279 Mail-Right Show Special Guest Chris Anuszewski
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We Discuss How To Build An Effective Digital Leads Team In 2021 With Chris Anuszewski
Chris serves as the Vice President of Operations at The Figueroa Team with over a decade of experience in leadership, growth, and production management in multiple industries. His strength lies in leveraging his technical background in order to provide detailed analysis and identify ways to streamline business operations to better serve clients, as well as increase the scale of business.
Chris has extensive experience in web development, project management, IT infrastructures, CRM administration, sales, customer service, and the legal field. His cornerstone is developing strong relationships with colleagues and clients through honesty and care. He is a firm believer in fitness and healthy living but also has a knack for being quite the foodie.
You’ll often find him at the best local eateries searching for the next new delicious dish. One of his greatest joys in life is helping others discover and experience new foods. Chris takes pride in helping others whether it’s his colleagues, clients buying or selling homes, or friends looking for the best place to get a bite to eat.
Robert Newman: Welcome to episode number 279 of the Mail-Right Show. I’m totally psyched out of my mind today; we have Chris Anuszewski with us. Now, Chris is the former VP of operations for a big influential real estate team in the Southern Florida area. I will let him explain what his history is, but we are going to crack out on digital marketing at a very high-level. Today we’re going to talk about Zillow, we’re going to talk about his experiences using them, and we’re also going to riff a little bit on where we think the industry as a whole is going in terms of the broad picture, digital marketing.
So, no further ado, Chris, why don’t you do your own introduction, and let people know a little bit about your history and who you are.
Chris Anuszewski: All right. Guys first John, Robert, thanks for having me on the show. I’m stoked to be here and kind of share some knowledge and insight from my perspective, to give you a little background. I actually come from a background of operations prior to joining real estate; I was a VP of operations for a small business in a totally different industry for about 13 years. Decided to make a change joined real estate and picked that up very quickly. As you mentioned, Robert, I was the VP of operations for the last couple of years for a very big team, a well-known team across the US, based out of Orlando, Florida.
We had about 40, 50 ish active agents at any given time and about 20 plus staff members. We have a kind of unique experience because we were the Zillow offers’ kind of exclusive broker partner for the central Florida area. We also test piloted a lot of the Zillow programs. I’ve recently this year just left that position in order to pursue my own dreams and start my own team and I have my hat on here. My home of central Florida group, that’s my own team, my own group and things are moving very quickly and it’s already been an exciting year and it’s only been a month and a half, so it’s been awesome.
Robert Newman: Yeah. And one of those many levels of excitement was in us meeting each other, but we’ll cover that in a minute before we do that. I want to introduce my amazing co-host and also introduce him to you, Chris. John is a technologist and he’s kind of like one of my people, in my heart of hearts, John is a WordPress development technologist, and he has been working on a real estate specific piece of technology, trying to bring some really advanced real estate lead generation and website capabilities to more of the newer agent audience.
He’s been working long and hard on it, I think he’s really, really close to having it, like at a high operational level. John, why don’t you go ahead and introduce yourself to our viewers and listeners.
Jonathan Denwood: Yeah. Thanks, Robert. Appreciate the intro. So, I’m the CEO of Mail-Right, and what is Mail-Right? Mail-Right is a platform of tools that enable you to get quality leads at an affordable price. We mostly use the power of Facebook and then we drive them and then send text, emails, and we also have a really quite easy CRM to use, plus a couple of other elements. So, it’s fantastic where you go over to the Mail-Right website, mail-right.com have a look to offer, book a demo with me, and I’m sure you’ll decide to become part of the Mail-Right Tribe. Back over to you, Robert.
Robert Newman: Amazing. So, here’s a bald face admittance or something I’m just going to own up to everybody who’s listening to the show. Listen [Cross-Talking 00:04:01].
Jonathan Denwood: I’m interested now.
