#306 Mail-Right Show: Real Estate Agent’s Effective Local Branding Is All Important

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Real Estate Agent’s Effective Local Branding Is All Important With Special Guests Tonya Eberhart & Michael Carr


BrandFace® is a book series, speaking series, and personal branding program for real estate professionals who want to STAND OUT from their competition and attract their ideal customers so they can become recognized and sought after real estate authorities. Tonya Eberhart & Michael Carr are the partners behind BrandFace. Their mantra is, “People don’t do business with a logo. They do business with a person.”

Our mission is to help entrepreneurs, business leaders, and real estate professionals become the face of their business & a star in their industry. We help them discover (and get recognized for) their unique point of differentiation so they can upstage, out-market and out-sell their competition.


Tonya Eberhart is the founder of BrandFace® and Branding Agent to Business Stars. She’s also the author of four books on personal branding. Tonya’s humble career began while selling vacuum cleaners door to door to pay her way through college. That led to a job in radio, where she observed local business owners who were featured in their own advertising and positioned as local celebrities in the market. That’s when she realized the power that personal branding has on a business. Almost two decades and many successful brands later, she founded BrandFace®, a personal branding firm consisting of a book series, speaking series, and personal branding program that is designed to help real estate agents differentiate themselves.

Michael Carr is America’s Top Selling Real Estate Auctioneer and the Abundant Life Broker. During his 28 years of experience, he has been actively involved in over 78,000 transactions and licensed in as many as 31 states in the continental U.S. as a broker and an auctioneer. Michael first met Tonya in 2013 when he became a client. He immediately put her exclusive personal branding concepts to work at his own brokerage, and as a result, his real estate business quadrupled over the next year and continues to grow in recognition, revenue, and recruitment. On the heels of that success, they decided to co-author BrandFace® for Real Estate Professionals, which became the #1 international bestseller on Amazon. And today, he is a partner and the COO of BrandFace®.

Their mantra is, “People don’t do business with a logo. They do business with a person.”

Robert Newman: Ladies gentlemen real estate agents of all ages and stages of their career. Welcome back to the Mail-Right show. We’re super excited to have you, and we have a returning guest today, Tonya Eberhart. And I’m sorry Tonya, I did not as a, I dropped the ball on getting the name of your partner that you’re bringing onto this particular show.

Tonya Eberhart: I’ll just let him answer that.

Micheal Carr: Michael Carr.

Robert Newman: Michael Carr, so we have Michael Carr and Tonya Eberhart. And we think so incredibly highly of these two I’ve actually used face brand, the company that Tony and Michael established to recently give some guidance on branding. So we’re really happy to have you back on the show. Why don’t you both just introduce yourself in your own words real quickly for anybody that might be new to the mail right podcast?

Tonya Eberhart:-Do, I’ll start that if you want. Okay. I’m the founder of BrandFace and I started, my journey started out years ago, actually selling vacuum cleaners door to door. I did it to pay my way through college and that’s where I learned how important personal branding was because you needed a really good, concise story to tell somebody when you went up to their house because no one wanted to let you in. So I learned that and then

Jonathan Denwood: I would let you in Tonya.

Tonya Eberhart: Thank you Jonathan [Interposed talking 01:30] as long as you bought something

Jonathan Denwood: You are not the only charming attractive lady that said that to me.

Tonya Eberhart: Well, doing the vacuum cleaner sales, I was discovered by somebody on radio and asked to come on board their radio station in the sales capacity. And it was then that I really learned about personal branding. I saw all these business owners that were almost like rock stars in their community. And the one thing they all had in common was they were the voice and the face of their own business. They did their radio commercials in their own voice. They were in their newspaper ads, their TV ads. We didn’t have internet back then. I’m telling my age here. We didn’t have it. It wasn’t even invented by them. At least not, not on a, not to the consumer for sure, but I learned so much about that. And that thread has been a common thread, a personal branding through everything I’ve done up until 2013 when we decided to go all-in and came up with the idea for BrandFace to help professionals differentiate themselves. And most of our business right now is in the real estate industry. And then I’ll let Michael pick up from there and tell how we met and became partners.

