We Discuss All Things Facebook Paid Advertisement In This Episode

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With Jaime Resendiz help us going into a deep dive in this episode of the Mail-Right Show into the Facebook paid advertisement, what is the differences between Lead campaigns and Custom Audiences.

How you shouldn’t be scared of the recent changes in Facebook policies connected to real estate adverts. We really do cover a load of Facebook info in this week’s show. Also, Jaime has a great YouTube channel where he covers how he has used digital marketing to build a power team where every week they have hundred of leads coming in from their digital marketing outreach.

Jaime Resendiz: Energetic professional with a strong passion for real estate. I would love to help you find the home of your dreams or sell your home as you transition into a new phase in life.

Jonathan: Welcome back folks to the Mail-Right Show, this is episode 259. I’m excited, I’ve got my cohost and we got a great guest. We’ve got Jaime Resendiz. I apologize.

Jaime: You’re good.

Johnathan: I’m going to butcher your surname but let’s have another go. So, it’s three, two, one. Welcome back folks to the Mail-Right Show, this is episode 259. We’ve got special guest; I’m going to butcher his name [inaudible 00:37] I’m going to have a go. It’s Jaime Resendiz and we going be talking about all things Facebook, he’s got a really fantastic YouTube channel, he’s been pumping out some fantastic stuff about using the power of Facebook. You know that I’m also all about Facebook myself. So, Jaime, would you like to quickly introduce yourself to the listeners and viewers?

Jaime: Absolutely. Thank you so much, Jonathan. Thank you so much for the invitation that you and Robert gave me, so thank you so much, really an honor to be here. As far as myself, I’m Jaime Resendiz and I’m a real estate agent here in the Dallas Fort Worth market, so here in Texas. Been real estate as a practitioner for about nearly four years now but when it comes to the online marketing, that’s been since 2010, basically, and really leveraging social media in every capacity, whether that’s Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, any platform, we’ll certainly dig into it and really focus on the paid aspect of the platform. The organic is fantastic, but I’m more in the acceleration game so really trying to get results a lot quicker than posting one day at a time.

Johnathan: That’s great. I’ve got my great co-host, Robert Newman. Robert, would you like to introduce yourself to the new listeners and viewers?

Robert: In the exact yes. So, my name is Robert Newman. I’m a real estate marketing specialist who’s been doing it for 13 years and I specialize in what would be considered the opposite end of marketing then Jaime. I do the long-term content inbound stuff. So, this is going to be a great conversation.

Johnathan: And I’m the founder of Mail-Right. It’s a suite of tools, it uses the power of Facebook to get you quality buyer and seller leads and much, much more. Go over to Mail-Right, have a look at what we’re offering, let us do a demo for you, you’re going to be blown away. So, Jaime, this might go into the meat of it, and can you give us some maybe… because I thought you were going to be a superb guest because not only have you shown that you really understand Facebook, but you’re practicing agent, so there can be no argument. You’re using what you preach. So, are there any campaigns that you’ve done recently? Let’s say in the last six to 12 months that have come to mind that has generated you some fantastic results.

Jaime: Absolutely. So, the one that immediately comes to mind is the Just Listed Campaign. And I would love to make that available to your audience wherever you send them, I’ll make that available to you so you can send it on their way so they see the exact ad copy, so there’s no guessing. But basically, the gist of the campaign is whenever you put a property out to market, you’re going to run a Just Listed Campaign and I will furnish you everything. The targeting, the ad copy, almost the images, we can’t necessarily use the same images, but give you everything that you need to use. With the Just Listed Campaign, it really prompts people to reach out to you and give you their name, their email, and their phone number, because they’re more interested in the property that you’re advertising so you present it in such a way where people are compelled to become leads.

So basically, people are knocking on the door, really wanting to give you as much information as possible in exchange for the property that you’re listing. Now, one of the questions that comes up is, what if I don’t have a listing? There’s a lot of newer agents out there that don’t have any listings. So, the strategy there is to either get permission from your broker to advertise another listing from the brokerage or go outside of your brokerage and ask for written permission from the listing agent so you can market that property as well. So, I also have the script on that and I would love to make that available to you, Jonathan, so you can share it to your audience.

Johnathan: Oh, there’s going to be a full transcription on the Mail-Right website and you saying that to me and I’ll make sure that that is totally available and they can download it and everything. And it’s great for you to offer that. Over to you, Robert.

Robert: So, I’m looking at your site… so for our audience, not for you, Jaime. There I’m just going to explain something which is Facebook marketing, social marketing, my perception only my perception is that you can get lots of leads very fast. The cost of acquisition, which is a fancy way of saying how much does it cost you to get that lead can be very inexpensive if you do it well. I’m looking at one of Jaime’s pages and it’s showing an example where he’s acquiring… it says a result, but I assume that’s a lead for a $1.80, which is a very low cost of acquisition. So… and you’ve got full tutorials up on your YouTube channel, how to teach people how to do this and how to do it yourself, I guess my question for you first and foremost is you’re a practicing agent who’s selling real estate. Do I have that correct? Or you like a coach selling coaching services?

Jaime: I’m not necessarily selling coaching services, so now I support the team that I have. So, I’m not practicing much any longer, unless they’re just personal referrals. Most of my time i spend supporting my agents.