Robert Newman: Yeah. Chris is, Chris is, is absolutely a Robert, I just wanted to talk to this guy online because we had a great conversation; he actually called me to ask some questions about some SEO stuff. And in the course of that conversation, I really understood that he and I really jelled on where our view of digital marketing is going. The difference though is that Chris has actually done the stuff that you and I talk about, John. He has piloted the programs, used the digital marketing tools, used the CRMs, and used the big marketing companies that we love to talk about.
And he’s dealt with the agents on the other side, he’s been the guy, I like to say, he’s the monkey in the middle. He’s the guy that understands tech that everybody comes to in his own team, and then kind of does the things that they do to us, John, where they ask what they think are super simple questions, but they’re not. And they’re huge things. Anyway, I’m super excited to talk to him, we’re going to kick off the conversation because Chris, in your former role, and by the way, super excited for you, Chris, that you’re doing your own thing. Let’s not let that get overshadowed.
The only reason we’re going to talk about your previous role is that you had the opportunity to engage with digital marketing at a very high level, and you’ll get there with your own thing, I have no doubt. But in this program that you did, you mentioned in the intro that you piloted for Zillow, you piloted some programs. Could you tell us a little bit about which programs and can you start there?
Chris Anuszewski: Yeah, absolutely. So, I had the privilege of being a part of a big team, in an influential team. And part of that was the fact that Zillow often came to us to test pilot programs. And so, one of those programs that is probably the most popular today is Zillow offers, it’s their iBuyer program. We test marketing that I want to say three years before it launched in Orlando and a good two years before it launched anywhere, Phoenix was the first market that it launched in.
But we had it under a different kind of code name two years before that. So, that was a big program that we test-marketed of an iBuyer where they’re coming out, they’re offering cash for sellers’ homes, giving them a quick turnaround on their sell so they can buy something quickly. So, we did some test piloting of that. Another one is what’s now known as Zillow Flex, it’s more of a referral-based lead gen program rather than a pay-per-lead kind of system.
And we test-marketed that probably almost four, five years I want to say before that really started hitting the markets and it’s still kind of in its beginning stages, they only have it in some major markets and things like that. So, we had the privilege of test marketing that, and even just kind of being able to see those are two of the main ones, but we even got to see some kind of iterations of maybe what we test-marketed didn’t come to fruition altogether, but bits and pieces of it did throughout the program. So, that was very cool.
And one of the biggest eye-openers for me was when I would go to their annual conference and I would hear them speaking about, hey, we’re getting ready to roll sound. I’m like, man, we knew about this months ago, years ago, and people go, oh my God, they’re doing this. And I’m like, meh, they’re still behind the curve. So, it’s interesting to see what’s out there way ahead of time, and that was a cool privilege that I happened to partake in.
Robert Newman: Well, you and I have had the chance to talk for just hours and days. So John, before I just kind of go into it because Chris and I were even on the phone yesterday talking about what we wanted to try to share with the world on this interview. So, if you have a question, why don’t you kick it in now because I certainly have tons or tons of directions to go?
Jonathan Denwood: So, I looked at your background and I would say that you have always been involved on the digital side for the agency and been really directly involved in lead generation. So, in the next 18 months, are there any particular aspects of digital marketing that’s getting you excited, Chris that you’d like to share with the audience?
Chris Anuszewski: I think that from what I’ve seen in the digital trend and from where it’s been the past few years and where it’s going, I think the thing I’m most excited about is I feel like the end consumer and in this case, the young consumer being an agent, just a standard line-level agent has more access to tech tools than they have ever had before.
And you even mentioned your own and not to plug your system, I don’t even know a lot about Mail-Right just to put a disclaimer out to everybody, but your whole goal that I could see is you’re trying to put an agent that maybe is not tech-savvy, which there’s a ton out there. You’ve got a small set of agents that are also tech nerds like us here on this call and that could really go deep dive.