Micheal Carr: Yeah my background was actually as an auctioneer and that was, my first love still is a great love of mine. And, but the guy that trained me to be an auctioneer said, go get your real estate license, make a little bit of extra money. And I did that for many years, opened up my own firm in 2000, still just bought my own stuff, helped my family and friends buy their stuff, made a little bit of commission income, not much. But then when 2006, when our mortgage debacle was handed to us I was approached by a company out of Irvine, California finding out I was an auctioneer real estate auctioneer to broker a deal in Atlanta. And we had a successful sale of about 300 properties back in 2006. And we went after the Bear Stearns portfolio, residential portfolio when they went under and got it.

Most of it we did better than 75% of it. I ended up licensed in 33 states and have been active in over 78,000 transactions. But auctioneers work themselves out of a job. And that’s what I was doing. The market began to correct itself a little bit around 2013, I came back home, north Atlanta needed something to do, bought a piece of property, met a lady that was a great agent. She liked working with me. She said, hey, you need to open up a brokerage in our small town here in North Atlanta. And I did so and then she said my marketing stunk and it did. And she said, you need to meet my niece and I did. And I hired her company for which I did not know was applying the brand-face principles that she had been working on for 20 years.

And our company has continued to grow since then. We had one transaction in 2013, a residential arm’s length transaction. And we have doubled or even quadrupled our business every year since using the BrandFace principles. She asked me to be a partner in the company. I was very flattered and I said, okay. And now we have clients in 41 states, many cities in those 41 states 4 other countries. We just love helping real estate agents do the very things that I did. And now my 23 real estate agents in Atlanta do. So we’re very happy to be on your show and share as much as we can for all audiences and help them hopefully with their careers.

Robert Newman: That’s an amazing introduction, Michael. I got to tell you, I love you, man. You’re a storyteller extraordinaire. The memory was a little bit dusty because we do, we’ve done 160 of these, me and John together. But I remember, I remember now. All right, so John you’re not going to match up to what Michael just did, but why don’t you go ahead and introduce yourself? I would match up to it by the way. I’m not knocking you. So go ahead and introduce yourself to our new users.

s I’m the founder of Mail-Right. If you’re looking to have your own website and a toolset of digital marketing tools come to the mail right website and see what we got to offer and book a free demo or chat with me, I’ll see you soon. Thanks.

Robert Newman: Let’s dive right into it. So, Michael since you kind of gave us a longer introduction in, at the tail end of the introduction, you said, hey, the 23 agents that worked for this brokerage that I established are using the principles that BrandFace epitomizes. That’s how I understood your comments. So first let me just check-in, is that actually true? Did I understand that correctly?

Micheal Carr: you did understand it correctly. I do want to quantify it. We have out of the 23 agents that I have, all of them get the benefit of what the company does. The brokerage does in BrandFace. And they have access to all the BrandFace principles. I have nine agents that are actually branded through the program. The interesting thing about it, and I don’t know where you’re going with your question, but I want to quantify it. The interesting thing is that the nine that are branded through our program, pick one of them and they outdo all of the rest of them combined if that makes sense. So everybody gets the benefit of the knowledge that Tonya taught me. And then I get to teach them the ones that have really applied themselves do even better.

Robert Newman: All right so like just a, and it cliffs note version, I’m going to hand this one over to Tonya. Tonya, if you had to say there were, let’s just call it three surface principles with that, or any number that you choose to share, like without diving in deeper, that you would tell, like say somebody is considering hiring BrandFace and they say, what would BrandFace do for me? And how would you do it? Like what, what are the things I’m going to need to do to become a BrandFace superstar? What’s your answer

Tonya Eberhart: Ok well you hit the Magic number on the head, Robert and that defines your personal brand, develop all the pieces that express your personal brand, and display that personal brand everywhere. That’s very top-level basic. Those are the three steps we take to define, develop and display.

Robert Newman: Okay. So define, develop and display. So going back over to Michael, Michael, you’ve defined, develop, and displayed for these nine agents. You said nine of these agents are your BrandFace clients. So I’m assuming that at the top level they’ve managed to achieve each one of these things, define their brand and display it everywhere, essentially. Is that true or is that inaccurate? Okay. Can you take a single example of any one of these nine agents that come to your head and explain what was their defined brand? How does an office full of people all in the same office, a small town, which is what you said earlier on how do nine people define themselves differently, but just use one example?

