#311 Mail-Right Show: 2001 & 2022 Where The Housing Market Going Up or Bust?
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2001 & 2022 Where The Housing Market Going Up or Bust?
Dustin Heiner is the Rental Property Expert and Founder of MasterPassiveIncome.com
Being Successfully Unemployed at 37 years old by investing in real estate rental properties, he is now on a mission to help everyone to quit their job and never have a job again. He also helps his students build successful real estate investing businesses all over the country.
Through his work at MasterPassiveIncome.com, Dustin Heiner has become one of the leading real estate rental property experts.
Dustin started MasterPassiveIncome.com from his home in 2015, while being a full time employee, married with 4 children, owning and operating 2 other businesses, and being a full time investor. He is very passionate about his mission to help others become successfully unemployed and never need a job again.
In 2015, Dustin wrote his first book, “How to Quit Your Job with Rental Properties” which quickly became a best seller. From there, he began his new business helping others to invest in rental properties to quit their job.
Since then, Dustin Heiner has helped countless numbers of other to start investing in real estate rental properties. Even if his students live in very expensive cities, he shows them how they can invest all over the country.
Robert Newman: Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, to the Mail-Right podcast. It’s episode 311. We’re here with Dustin and Dustin is as his website and his company says he is a master of passive income. He is doing so it looks like mostly through real estate investing. John has queued up an amazing article that he has stumbled across in the wall street journal that he wants to talk about today. I’m going to let Dustin, go ahead and introduce himself. John when it comes to your turn why don’t, you share with the audience what the article is. Dustin, in your own words share with our audience, who you are and what it is you do and what you’re excited to talk to them about today.
Dustin Heiner: Yeah. So I am an investor. That’s literally what I do. I buy properties and I buy and hold properties. I love holding on because I make passive income every single month. And so I appreciate you having me on a show and I love being able to share with people that my life has literally been changed. Now I have 30 plus properties. I literally don’t work. I get to get on podcasts and talk to great people like you guys, and just share that real estate investing in passive income in rental properties is phenomenal. And that’s what I do. And so I have 30 plus properties now. Now I literally don’t need to work I was able to become successfully unemployed because I worked my way out of a job, having my business out.
I got to quickly tell you one quick story of how I got over that hurdle to become an investor. Now, if you’re watching this, you could see in the background, I have my four kids. Well, we have four kids now. I was working a corporate job, actually working for the county government in California. And as I was working there, my wife had kid after kid. I was working at great seniority everything’s going great there. Then after our fourth kid was born, like literally I go on paternity leave. That’s where the dad stays home with the mom and gives time to bond with the baby, help with the mom and all the other stuff. And then that’s like a week or two, but then I get back to my regular job. My nine to five, I call it a J O B. I just over broke job. And with that, just over broke job, we were living just over broke.
And so I went back to work and for a week I’m working and then on a Friday at about 3:30 in the afternoon, I get a call from my boss’s, boss’s, boss’s secretary. She says, Dustin, would you please come to the boss’s office? And I’m like, oh sure. And I hung up the phone and then I pause for a second. I’m just a regular corporate job, a regular job, just sitting at a desk. I’m thinking, why would they be calling me 3:30 on a Friday afternoon? Like I haven’t been back long enough to do anything Good and I sat there for a second. I said to myself, well, oh my goodness, there was some rumours there. Remembering backwards about two or three months before I went on maternity leave There was some rumours that the department was running out of money or it was running low on funds. They might need to do layoffs. And I shook it off and said no way I’ve been here for 15 years there’s no way I could get laid off. I have so much seniority.
So I get up and I started walking down the hallway to my boss’s office. Now the hallway is, not very long, but at every single step I take, it feels like the hallway gets longer and longer. And each step is like a lead brick of my feet moving. And it takes me a long time to get through the hallway. But eventually I do. I get to where my boss’s office is. His door is closed and his secretary who called me said, Dustin, would you please have a seat? And she’s sheepishly grinning at me trying to console me with her eyes because she knows everything that’s going on. I know very, very little about what’s going on in fact nothing what’s going on. And as I’m sitting there, I’m realizing that my goodness, this could potentially be the time I get laid off.