Whereas now you’re saying, okay I can see where people can buy a program or system, Mail-Right, Ylopo, and they’re a ton out there where they’re able to market to a whole new target audience, remarket to them, and really not know a lot about technology. It’s kind of like a turnkey plug and plays, that’s the coolest thing that I think is coming in where it’s like, it kind of only existed in this little niche of tech nerd slash realtors, or now it’s like, an agent that has no clue how to even use an iPhone or something can now go, hey, get me set up right with their onboarding tools and then press play.
Just tell me how much I got to spend per month and approximately how many leads I get for that money, and cool, we’re good to go. And they’re higher intent leads too, which is cool.
Jonathan Denwood: Yeah. I think that the other just a quick follow-up question and then over to Robert is that I think one of the things Chris, that I and Robert have been trying, I think that there have been two consistent themes in the past year. One is the importance of video and second that there isn’t an all-embracing platform that suits every agent and also that agent needs change over time. So, Mail-Right is aimed at the agent between the one and three-year span, that’s what we focus on; an individual agent in the middle or end of their first year up to their third year.
I think that we’re a great solution where Robert, platform is more suitable for an agent of your experience. So, there isn’t the perfect CRM, you might have to change as your career moves and that comes to CRMs in general. It really depends on what kind of agent you are, where you are, and what your targets are really. So, when somebody comes to us and says, what is the perfect CRM? Well, it depends, would you agree with that?
Chris Anuszewski: Oh, 100%. And I could speak to some very, very recent as well as my experience. I’m mentoring some agents that have also gone out on their own and or are just getting started as I’m a certified mentor for my brokerage. And one of the things that I’ve done is I’ve just taken the due diligence to look at various CRMs, just for my own knowledge, I’m a nerd like that. I want to know everything about anything. And, I’m so glad you brought that up because one of the things that I’ve noticed is that it does really depend on what’s your business plan, what’s your marketing strategy.
Do you want to be an agent or a team or a brokerage that’s based on sphere leads only? Like, hey, I want to get past clients and work their sphere and get their colleagues and their brothers and their sisters referred to me and really not spend a lot on internet leads, or are you the inverse are you someone that wants to do big-time internet lead spend and get in front of 300 clients a month or possible leads. And dependent upon that goal, your CRM is going to make a huge difference in what platform you go with and then your tech level of skill is going to change.
Robert and I were literally just having this conversation yesterday about the video, the importance of video, and things like that. And so, if you really want to hit all things, you kind of have to be multifaceted, you have to know YouTube or at least hire a professional that knows it. If you’re tech-savvy, someone like myself you might go with something like Follow Up Boss, but if you’re maybe not so tech-savvy and you need it all in one solution maybe you’re going to go with something more canned, like Top Producer or BoomTown or something like that.
It’s not to down talk any of them by all means they’re feature-rich but it depends on where you want to go. And also, do you want to connect with third-party systems because you can go with the all-in-one solution, but if you want the best of, hey, what’s the best video emailer, what’s the best text follow-up. Maybe it’s a third party that can connect to your CRM that integrates with everything.
God, the team we were on, we had a million integrations, Zapier was a savior for those ones that maybe didn’t have any direct integration built-in, but you just zapped some stuff over and boom, you’re good to go. We had God, probably 20, 30 different systems we integrated with.
Jonathan Denwood: Yeah. Over to you, Robert.
Chris Anuszewski: Sorry to be long-winded, I don’t know.
Robert Newman: No, no, no. Chris, that’s exactly why I wanted you on the show, and I know most of the time John, and I try to keep it simple, but today I wanted to do, there’s a handful of people that follow us that are more than just in the beginning of their career. They are advanced users, and for that very small audience, that’s what today’s show is all about. And I have so many questions, I think at some point we might even need Chris back on and have a conversation about applications or integrations that you put into your particular lead funnel, because you said, hey, there’s 20 or 30.
And I personally because you and I, already know this, but we’re similar personality types, I’d like to talk to you about each and every single one and why did you use it. That’s what my inclination is, that’s where my heart is at, but we probably don’t have the time on the show to do that.