Micheal Carr: Okay. I’m going to use my executive assistant Sydney Peg as a perfect example of this. This young lady came to me from high school. It was about two miles down the road. And she said I want to intern. I thought she just wanted to skip school. I’m like, okay, that’s cool. Can you make me some coffee every now and then she she’s an amazing young lady. But she said she was 17 years old. She wrote me an email. I come to find out, I wasn’t the only brokerage she wrote an email to, I was just the only one that responded. And I said, sure, if I got anything to teach you, I’ll be glad to do that. Come on in. And we did that. She began to learn what real estate was like. I started off with spinal stuff. Obviously, she was nowhere near, even out of high school yet. So, she interned for about six months for me. She did really good. I hired her. I said, I’ll give you some money and give you a stipend to continue doing, building social media and helping out stuff like that.

She went and got her real estate license right after she turned 18, which was the law’s requirement and is in most states. And she passed her test, got her license. And then she started selling a little bit of real estate. She was still working for me inside the office, helping us with office admin type of stuff. Got a couple of transactions with some family members, a little bit of experience behind it, and then she eloped with her boyfriend who had joined the Marines. All right.

Robert Newman: Like you do when you are young I’ve done similar stuff. Okay, go ahead.

Micheal Carr: She goes, Hey, I got it. Good news. I’m married. And I was like, oh, okay. That sounds wonderful. And she said I’m moving to Jacksonville, North Carolina. And I’m like, okay, that sounds good. What does that mean for us? She goes, I don’t want to lose my job. I said, I don’t want to lose my assistant. So we figured out how to do it virtually. Well, once she gets to North Carolina, she’s growing, she’s growing again. She’s an extraordinary young lady. She comes to us and she says, I want to be branded. And I want to go through the program. And we’re like, okay. So you might pause the story right there and think, okay, how are we going to establish a differentiation, a definition for a young lady that’s 18 and a half years old, married to a Marine that hopefully isn’t going to be deployed to Okinawa. That is in Jacksonville, North Carolina, we are in a corporate office, a home office is in North Atlanta.

Robert Newman: You’re reading my mind.

Micheal Carr: Exactly.

Tonya Eberhart: With this much experience.

Micheal Carr: With this much experience Like her parents’ house so we go to genius here and she goes through the questionnaire and we have a questionnaire that we send everybody through. We learn

Robert Newman: Michael, Michael, I’m going to pause you there for a second because, because just, just to break it up and keep it fair. Tonya Do you remember, do you remember this client? Do you remember this young lady?

Tonya Eberhart: Oh my goodness. Do I remember her? She said, yeah, absolutely. Yes does.

Robert Newman: So why don’t you, you, he’s saying that she went to you and she filled out a questionnaire. So why don’t you pick up the story where he’s leaving off? She picks up the questionnaire. She starts talking to you.

Tonya Eberhart: She has a lot of the same questions that set me apart. I don’t know. I’m so young people might not take me seriously because I’m so young. So we started looking at some of the things she wanted to achieve. What does she want her life to look like? Who was she as a person? What things in her life were important to her and who does she feel compelled to help? And so we figured out, okay, she loves the military. She is a military spouse. She loves working with first-time, home buyers, young people, her age, a little bit older millennials, so she really wanted to work with them. And so she is also extremely patriotic.

And so, in doing that, we gave her the brand identifier, which is like a tagline or slogan to kind of set the tone and direction for your brand. She is now known as the American dream agent. And as the American dream agent, she has the ability to tell her story. And inside of her story, it doesn’t really need to say I’ve sold 500 homes. Right. She has her broker to pull from, with that over 78,000 homes, she’s got the right broker to start with. . So she can rely on his expertise and experience and go with her heart. Like what, who does she want to help? What does she want to do in life? What things are important to her. And that’s kind of what we base that brand on. And I’ll let Michael pick up here and tell how she has achieved some success as a result.

Tonya Eberhart: That was, that was the defining stage, So once we got to that and what drove her, then, we created this definition. And then now she starts to develop that the storyline that goes with it. And like she just said, the elements that might be missing, like experience or things like that, she could rely on the brokerage. That’s what we were there for. And then during the development phase, we built out a website do all the things that come with that, all the peripherals that we’ll go about it. And she begins to live this will, of course, she’s a shoo-in right. She’s right outside of the base campus in June. Next thing she’s meeting other spouses they are wanting to buy property there that are other, other people that are being deployed to that base.