I’ve worked 15 years here, all my career here, it’s going to be taken away. But then I started realizing what does that make me as a father? Am I a failure as a father, as a husband, if I can’t provide for my family? So I’ll quickly round up the story. So the door opens up to my boss’s office. My hands are all clammy, my forehead’s all sweaty out, walks a lady, a co-worker of mine with a piece of paper in her hand. And she’s noticeably distraught. She’s noticeably upset she’s not necessarily crying, but you can absolutely tell her world has been rocked. And she passes by me and my boss says, Dustin, would you please come in the office? And I walk into the office and he says like the department is as low on funds. We need to lay you off.
And so remember this is the county government. This is the government. Nobody gets fired or laid off from the government. So I take my layoff notice and I walked back to my desk and I sit there and I realized two things and I’ll finish out the story by sharing these two things that really helped me to get that transition, to become an investor. That’s why I started with, I am an investor and this is what I tell all my students and everybody, I realized two things. Number 1 I needed another job because I need to pay for the food for my family, the roof, over our heads. So I was really blessed to find another job in the same department, which was really, really good. Same county, but different department, the Sheriff’s department so I was doing IT work there. So that was really good. I was really blessed to be able provide for my family.
The second thing that I want everybody to listen to this is realizing that your value that you have for yourself is worth so much more than anybody could ever pay you. So at that point forward, I said, now I’m going to call myself an investor. It may so happen that 100% of my money comes to my job that’s now my side job. My full time job is an investor. And I’ll tell you the reason why everybody else needs to know this. Your boss is only paying you just enough to keep you working without quitting, but not so much that’s going to take money out of their pocket that they don’t want to give out. And so you can get paid so much more if you become an investor.
And to finish out the story by if you remember that story of me walking down that hallway, my feet felt like lead bricks fast forward three or four more years later, I became an investor. I went to my new boss’s office said, here’s a pink slip for you. Basically I’m giving you two weeks and I’m quitting. And that last walk, about a mile and a half walk to my car. Cause I didn’t want to pay for parking. I take that walk. I felt like I was walking on clouds because I would never need a job again because I invest in real estate. I don’t work and I make money. And so that’s why talking about the real estate market. All my students are buying properties all over the country. I’m buying properties all over the country. I’d love to be able to share as much as I can to help everybody realize that number one, you can invest. But number two, you have to also be smart and invest wisely.
Robert Newman: Copy that. Oh, well that was a hell of an introduction Dustin.
Robert Newman: I give him full marks, that’s the best one we’ve had for a long time. Can I jump in Robert?
Robert Newman: Yeah john I was just gonna hand it over to you.
Jonathan Denwood: Thanks. So Dustin, one of the reasons why, because we’ve got our audience of real estate agents, investors, everything around properties. But I’ve watched a few of your videos and you seem very experienced and you seem to be an excellent communicator. The main reason we need you on the show is I’ve never known the property market be in such a confused, height, confused. It could go anywhere. The prices, some people say the prices are going to collapse nationwide when it comes to domestic property. Other people say that it’s going to be regional. I feel there’s going to be declines, but it’s going to be regional city by city region by city.
And then there are other people that say inflation is just going to take off and you need to buy as much property as you can. And I don’t fully buy into that. I think it’s too confusing where we are. So what do you- And then we’ve got all the factors around I buyer, Zillow, Redfin, what the hedge funds are doing, then you got the Picasso around second homes. You’ve really got, a lot of stop and a lot of confusion had, where do you think the market’s going in the next year? And secondly, how have you rationalized all these competing messages that seemed to be conflicting with one another only a small question [Inaudible 08:34 ]
Robert Newman: You’ve really gone back to your history of short, concise question, John I commend you.