So, instead, let’s stick with the high-level stuff, and let’s talk about Zillow because there’re a lot of people who are listening to the show and a lot of people are going to watch the show who either use, Zillow, have thought about using Zillow or are curious to know what a power user spots would be about. Because go ahead, John.
Jonathan Denwood: We need to go for our break, you put your question first, and then we can wait in desperate need.
Robert Newman: Okay. So, here’s the question. And it’s a few partners it’s a John question, actually. So, here’s what I want my question to be, and then we’ll go to break. I want to know what you, as a cutting, bleeding edge, power user of Zillow, where you think the future of that company and that service is going okay, that’s number one. And we’re not committing you to anything, this is a personal opinion it’s not a guarantee or anything else.
It’s merely, what are your personal thoughts on where they are going? Okay. And then the second part of the question is I would like to get some specifics about how you really truly felt about all their different variations, because you said you tried three different types of Zillow, and I’m sure that you were probably also powering down probably hundreds, maybe even thousands of their leads. So, I’d kind of like to hear in general, how you felt the leads were, and then from there, maybe we even go into how you’re following up with them, but the first part, the second part, the third party. Okay.
Chris Anuszewski: Okay.
Jonathan Denwood: I think you’ve gone well beyond one of my questions. We’re going to go for our break; we’ll be back in a few moments.
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Robert Newman: Welcome back to the Mail-Right Show it’s episode 279, we are so stoked out of our minds that you guys have joined us today, thank you very much. We’re here with Chris Anuszewski and he is a former VP of operations, current owner, CEO of his own real estate operation. And he used to be and is working his way back into a power user of some of the digital marketing companies and tools that we always talk about on this show.
Today, we’re talking about Zillow and I queued up a couple of questions before the break, which is; what are his thoughts about where the future of Zillow is going? What, help me out, Chris, what was the second part?
Chris Anuszewski: The different programs that we used.
Robert Newman: Yeah, the different programs that you used and then maybe even what the qualities of those programs were.
Chris Anuszewski: So yeah, I guess I’ll dive right in, and as you said, before the break, this is just my opinion obviously they’re a multi-million dollar company and they shift the direction of the ship anytime they want. From my kind of perspective of my experience, I think it’s been very clear the way that they’ve been going from day one. It’s a very polarizing topic, too, you have people that absolutely hate Zillow out there, just go cruise any realtor boards.
You have people that love them, and then you have people in the middle. But I think where they’re going and you kind of saw that shift towards the middle-end of last year, where they became customer-centric, and not that they weren’t customer-centric before, but they kind of doubled down on that. In their own regard, they said, the way that we were dealing before, it was like, okay, when agents were buying leads, so kind of PPL, pay-per-lead or have your monthly spend and cool, leads, cost 35 bucks a lead, pop in this zip code but go over here and they’re 85 bucks.
When those were going, they would just send them, hey, whoever’s willing to buy those leads, cool, we’re going to send them leads. That was Zillow. But then what they realized was we’re really just taking this, lead this customer, and kind of helping them over the fence and chucking them over the fence and then going, okay, good luck. Hopefully that agent contacts you, follows up with you, shows you homes, teaches you right, gets you into a new home. We’re just going to take our cash for sending them over the fence and then hope for the best.
Well, then they kind of came around and said, hey, twofold one should we take better care of the customers that are on our platform? Make sure they’re being connected with an agent that is going to call them right away, follow up with them and close them and get them home. Help them see their home goals, and then also we can get more money for that because now if we can deliver higher intent leads and things like that, we can charge more money.
And that’s where Flex came out, Flex was a program where they said, we’re going to do away with the paper lead. We’re going to give you leads at no upfront cost to you but if you close any of those leads then you’re going to give us a referral fee. Just like if a broker from another state said, hey, I have someone selling here in Texas, Chris you’re in Orlando, they want to buy a home there. Will you give me a 25% referral fee? And I’m going, yeah, of course, that’s a high intent lead.