She ends up partnering with another agent that is down there because we looked at open up a brokerage. I’ve got a North Carolina license. I’ve had a North Carolina broker’s license for nearly 20 years and we could have opened up a firm there, but we decided to partner with another person down there before she ever comes back. And four years she’s got eight transactions underneath their belt in North Carolina, all from being the American dream agent and us developing that. And then displaying that everywhere that she went down to her cards, all of her peripheral stock you know down to her tag on her Jeep American dream agent we just put it everywhere and she lives it explicitly. Like she dreams of places to put it even down to putting it on the back of her Mac book. So when she opens up her Mac book, she’s sitting at the coffee shop, it says American dream agent, right across it with her logo, the company logo underneath it she’s carrying our brokerage logo everywhere. She goes, but she’s also promoting herself.

And because I’m a broker that believes that the agent themselves are the front line, they have to be out there meeting the people. I don’t get to meet all our clients. I wish I could, but my dreams are to have so many clients I can’t. So I said the ideal, they carry that their own brand and to have their own fame and success in it. And if we’ve done that with eight other people, they’re all different inside of my brokerage.

Robert Newman: Well guys, you’ve knocked it out of the park with the first half of the show. I don’t know about anybody else, but I’ve learned quite a few things I’m realizing in the course of this talk that I need to update my tagline on my own website. And, I’d like to think that I know that they get you about the brand, but you guys, I’m excited about the story. It was a great story. We’re going to go to break when we come back, John, I’m not gonna let you sit silently throughout the whole podcast. You are gonna have to be teed up with the next question for Tonya and Michael. Okay. All right. We’ll be right back. Stay tuned.

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Robert Newman: Welcome back to episode number 306 of the mail right podcast we’re here with the absolutely amazing Michael Carr and Tonya Eberhart. I hope I got both. Correct. We’re talking about the brand and they’ve shared some amazing stories in the first half of the show so if you didn’t catch it, please go back, rewind it. I promise you if you’re an agent anywhere in the first 10 years of your career, you could probably list lists, do to hear what they just said. And with that, my amazing co-host is going to pick it up and give these two brand experts, a question or two.

Jonathan Denwood: Before we went live Tonya, you were talking about a new tool that you have developed to help agents because I would imagine when you say we’re going to find your personal brand you kind of, you get that rabbit eye look of fear in their eye. So you’ve developed this tool to help the process maybe you can tell the listeners and viewers about that.

Tonya Eberhart: Absolutely. So a lot of people have this misconception of branding that if you have some good photos or a logo or a tagline that you’re branded, but that’s not necessarily true because a brand is so much more than those three things. There’s a fullness of a brand. It contains your story. And so we created this tool called BrandFace score to help score how someone’s personal brand is representing them. So is it representing you well, or could it use improvement? So if you go to brandfacescore.com, you can choose whether you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, or in the real estate industry, go in, fill out a short little form and it will score your personal brand and let you know where it could use improvement.

Robert Newman: That’s pretty cool. I love that. I love that concept and I’d never heard of it before. John, do you have a follow up.?

Jonathan Denwood: No it just sounds excellent because when I’ve consulted real estate agents that have approached me for the demo, but basically for the chat really about out their digital online marketing, I’m a strong believer in what you believe that you’re there to build a local strong local brand. If you don’t have a strong message, the digital marketing that only makes the situation worse because you are demoing a weakness a lack of where we succeed is when, when the agent really has sorted that out. So what do you think are some of the fundamental one or two things that agents totally misunderstood- I think you just touched them. Do you think they just do think it’s just a logo and a tagline and that’s it?

Tonya Eberhart: Yeah. I mean, I think a lot of people have that misconception because you think about a brand is very ethereal and then you and they think of it as more business branding than personal branding too. It’s like our saying is a great brand, doesn’t just help me figure this out, but for the profession

[Interposed talkin19:54 ]

Micheal Carr: It’s not enough to be known for your profession, you must be known for being different-

Tonya Eberhart: In your profession. I couldn’t click with that today

Jonathan Denwood: To link this. I know there might be a specific area where this wouldn’t apply if you’re in a very isolated, rural area, but so you- I find with a lot of agents, I say to them, you’ve got to find your niche. You got a link, your brand with a niche, which will kind of place you outside of all the other agents that are bombarding people. And I get a lot of resistance, cause they say, well, we don’t want to reject anybody. We want, we want to appeal to everybody. And I say by appealing to everybody you are going to appeal to nobody. Dodo you have that conversation when a lot of agents initially approach you?