Dustin Heiner: So there are so many variables right now in the real estate market. Now I’m also one that I believe history is a good predictor of what is going to happen in the future. I remember back in 2006 people saying you better buy now, or you will never be able to afford a property. 2007 they said the same thing beginning of 2008, they literally said the exact same thing that they’re saying right now, you better buy now or you will never be able to afford a house ever again because it’s going to skyrocket. Now my history back then it crashed. Obviously we know in 2008 and 2008, 2009, literally crashed not saying that’s, what’s going to happen now. I’m just trying to relate my thought process. So as I see history, I thought, oh my goodness, if there is a crash, what’s going to happen to the values of the home? Well, that’s really going to hurt Bad.
But what also is going to happen is rents are going to go up. Remember, I’m an investor. I invest and buy and hold properties. I hold onto properties from a very long time I could literally give them to my kids. And so with that idea, I thought, if values go down, I’m only investing for appreciation. I’m going to get really just taken to the cleaners. In fact, so many investors or people who call themselves investors, they say I went bankrupt. I went upside down and blah, blah, blah in 2009, they literally got destroyed. I didn’t, I literally make money if the market goes up down or sideways because I make money in passive income. I make $250 or more from every single property. So that’s the perspective that I have going into today.
So what I’m seeing right now, historically, as we’re seeing the run-up of prices like in Arizona, I live in Phoenix Arizona prices have gone up 20% in the last year. That is stupid. That is just crazy. I can’t believe that that’s just nuts, but at the same time, we don’t know exactly if it’s going to crash or correct or anything. So here’s what I do. This is what I’m thinking. So a couple of things to answer your questions as well, see what I’m doing right now. Number one, I’m buying good deals. I’m buying deals all over the country. My students are buying deals all over the country that are making us a minimum of $250 a month, but we’re not chasing appreciation. We’re not hoping the value goes up. We don’t care about appreciation.
In fact, people say, well, don’t you like? Of course I like appreciation, but that’s only when I sell the property. I’m literally going to give these properties to my kids and the rents on some properties I bought in 2006 have literally doubled from when I first bought them. I still own them. And they’re going to keep going up plus a mortgage paid off.
So thinking about where we are now thinking about if the whole macro idea of all real estate changing, I personally believe, and Jonathan, you said it really well. There were so many different variables going on. I mean, interest rates, you have inflation, you have just the 20% run-up like, there’s going to be some sort of correction. In fact, we know that there is actually a correction every seven to eight years. There’s always some sort of correction, but this would have been 12 plus years since the last correction. So historically I’m seeing there probably will be a correction. I’m not saying that there’s to be a crash. If there is, though, I am ready to buy a lot of properties. I am really ready to buy a lot of properties.
But when I hear somebody that is living, I’ll give you example. I have a cousin who lives in Pocatello, Idaho. Pocatello, Idaho, which nobody is moving there. He told me like, I don’t know, six months ago, man you better buy here i you want to move here because everybody’s buy you better buy right now where you’re never going to get a property. And my cousin is definitely not in real estate. If somebody who’s 100% not in real estate and a place like that, they say, you better buy now I know for me, this is what I’m doing. I’m not buying for appreciation or I’m not buying a personal residence because if there’s a correction, I’m not making passive income there goes my appreciation, quote, unquote, the value of my house.
But here’s what we’re doing though. Thinking about like regional, absolutely. There’s going to be regional corrections. There’s going to be crashes, like say Phoenix, 20% rise up in the last year that’s nuts. If there is a correction, it’s going to be 20%. If not more, in my opinion down, because just like in 2009, when it did happen back then some of the things going to happen. But if you look at other areas of the country that are relatively well priced homes, which meaning lower price home, a hundred thousand dollars, 120, maybe in some like 60, $70,000 homes. If, if there’s a correction overall, regionally, they’re not going to get cut in half. Like if you buy a house in San Francisco, you’re paying $2 million for the house. If it crashes, it’s going to go down to a million. So 50% of that value is going to be gone. But if you buy a house, that’s say $80,000. It might drop down to like 67, you know, maybe $50,000 shoot even if it drops in half as well, it’s a $40,000. You know, half of that, you’re still doing just fine because you have the passive income.
