. So from the agent’s perspective, we are tech enabled agent. So what we are using technology enabling us to be better agent. What has happened in the past, all agents were going and using separate client or separate vendors. Help me with SEO, helped me with my website, help me with my transaction management. So company and I, and I am not going to spend too much time with Keller Williams and product Keller Williams. But KW and others but KW can speak on their behalf is one of the companies that looked at all those things inside. We are so distracted and diversified amongst the company itself.

Guarav: The company because it’s privately held. Gary Keller spent close to a hundred million dollars and built one centric website and a system and processes for every agent in the company to use. That creates uniformity. That creates one centralized space that can compete with a company like Zillow. When Keller Williams announced there Kelly App, Zillow stock went down 6%. That’s how impactful companies from the broker’s side are going to make a difference. Investors thought nobody is investing in technology. That’s great. We can take the market away. Then the brokers, companies waking up, they’re finding all these avenues. We are having this conversation.

We wouldn’t have this conversation three years ago we would have probably said how much money you’re going to spend Zillow, but now they were all looking back and saying how, what do we do? Because this is an industry, so that is changing. The value proposition has to change. That’s why I was so, so happy to hear what you were saying. Robert, you are dead on to the point. If people don’t realize this you’re saying in 2019 all those order takers for the business, will be gone. The shift is coming and the people need to realize they need to increase the value otherwise they won’t be in this business anymore.

Jonathon: I just want to before we end the podcast that has gone amazingly quickly before we go on to the bonus. Is a bit about open door and I buyer and how they sold either highly in flight. I just went to see if you agree with this. Highly inflating market having somebody just buy your house in two days and then basically they’re kind of flipper. They do some basic tidying up, some painting and then they put the house on the market. What they don`t say is their wholesalers so you’re looking at 25, 30, 35% reduction in what you’re going to get. Surely any seller that’s tight intuitive. They want to get the maximum price for them, biggest probably the biggest asset. I than have their own. In a way it’s rather deceitful in a way. What do you think?

Guarav: Robert you want to go first? 

Jonathon: Yeah. 

Guarav: Robert you want to go first?  

Robert: No, no, no. 

Guarav: So I will tell you from what I perceive them as well. I think the whole idea, the maximum number of money, maximum amount of money you can make and a transaction is in the appreciation on the real estate assets and the transactional, is just 6%. There is money to be made on the mortgage side as well. And there’s title, that’s what they call the answer to the services of a business. That’s the four main pieces. So if a company is not getting in like open door or even I buy a program, what they are doing now is they’re trying to test. If I had the technology and I have the agent, I don’t know, as a consumer, I’m not the seller, not the buyer. So the, I by a program is how do I understand how does a seller thing in a transaction when they’re dealing with Zillow and they’re dealing with the agent. And how do I interact and I experience as a buyer.

Guarav: So there’s a whole understanding of the psychology of a seller and the buyer side. They have enough investment to invest in product like real estate in a brick and mortar to understand the concept as well. What they’re also doing at this point from the real estate buying perspective of the properties is if they are, if they’re controlling the market and they understand from the asset perspective how much market share they can get, it will make a difference from their perspective how they can control the market going out as well. So I don’t know Jonathon if I answered the question.

Jonathon: What you are saying is they going to cut the amount the agent, that 6% down to a much lower figure. They have the loan company so they get that chunk of that, another part of the puzzle. So they get a profit element from that. So what you’re saying is they all say I want to get the information. So a normal wholesaler would want a fair. It’s not a great deal unless your distress buyer.

Guarav: That is correct. 

Jonathon: But they are going to do it in a way so that the profitability, they don`t really require such a large amount of equity that a normal wholesaler would require, I think that’s what you’re saying.

Guarav: And also if there’s anything that anybody can do remotely, why would you not try to save it? The whole Y2K time and everything was being outsourced. The outsource industry came by, the VA industry that’s very active now. I’ll give an example. How many times did we go to circuit city in the past? Look at a TV, have a salesperson explained every single thing about our technology because that was a value proposition where we would answer my questions and then go on Amazon and buy it. That’s what was happening with circuit city all throughout the country. People are going, taking the value out and I’m going to go online and buy it. What happened to circuit city? They went out of business. So that that’s what going to have, that’s what it’s being tried is saying. But the agent can help me answer all the questions, but I can go online and put an offer and have them do a transaction online. Then why would I need the agent? Unless the value proposition goes higher.