Tonya Eberhart: Every day, every day as new people come in and want to come into the program and learn about it, their fears that they’re going to box themselves in. And we tell them, I’ll just give you an example here. Let’s say, first of all your niche can be in several different areas. It doesn’t just mean your geographic area. You could have a niche in in a property type like waterfront property, like condos. You could have a niche in the type of customers that you want to serve, the attributes, some of your attributes, your niche could be in your type of experience. For instance, we have agents who focus a lot on divorced people, or what’s the other you know which one I’m trying to say.

Micheal Carr: downsizer, [Inaudible]

Tonya Eberhart: Yeah, yeah, so those specifics, so there are lots of ways that you can niche down into a specific, customer type or property type or whatever, be known for something specific. When, when people are looking at me, I don’t want to box myself in the thing we want them to understand is it’s not about boxing you in, it’s helping you focus. So let’s say for instance, if somebody says, my ideal customers are downsizers, I’ve been through that phase of life myself. I know it. I know what to expect. I can guide them through it. And we say, that’s fantastic. And, and they said, well, we don’t want to shut anybody else out. Well, here’s what you need to understand. It’s not about shutting out anybody else. It doesn’t mean you say no when a first-time home buyer comes around or a move-up family or anybody else. It just means that you don’t spend your time, money, and marketing efforts focusing on all those other people. You spend your time, money, and marketing efforts focusing on your ideal customers. You don’t have to turn everybody else away, but you do have to be focused because if you try to help everybody like you just said, Jonathan, you just help yourself right out of business.

Jonathan Denwood: That’s so well put over to you, Robert.

Robert Newman: I actually agree with that. Its funny guys While we’ve been on the phone here, I came up with a new tagline for my own company and I sent it off to my branding and content team, which by the way Michael and Tonya reached out to you. So when we first did the show, I didn’t have a team. Now do have a team, but I sent it out to them. An idea that I had based on the idea of a memorable tagline that you guys, my brand is pretty defined as an inbound marketing brand, but it could be better defined by a tagline. Anyway, I’m just saying that as an aside. So I agree that in terms of figuring out who your ideal customer is for you, I would say this, and I wanna, I wanna run this by you guys.

I think that something very helpful in developing a brand or another way another set of language to use in understanding the story of you. Who you are? Because that’s what I heard when you guys told me this story of the assistant. You helped her identify who, she was in marketing lingo because she’s a young woman married to a service member. So obviously that’s the patriotic thing. Needless to say, that’s her story. That’s not all of our stories. I would say that understanding what your own personal story is, it’s extremely important in identifying brand. How do you guys go about that statement?

Micheal Carr: Absolutely.

Robert Newman: Yeah. Okay.

Tonya Eberhart: Definitive yes of course.

Micheal Carr: Because she said it a long time ago, people don’t do business with a logo. They do business with a person, right. And that’s true on any level of business, All the way down to heads of state meeting with heads of state. People and if they understand, and we also know statistically speaking, NAR has already long since told us years ago that 85% of the people that are going to do business with you look you up online and your social media before they ever contact you. Nobody wants to commit. And especially in the world we live in now, they want to know, was this person, what’s it going to be like, am I going to get a leach? Am I going to get somebody to never leave me alone? Am I going to like, we have all these we’re taught to, I know whatever. Don’t let people in that sort of thing. So when they look us up, they need to see your story. What motives you to be the American dream agent or to be somebody who helps locate lifestyle or downsizers and people are attracted to that.

Robert Newman: So I’m gonna, I’m going to actually start to riff with you both a little bit and with John as well if he wants to throw it in here, because the kind of conversation that you guys are talking about, what you do for BrandFace. I have all the time with real estate agents, but digital and branding are slightly different, but in some ways they intersect. Okay. And the way that they intersect is having a strong defined message online is very helpful to generate leads. It’s just a good way to generate digital leads, which is absolutely 100% my business. So we meet in the middle and always people are talking to me about selecting things like verticals because every single real estate agent who has had a license for more than a year has heard from some professional like us, that you should have a vertical, right?