So thinking of all personally, I think there’s going to be a correction sometime in the near future. So in the next year there’ll be a correct.
Jonathan Denwood: But do you think it’s going to be a national correction? I think your position is a bit different. Cause you, you seem to be indicating that you’ve honestly feel when you’re just giving your judgment call. That it’s going to be a national correction.
Dustin Heiner: I absolutely think it will be a national correction because what happens- Okay. Here’s the mentality of, I’ve been talking to some realtors here in Phoenix where I live and they’re telling me you better buy now. It’s just like I already mentioned, you better buy now or you’re never going to be able to buy again. I said, well, what happens if there’s some sort something happens in real estate market? Oh, well, hey, the people buying here, this is the realtor they’re a little near-sighted. The people buying here they’re selling their houses in California. They have cash. They’re buying these houses for cash and that’s not going to be a mortgage you’re gonna have to worry about. And then I said, well, let’s look at the people buying those houses in San Francisco. Do you think that they are getting a mortgage? Well, more than likely they’re not selling someplace in Idaho and being able to cash out in San Francisco? Nope. They’re still selling their houses in San Francisco.
So my big broad, projection for me and what I’m doing and what I’m telling my students is number one if there is some sort of correction it’s going to start where the values are just super inflated and people have mortgages. Now it’s not the subprime mortgages a variable and all that sort of stuff. It’s not like that. They’re going to see, oh my goodness. There’s so much inflation as well as people aren’t spending money, the velocity of money, that’s going to slow down dramatically because there people are realizing, oh, what’s going on with the economy. It’s going to start in San Francisco, New York or the coastlines where prices are so much more inflated than everywhere else. From there it’ll ripple down to everywhere else. I give you example, if somebody’s got a regular mortgage-
Jonathan Denwood: We are gonna have to go for our break in a couple of minutes, but I want put this question and then we, and then Robert will go. And hopefully Rob- Robert’s been very patient with me. But I just want to put this question and then you can answer it after we come from the brake Dustin. I agree with you. But I think one of the major variables is I want you to think then come back with your view on this is that I feel that to some extent, not totally, but to some extent the commercial real estate market is finished. And what I mean by that is that not reeds some extent retail because of Amazon and home delivery.
But the bedrock, which is offices people are not going back to offices, Dustin. They’re not going to do it, they’re not going to commute bloody two hours and two hours back. Anybody that’s got any skill, got any value they’ll say sub that, I’m not going back to that after two years of working from home. They are just not going to do it, you know, they’re. And I think a lot of these hedge funds and other institutions, which the bedrock rock of their investment is in commercial office space let’s be honest about it. The writing’s on the wall. So w where are they? Where are they going to put all this money? Well they are going to enter domestic property. They’re going to buy people’s homes. That’s why they’re interested in it. ,I’ll be interesting to see what your reaction to what I’ve just said if you think I’m crazy. Back over to you, Robert.
Robert Newman: We’re going to go to our break, ladies and gentlemen, after we come back from break Dustin, will, queue up for John’s questions. So stay tuned.
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Robert Newman: Welcome back to episode number 311 You’re talking to Dustin and John in, his, John fashion has a asking multi, multi multi-part question and is following up on this question with Dustin. So, Dustin, we just queued up that question for you right before we went to the break. So I’m going to let you take it away.
Dustin Heiner: I definitely agree with you that the commercial market has dramatically changed. I’m driving on the freeway in Phoenix, and I’m looking at office buildings that are literally vacant, big office buildings that are five, six, maybe even 10 stories as we’re driving by. I’m like, you can see literally straight through all the windows and see that there’s nobody in there. So absolutely I can definitely see the commercial market doing exactly what you said because COVID has really made sure that everybody realizes, hey, my boss doesn’t need me to be at the office. And then the companies are realizing, oh my goodness, we could save a lot of money if we don’t have them in there.