So, the drawl is to be able to say, well, I don’t pay upfront. I’m going to pay a pretty big kicker in the end, but I’m only paying when I close, I’m paying in perpetuity, so it’s very attractive. From a Zillow perspective, it’s like, again, we know the customer is getting taken care of and we can kind of make some more money off it.
And then they paired it with the best of Zillow, which is based on follow-up surveys that a customer receives within 24 hours of them sending you that lead, that customer is going to get a survey within 24 hours that says, did you connect with the agent? Are you going to be using that agent? What would you rate that agent out of five stars? And that rating directly affects whether or not you’re going to receive leads. If you’re best of Zillow, that means you have a customer score of 90% or higher, they will send you leads, if you’re below that they can cut you off. You won’t even be eligible for their program, so they really doubled down on it; we want to make sure that people are being taken care of by agents that are at the top of their class.
So, I think in some senses, people hate and by people, I mean, agents get upset at it, but in the other sense, I’m like to me, I go, that’s accountability, it’s making you level your game up. If you’re not at the, A, of your game and follow up on customer service, you shouldn’t really be dealing with customers in my opinion anyways. And I think that’s some kind of opinion of Zillow.
Robert Newman: That makes a lot of sense. So, you’re covering all the different iterations of programs that you personally, so you’re kind of giving us a verbal historical description of kind of the evolution of Zillow.
Chris Anuszewski: Yeah. And it’s out there they’re putting it out there. And I think to go back to the first part of the question, the future. So, those little things have kind of showed us, okay. They created a platform that was easy to use. I mean, God as realtors, we know we can send them all we want from our MLS, the interface is not great, customers are already used to using something comfortable like Zillow or whatever and so they stay on it.
So, they first invested their money in a great platform; in my opinion, it’s user-friendly, it’s easy to see, they have so much information at their fingertips. A customer could go on there and see what it lasts sold for; we’re no longer the gatekeepers as agents. And then they focus on customer-centric kind of service, the next iteration, and we all know it. We saw their announcement towards the end of last year, the Zillow offers, they were partnered with local teams and brokerages to do all of the sales and the help and whatnot of helping acquire a customer’s property, and then put it back on the market.
They’re cutting them completely out in the middle of this year, they’ve already started rolling that out. So, now they’re bringing it, in-house their own agents, they’re brokered in almost every state in the United States now. They have their own in-house agents, and on one hand, as an agent, you put on the agent hat and you go, how can they do that? I supported them for years, I gave them the money I paid for leads, yadda, yadda, yadda but on the other hand, if you look at Zillow’s perspective, they’re going well, what’s the next step in making sure that the customer is being handled in the best way, the same way every single time.
Well, you put an employee in place of the agent and I want to just put a disclaimer, I’m not defending Zillow, I’m just throwing out there what we all should see. I don’t think anyone could be upset that if you paid in for their leads and then you can’t turn around and they go, I can’t believe you pulled the rug out from underneath me. They’ve been very upfront the whole time of what they’re doing, they’re there to connect a customer with an agent, but they’re also a business, and what’s a business there to do, it’s there to make money.
Jonathan Denwood: Can I quickly say something? I thought it was fantastic, what you’ve just said, Chris. I just have a slightly different spin on it. Is that I think what they’re doing with wholesaling has a slightly different spin, but fundamentally it’s wholesaling. And the other factor is I think what people have to understand is that Zillow is a publicly-traded company, and there’s a consequence for that.
It has to grow at a certain level of the expectation of the market, and you do wonder, without going into wholesaling and some of these other activities, how they’re going to grow Zillow anymore. I really wonder about where the growth is going to come from because I don’t think it’s really a suitable public company. It’s probably better in private hands than a publicly listed company because of that reason, not that somehow it’s going to collapse.
Look at Dell computers, still a highly profitable business, but there was a time where it was better that it became a private company again, rather than a public company. And I really see the wholesaling side I understand what you’re saying but I felt it was like a bridge too far, really. I think when they started to decide to go into wholesaling, they were burning quite a few bridges. So I think there were consequences. Sorry, that was just my bit.