That you should focus on a niche segment, but that’s way easier said than done. It really is. Like, if you think about it as like, do I want to sell condos? Do I want to sell an oceanfront property? Do I want to,- I think that people who are giving this advice or giving it in the wrong way, and this is the part where it becomes open dialogue. I think that the way to identify vertical is first to have a conversation with yourself about who you are and what you like? Like I personally hate luxury. I know that’s weird, but I do. That’s where the money is at for sure in real estate, but I’m not a dude that wants to run around and talk to millionaires and billionaires all day long. I think that that would be a ridiculous waste of my time.

I want to talk to your average homeowner. I want to talk to real people or artists or creatives. And that’s how I’d start to define myself because I am creative and I want to talk to other creatives. So that would be something that I would enjoy spending my time doing every single day. If all you did was give me the opportunity to talk to creative people all day long, I’m going to die a happy dude. That’s fine with me. I’m good with that. If I happen to make some money along the way that would be even better, like if I helped some people made some money that would be great. So how would you then define that in terms of a real estate vertical? I have some ideas, but I’d like to let you guys share.

Jonathan Denwood: If they’re up for that, they can do that in our bonus content are you okay to stay with us for some bonus content? We need to wrap up. You can answer what Roberts just said. So, Robert, we need to wrap up the podcast part of the show and people can watch their replies in our bonus content.

Robert Newman: Did they say yes? Did you guys say, oh, okay? I didn’t see I’ve got a limited screen. All right Well, ladies and gentlemen, listen, guys, everybody, thank you so much for listening to the show. I’m going to speak a little bit for our guests, but almost all of our guests are the same as us. We really appreciate it when you listen, when you tune in. John and I do, for sure, we’ve had countless conversations about how grateful we are about how big the show’s grown and how many of you tune in to listen month in and month out. If you feel like being nice to us, go ahead and give us a thumbs up on apple iTunes. It makes a difference in how the show gets shown inside the apple iTunes search engine. It means a lot to us because we’d like other people to get help the same with that. Hopefully, we’re helping you. If people would like to look you up, Michael Tonya and guys, thank you so much for coming on the show. How would they go about doing that?

Tonya Eberhart: You’re so welcome. And thank you for having us BrandFace real estate.com for your audience BrandFace real estate.com.

Robert Newman: And guys For those a BrandFacescore.com, which actually goes to BrandFace tar hyphen score anyway, but anyway, score, that was a cool tool for those of you listening, I’m going to plug it for the sake of our guests here. John goes ahead. And how would people find you?

Jonathan Denwood: Yeah. Before that, help the show grow by telling your fellow agents, your friends, your office, about the mail right podcast. You’d be doing them a favor. And it’s the way that the show really grows by word of mouth. So please do that. And if you want to look at the fantastic product that we offer, we offer a website that you own you don’t lease, you own it. Plus a suite of amazing digital marketing tools goes to the mail right website, and we love to help you.

Robert Newman: Beautiful. My name is Robert Newman. I help agents get better leads by developing better content. That’s the tagline. I just came up with guys. Don’t know if it’s going to stick, but that’s what I just made up while we’re on the show. So if I end up using it for the next 10 years, you guys had something to do with that. Also, I’m going to do them, sorry.

Micheal Carr: That’s awesome.

Robert Newman: Also guys, I’m going to do the rarest of the rare, and I’m going to plug something that we’ve been doing at inboundREM. We actually just released a brand new product. It’s our first and only brand-based product for specifically for luxury agents, which is you guys don’t even know this, but that’s my history. That’s where I came from luxury. Building luxury websites is where I started 15 years ago inside the real estate marketing industry.

So anyway, the first example of this, if anybody wants to look at it and give me your thoughts, you can email me@robertatinboundrem.com, and here’s the URL its luxuryCallsbadhomes.com. That is a brand new product. That’s the first branded website that I’ve personally built in over 15 years. I’d love to collect your thoughts. And when I say personally built, I mean my team, but they did it under my direction. So it’s all my guys, my gals that worked for me, which there are many and I’m super grateful. I think they killed it. I’d love to hear what everybody thought. All right for those of you who are still interested, stay tuned, we’ll catch you on the bonus section.



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