So yes, I do understand that, that the commercial market is going to have a lot of turmoil. Now, having that transfer into single family homes, or let’s say, you know, four units and below, which is still a single family home, but commercial is five and above. I absolutely see that happening. Zillow is literally buying properties. You have BlackRock, which is out of China. They’re buying properties. You’re having big companies that are saying, hey, we can actually make money in here. They would rather have big commercial. Cause they make a lot more money. They get long-term tenants and things like that, but they’re going to go wherever the money is. So it definitely seems like that’s actually going on right now.
Jonathan Denwood: How would that affect the collapse that you’re predicting?
Dustin Heiner: So the commercial market would also, well, it’s going to take a long time for them to make that shift. I won’t to say long time, maybe two or three, four years to make that shift, but in the long-term once the economy. So yes, buying houses is going to like, there’s more people buying supply and demand values or prices go up, obviously. but we know that our interest rates have been so dramatically low here in America for so long that eventually they’re going to start going back up especially when all this inflation. With inflation comes higher interest rates, people only have, let’s say $1,800 a month that can spend either mortgage or rent. And so there, it takes out lots of pull the buyers from there.
Now, if you’re having companies come in, of course you’re gonna have more supply and demand. But once everybody realizes that the whole economy is dramatically changed, meaning inflation is crazy, high interest is crazy high. People are gonna stop spending their money. They’re going to start putting their money away, basically hold on their money. I need this money to pay for food, let alone investing or let alone anything else.
So what happens the velocity of money, money transmitting, one person other than buying or commodities, that slows down, which makes the entire economy come to a halt. From my perspective, if a company goes from commercial to residential, yeah, of course it’s going to be grabbing up, a lot of different properties, but at the same time, if jobs start to hit, they start to go down just like in a coronavirus, but also back in 2009, I remember lots and lots of layoffs. I remember lots of bad stuff. If the economy does do what happened in the past. So it could have an effect. I’m not seeing it yet personally, but there-
Jonathan Denwood: Before I throw it over to Robert, I think what you’re saying, I think because of commercial leases, they can be 10, 15 years long. There’s no ability to sign out of ’em get out of them with a buy clause. So I think what you’re saying is yes, it’s there, but it’s going to take longer than you think, Jonathan, for the effect. So what you’re talking about is going to happen before that really kicks in, would that be a honest summary?
Dustin Heiner: I think so. I think, there’ll be more turmoil before that they actually fully jumped in, even though Zillow has already jumped in there other hedge funds have, but yeah, I think it would take a little time, but then I could be completely wrong and say, Hey, they could literally be grabbing up all the single [Inaudible 23:12 ]. But here’s the thing there are lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of single family homes out there. So as far as investors, we just need to be patient and find the right deals and wait for those.
Jonathan Denwood: Over to you Robert,
Okay. So, Dustin, John, for this conversation so far, I’m going to go in a completely different direction, much more traditional, real estate investing question for you here. So prior to the show, starting Dustin, you revealed that prior to moving to Arizona, that for a while you lived in California, you also indicated as we were queuing up for this show that, many of the deals that you’re seeking are coming out of the Midwest. If I understood you correctly, which it was a very small, very short comment that was unfollowed up on so it’s possible that I did not actually understand you correctly. But, I have a couple of questions because I’m in California, my bungalow that I live in started off at 380,000. When I first moved into it right now, it’s valued at over 800,000. Neighbourhood hasn’t changed, this hasn’t been an extraordinarily long period of time. The home has just tripled in value in the last three years. And I don’t know that I could buy it even if I wanted to.