Robert: oh my God, listen, I don’t want to weigh in on this topic very much. I just want to say I couldn’t agree with what you just said. Guarav more robustly and more passionately. Like I don’t want to really weigh in on this particular topic, but I do want to say I couldn’t agree with you more. And I think that’s what people have to have to be aware of what the online thing and that. My only response is to go back to what I previously said. How do you combat that? What’s the solution? The solution is to make sure that you are the center of expertise and people come out of the Zillow search stream. In other words, they do their home search and they’re on the platform, but you know what? They also do neighborhood searches. That’s your chance as a realtor to, as you said, a technology enabled realtor is to get them in front of your re your video or something else and get them to reach out to you as an expert in whatever you’re selling. And then take the transaction away from Zillow. As opposed to them taking it away from you. Because if you become an order taker and you just answered a whole bunch of questions from somebody, they contacted you, some other way, some other way that doesn’t have to do with your expertise.

Robert: Then you’re going to, I couldn’t agree with you more.

Guarav: Robert if you were a seller and I came to you as an agent and I said. I think you should make some changes. You to have a painter paint few balls. Fixed for the handyman few things. De-cluttered the house, this is called home staging. I will have professional photographs taken. And I’ll be here for every showing. I can call the handyman right now because of a relationship in the local neighborhood and will give you the best price. I’m going to call my staging company. I’m going to call my in house designer who’s going to help us decorate your house. I’ll have my in house person to help you with the designing. That is a great value proposition ad as compared to what I have ever done in the past.

And also I know local guy is going to come and help you with the best of the best to help you move and just when you’re moving. All this value proposition of being a local neighborhood agent is what we forgot. We have to go down to the basics. The agent’s job is to make your life and the transactions so seamless and happy that you should be considering that person that’s part of your family for future transactions. That whole personal concept got taken away. I think we need to go back down to those basics of what does a realtor really do for you. And it is not just about selling the property, it’s about an experience. It’s all about customer experience.

Jonathon: I think you are so right. Thank you for coming on the show again Guarav. How can people find out more about you and your wisdom, basically?

Guarav: Well, my email is best. It’s Guarav, G AU R A V at kwphilidelphia.com or my website thecondoshops.com/guarav.

Jonathon: That’s great. And Robert how can people find out more about what you’re up to and your insights? Your passionate insights Robert.

Robert: Wait, this is the last one for the year and I don’t usually plug, but I’m going to plug hard this time. John, I’m going to shock you. So for the people that follows me, why you can find me at my website, inboundrem.com. I do want to keep everybody posted. I’m going to do one of my very first; they’re called digital, like a digital tutorial. I’m going to offer it as a separate product from all the things that I normally do. It’s going to actually touch on a lot of things that we’ve talked about in this show. It’s not going to be ready for another 60 to 90 days. But for the people here that listened to the podcast, this is my first public announcement that I intend to create this kind of product. And so you should all keep me honest and keep find my website and then put in a little something in the contact form. And say, hey where’s that course that you talked about so that I keep making the time to create it.

Guarav: I need to reach out to you as well. 

Robert: Excellent. I would love that.

Jonathon: Well thank you listeners and viewers, for coming on the journey in 2018 Robert came on board. He’s been a great find. We agree with most things, but I think sometimes we have different views. I think we have quite good chemistry. We had some great guests as well. And I think we have to do some really useful content and insights for our listeners and viewers. Don’t you think so Robert? 

Robert: That’s why I keep getting up at eight o’clock in the morning.

Jonathon: Alright, this is going to be our last show in 2018 and we like to wish you, your family, a great Christmas. A great new year, and hopefully you’re going to be fired up for 2019 to get those results for yourself and for your family. We see you in the new 

Robert: There is some bonus content.

Jonathon: Oh yes we going to do our bonus content as well. Which you’d be able to see on the Mail Right website and the Mail Right YouTube channel. We’ll see you soon. Bye.


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