Chris Anuszewski: Oh yeah. No. And I agree. I do think that they probably have burned, well; we know they’ve burned bridges. As I said, just go peruse any realtor board and you’ve got ones that are vehemently against them and you’ve got ones that just say, oh, I’ll never do this. If I can give a recommendation to any agent, whether it’s about Zillow or any lead source, never put your eggs all in one basket. I think the ones that are vehemently angry are also probably, there’s probably some kind of coinciding of was that a majority of their business?
And I came from a team that was very heavy Zillow. So, that was one thing that we looked at was okay, we love them, we love the leads, we love the volume of leads, but we’ve also got to diversify. Because if you say, oh, I’m all realtor.com, I’m all Zillow, I’m all Opcity, that’s whatever is your main lead source. I’m all Google PPC, you’ve got to diversify and you can’t put all your eggs in one basket and you really have to follow up with your past clients. God, that’s where the bread and butter is, for me building my team, that’s been a basis.
Goodness, I’ve had a ton of sphere and just referrals because I took care of my clients. But yeah, I think a lot of the people get mistaken and they kind of were going all-in on it. And then now they feel like the rug has been pulled out from underneath them. And yeah, as you said, they burned some bridges, but at the same time, they’re a big company they’re going to do what’s in their best interest first.
Jonathan Denwood: But would you agree? You do wonder where they’re going to get that substantial growth from where they are now. Do you think like, oh, sorry?
Chris Anuszewski: It’s just that I think it is in the pulling the operations internally. Putting their own agents in front of it because now they’re not having to pay commissions out to agents that are bringing a buyer, or listing their houses for them.
Jonathan Denwood: So, what you’re saying is that their plan is to become a larger Redfin.
Chris Anuszewski: I guess that’s a good comparison. I think that’s a good comparison.
Robert Newman: I’m going to jump in here guys because I’ve been silent this whole time. And listen, I like to shake shit a little bit more than John does, so, and a little bit more than you do, to be honest. So, I think that there’s always been only one path that Zillow could take, and we’re seeing part of it right now, because of all the reasons that you two have already pointed out. I think that Zillow is a big company, they have to grow, they’re being forced to do so by their shareholders.
I will commend them for good leadership, Chris, because actually some of the stuff that you shared about how customer-centric they are, I didn’t know myself. I’ve never had anybody explain it to me in the level of detail, which is why I just went totally silent. You didn’t even do it in any of our previous calls, leading up to this interview so that I was just like, oh, I didn’t know they did all that, but here’s the thing I do strongly believe they have to go in the direction of taking over the entire transaction from start to finish.
I think they have to take their dominant place as an online brokerage and continue to try to leverage that bleeding edge of can we buy and sell homes completely virtually online? And then I think that part of what they’re doing to assuage the feelings of the real estate industry as a whole is to say, oh, but we’ll let some realtors get in the middle of the transaction and do a couple of things so that you can get a taste because they know that if they move too suddenly in the direction of cutting out all the realtors, they will quite literally bone themselves.
Because there’re a lot of Goodwill kinds of things that happen inside the real estate industry, as it pertains to Zillow, you can’t piss off every big team in the country simultaneously and believe that that’s going to be good for your business, even if you were trying to automate it all. Because at some level the users of Zillow talk to realtors who are boots on the ground, and they’re going to keep hearing, we hate Zillow, we hate Zillow.
And eventually, if they wanted to as a whole entire industry, realtors could come up with some other tool that would work just as well that they would send people to manually. And it already exists by the way this tool exists, and then that they could do the searches in there and cut Zillow out entirely. So, it behooves them to do this change gradually, but the writing is on the wall, in my opinion.