So regardless of financing or all the clever things that people say that is possible, I just don’t know that, I could come up with, any kind of down payment and I have an exceptionally good credit. So I’m curious to know you’ve got like, you seem to be saying that a lot of investors are investing out of the states, so let’s start there. Did I understand you correctly?
Dustin Heiner: 100%. In fact, I lived in Fresno, California when I started investing 2006, prices were crazy high then too not nearly where they are now it’s literally doubled from back then. But yeah, I invest in all over the country and my students. I literally never fly anywhere out of the three 30 plus properties I own. I don’t fly anywhere anymore. I used to, but now if I’m starting a whole brand new area, I don’t even bother about it. I didn’t go to the states that I invest in.
Robert Newman: Okay. So you’re investing out of state. You would agree there are definitely better places to invest or maybe more doable places to invest in it. That’s what I’m getting. That’s the subtext that I’m reading in that statement, is that correct?
Dustin Heiner: For my business model of having passive income absolutely. Like you can’t invest in California I say can’t with a caveat. There probably are exceptions, but more than likely you can’t rent the property in that you’re living in California for anywhere near to pay for the mortgage. If you had to buy a brand new, let alone make money in passive income, but there are lots of places all over the country that you can do that.
Robert Newman: Yeah. Well, a million dollar loan gets you like a mortgage of like $5,000 a month trying to rent this little bungalow out for anywhere in that neighbourhood would be quite literally insane. When we moved in here, it was only a couple thousand per month. And I know friends of mine who are renting who are now paying upwards of 25, 2,800 for, for pretty regular, not very special, two bedroom apartments. And it’s starting to get to the point that even people with good incomes are getting priced out of LA. I’m talking people who work in show business, not flip burgers or anything like that these are people who make a lot of money who are getting priced right out of California. So I’m just curious to know, are you willing to tell, our audience, can you give us a couple of examples of places that you might look at in order to get a better deal? I don’t feel like most parts of California are it.
Dustin Heiner: I would agree with you. That’s why I moved out to California. It was just too expensive and just rough from me. So I moved over to Arizona now to get to the location. I can definitely give you some good locations, especially where my students are buying, but before I do that, it’d be like me giving you if you’ve never driven, you’ve never learned how to drive before, but I give you a keys to Ferrari. And I say, Hey, go take a spin, knock it. So I’m going to give you a big, broad overview, how to do this, right if you’re gonna invest in other states and other areas before I tell you exactly where it’s at. So here’s a big [Inaudible]
Robert Newman: I’m really excited for that. I want to do that. That sounds like a big answer. And we are maybe one to two minutes away from going.
Jonathan Denwood: We are about 3 to 4 minutes Robert..
Dustin Heiner: It’ll take me really short. I’ll walk you over that. So the broad overview is we want to build the business first, before we invest anywhere. A lot of people will tell you, find a property, make sure cashflow is run the numbers then you find somebody to fix it up. Then you find somebody to manage the property then, then, then. We don’t do that. We build the business first and every property that we buy is a piece of inventory that we put into the business. Here’s a city that has been going really, really well. Is Memphis, Tennessee, really, really well for a lot of my students. Indianapolis, Indiana is another really, really good area of the country to invest.
Now, those are 2 cities that are really, really good, but there’s all over the Midwest is really terrific. But here’s the biggest thing. Like I said, if you go out and just buy a house because you run the numbers and it looks like it’s going to make you passive income in three years, you’re going to say, Hey, Dustin, take this property from me. I don’t want it anymore. It’s horrible because you didn’t build the business first. So that’s a big, broad overview. We build a business for as contractors, realtors, plumbers, roofers, property managers, all that stuff before we buy any properties.
Robert Newman: Got you. Okay. So what you’re really saying is do the ground work before you buy something, which makes sense. I’m not an actual expert in the real estate investment field, but I’ve got a lot of friends that invest in properties. Who’ve taken this passive income and this concept, and started to become investors and landlords and things like that. Many of them invested out of state. So I’m familiar with the strategy. And I’m also familiar with the calls that they make and the vendors that they hire and all those other things. I take it that part of what you do is you give a template, as part of your courses, you have a template or either a way of hiring these resources, building this business. I’m assuming that that is part of what you teach.
Dustin Heiner: Literally every step of the way, if you don’t know business or real estate from the beginning to end. Yes, 100. Here’s an interesting thing. This isn’t easy, but it’s simple. If it was easy, everybody would do it, but it’s simple it’s just literally a step-by-step process. Once you get all that done, you literally have a property making you money every single month.
Robert Newman: Got you.
Jonathan Denwood: Yeah. Hopefully Dustin, you are ok to stay on for another15 minutes, which people can view the whole interview on, you, the Mail-Right YouTube channel and on the Mail-Right website. You’re okay with that are you just Dustin?
Dustin Heiner: sure.
Jonathan Denwood: because I really want to get into that into this. It’s just been a great, I think, what do you reckon Robert? It’s been a bit different, but I think it’s been a great conversation. What do you reckon Robert?
Robert Newman: It’s definitely a different take on what we usually do here on show, but it’s interesting. And John, between the fact that, you’re angling a piece of your technology directly at the investment part and the fact that we don’t have that many conversations with investors. I think it’s been a wildly valuable, addition to-
Jonathan Denwood: I’m sorry, but I also think to our real estate agent audience, what is the macro micro environment is of enormous interest to them Robert. And we are in like what Dustin remarks we’re in very confusing waters at the present moment. But hopefully in some clear understanding, it’s going to save, hopefully some of our listeners, a hell of a lot of money, Robert.
Robert Newman: All right, well, listen with no further do ladies and gentlemen, please join us for the extra special bonus content. We’re going to continue our conversation with Dustin, who has been kind enough to agree, to continue to talk to John and I about the state of the real estate market about what he does to invest in the market. What he’s personally doing to secure his future, his children’s future. He obviously is very passionate about it believes in its far away. I have no doubt that he’s going to share a lot of other great tips with us when we switched directly over to the YouTube channel. Now you can find us at YouTube forward slash Mail-Right. That’s where you can find the extra bonus, additional video content. I would love Dustin for you to share with our audience, if people would like to get in touch with you or learn more about you, how would they go about doing that?
Dustin Heiner: Yeah, I super appreciate that. So I have my own podcasts where it’s literally just me teaching how to invest in real estate called master passive income. And Hey guys, I have a, real estate investing course. I love just giving away for free. Would you guys mind if I share that with them, ?
Robert Newman: Please go for it.
Dustin Heiner: Awesome. So if you go to master passive income.com forward slash free course, or you can even text the word rental, R E N T A L to 3 3 7 7 7 rental, to 3 3 7 7 7. I’ll give you my real estate investing course. It’ll show you how to finding an area of the country and invest how to make sure you’re building business first, making $250 a month and scaling your business. I’ll give that all to you, but yeah, that’s how you can find me master passive Income on YouTube, podcasting and everything.
Robert Newman: Beautiful. All right, John. And, how would you like people to get a hold of you brother?
Jonathan Denwood: Well, if you are a real estate agent and you want to own your own website. And I suggest that if you’re serious about being a successful real estate agent, you need your own website go over Mail-Right gives a cast iron guarantee that if you want to move your website, we, or move it somewhere else, free of charge. And if you’re a property investor and you’re looking for a specialized partner, so to help you with your digital marketing go to Mail-Right?
Robert Newman: Beautiful. And for those of you who don’t know me, my name is Robert Newman. I focus on, something that’s commonly referred to as search engine optimization, but that just means that I understand Google in all its different elements like YouTube and image library. If you’d like to learn about these things without being sold a product, just go over to inboundrem.com because, I give out most of my knowledge for free with no strings attached. So I’d love for everybody to learn more about SEO and you can do so at my website, in real estate specifically. Alright so with no further ado, we’re going to go to the break or our last and final break and come back with bonus material.