Chris Anuszewski: I think it’s been there. It’s just like I said, it’s kind of why I went into that history is that I’m kind of shocked when I read other realtors and they’re like, I can’t believe they’re doing this. And like, what can’t you believe, it’s been kind of a stepping stone process the whole way, and again, they’re a business. And that’s not any different than I’ve seen some other, really what I would call rockstar bad-ass teams and brokerages, where they’ve got ancillary services.
They’re handling title service now, they’re doing insurance services, they’re doing property management, and another realtor would look at them and go, wow, I want to be like them one day and have all of the different facets from the transaction from start to finish. Well, that’s exactly what Zillow’s doing. They’ve been doing that all along and kind of bringing in their own title company and their own home loans company and, those sorts of things and offering incentives to use all of those things and partnering with new home builders.
So, I think it’s just the writing’s on the wall, I think a lot of people maybe were either naive or just blind to it. They weren’t paying attention and now they feel like it’s caught them off guard, but I don’t feel like it’s moved that quickly, I feel like it’s been kind of a pretty steady transition this whole time.
Jonathan Denwood: We need to ramp up the post-call show, but hopefully Chris will stay on for bonus content because I’ve got a question around Redfin that I’d like to put to you in the bonus content. So, maybe you can wrap up the show, Robert.
Robert Newman: Sure. All right. So, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we can’t tell you how much we appreciate you tuning into this show today. We are hoping that you gained some insight from our amazing guest. And of course, John and I would be ever so grateful if occasionally you said, hey, you guys didn’t suck either. So, we could use that input by some additional reviews on our Apple iTunes storefront.
Okay. It’s under the Mail-Right brand, and it’s on the iTunes store, if you’re listening to the show right now, you’ve already been there to download the show, please do us a favor and leave us some updated reviews on that platform. We have plenty, we’re a five-star show, a lot of them are a little old. Having said that Chris, if somebody wanted to an agent in your area somebody, whatever, whatever, if they wanted to get in touch with you, how would they do that right now?
Chris Anuszewski: You can hit me up on Facebook under my name, Chris Anuszewski, or my new team brand. It’s @homesofCFL on Instagram, Facebook to hit me up there, send me a DM. If you want a mastermind, I love love, love to mastermind, and kind of learn from each other.
Robert Newman: Okay. So, Chris is a little newer to the podcast world. So, Chris, I’m going to go back through one of your handles slower so that the audience can actually find you it’s, homes of Cat, Frank, Lima, right? All right. So, find him there on Facebook or Instagram, if you should choose to. Jonathan for all those new listeners and viewers that we have actually really been getting. What how would you like people to reach out to you?
Jonathan Denwood: Yeah, just go to the mail-right.com, sign up, we’re doing a special deal for agents that sign with us in the next six months, the first three months of using the Mail-Right platform you won’t be charged. So, you get free months, all you have to pay for is for the Facebook adverts, it goes through your own Facebook ad account. So, you can see that every penny goes into adverts, but we won’t charge you, so our service will be free for the first three months. So, it’s a great offer. Isn’t it? Robert?
Robert Newman: Yeah, it certainly is. That’s the way it should be, but I mean, not for you, I am not telling anybody how to run their business, but if you’re trying to get somebody to get to a level of profit, it’s a great way to say, hey, we’ll do the advertising for you. And once you start to do well, we’re going to charge you, and I think that’s amazing. So, thank you, John, for sharing that with the audience, and thank you for giving that offer out to whoever’s listening that may be interested.
My name is Robert Newman; you can find me at inboundrem.com. I’m an SEO inbound marketing guy, I don’t mess around with this direct marketing. No, I’m just kidding, I do but you can find out all about me and inbound marketing on my website, I have plenty of stuff there for all of you. All right. Thanks a lot, to those of you who are interested in tuning into the live video part of the show, we have some amazing stuff coming up for you.
John wants to ask a John question about Redfin and I want to end that 10-minute bonus content or 15-minute bonus content by asking Chris how he thinks you should future-proof your real estate lead generation business. All right. Thanks a lot for tuning in. We appreciate it.