Robert: Okay. And how many agents do you have that you’re supporting?

Jaime: 20.

Robert: 20. Okay, I got you. And when you got into this… because you said you’ve been in online marketing, what compelled you to look at like social marketing first? Like what was your thought process as you… four years ago, you get into real estate, you’re like, okay, I’m ready to go, I’m going to make some money. Why social marketing?

Jaime: Well, one there’s so many people on social media, that’s one. And then the targeting at that time… so, we’re talking several years back before several targeting features went away, at that time, it was incredibly simple to do meaning where you could highlight people that were likely to move. I mean, there was a button on Facebook as an example that right there said likely to move, anybody could create a campaign and would see results of people that were likely to move as Facebook gathers all of the information across the internet. I mean, maybe not all, but pretty darn close. So, there were a lot of selling indicators that were giving accurate data for Facebook so we could, as advertisers and as business owners be able to target them. So, to answer your question, just the amount of traffic that was there, the huge audience, but also the specificity on how we could target that audience.

Robert: Okay. So, you brought something up and I wasn’t going to talk about this, but you’ve already mentioned it subtly. How have the changes?… so, Facebook has been getting pressure from legislation in a hundred different places to ratchet down, basically how much they spy on an individual, like how much information they give out, how much they… how has that impacted you? Like, you’re a Facebook guy, you’re doing this all the time, I assume you’re doing it for these 20 agents. How does that impact you?

Jaime: You have to go a little bit broader in the sense of when you’re marketing, so you can’t go as specific. So, really it hasn’t stopped us too much where we actually have to think about what we’re doing from the front end. So, what I mean by that is in the past, it was very, very simple. You just ran one campaign, one ad set, and one ad and you were getting a ton of leads and now you actually have to think about advertising in campaigns, meaning you have to have a strategy. So, I’m going to launch this campaign with this type of messaging, and then right behind it, I’m going to launch, what’s known as a retargeting ad of the people that showed at least a level of interest. So, there’s a little bit more planning that goes into it, at the end of the day, the users are still there, except you’re not able to target them with as much specificity as you once were able to. So, in summary, launching what I call an anchor ad and then right behind that multiple ad that are there to play cleanup and close the deal, if you will.

Robert: Okay. And when you’re… I noticed that you’re on YouTube. So, one of my burning questions, because John knows this, but you don’t. I’ve done some writing and partnered with a company here in California called Wild Lobo and they use Facebook. They launched their whole company using Facebook and the guy that runs it Gigia [inaudible 09:340] is somebody that I’ve known for a decade, like a long time, he’s a brilliant marketer. And they’re using video inside their ad sets, they’re using something that they call listing rocket, but it’s just a fancy way, they’ve figured out an auto-generated like the video that they can use. And they’re starting to swear by it like it’s a big anchor inside their marketing proposal pitch, whatever you want to call it. Are you using video as part of your ads?

Jaime: Yes, yes. Video performs incredibly well.

Robert: Okay.

Jaime: Incredibly, well.

Robert: And what kind of video? Because I’m sure that some of the people listening to the show would be fascinated to understand how you’re leveraging.

Jaime: Well, there are multiple types of videos. So, one’s a branding video so whenever we take on new agents that are wanting to break into their market, either they moved there or just are new or just want to completely do a revamp on their marketing we run a branding video, which kind of serves as an anchor video, I’m sorry, an anchor ad that I brought up a couple of minutes ago. So, a branding video is designed to get people aware of not only the agent, but the services that they provide and their brand, hence the name. And then we still do the same methodology of retargeting. So, we do branding videos, that’s one, we do listing videos in a limited capacity. It’s not the best thing to do, but when it comes to the types of whether images or videos, videos, more often than not will outperform the images, but we’ll do listing videos as well, they just have to be a little bit more succinct because at the end of the day, what we want our leads and actual business extrapolated from Facebook.

So, listing videos is another type of video, informational video as well. I’m not sure if I’m answering the question, but those are generally the types of videos that we launch with. Some of them are very direct to the point so we’re trying to get people to act on that as soon as they click, there are some videos that are a little bit longer term so a little bit more like branding videos would be an example of, we don’t necessarily want your information today, w0e just want you to know that we’re around, but trust that in the future, when we retarget three months from now, six months from now, nine months from now, we’re going to be collecting that information.

Robert: I got you. So, I have one, one burning question and then if John, if you want to pick it up, I’m going to hand it back over to you after this, but here’s my burning question. So, my experience with Facebook leads, I’m not a Facebook expert, John’s the guy of this duo that spends his time on that platform. I’m Google and I know a lot about Google. So, ask me anything about SEO or PPC I’m your boy, but the, the Facebook stuff I have not focused on as much. But here’s what I’ve noticed with all of my partners and [inaudible 13:34] and all the people that I do business with that use Facebook, which is a huge amount of agents that I do business with.

Of 150 clients, I’d say 75 do Facebook in some way or another. So, the thing that I’ve noticed is they all have had to put together a backend system like tools that they use in order to nurture and capture leads because even with the things that you’re suggesting, it tends to cast a very wide net, which is a nice way of saying, you’d probably have to go through 30 or 40 or 50 of these leads to find the person that you’re going to do business with. So, what back system is you using and why are you using it?

Jaime: Absolutely. So that’s a great question and I mean, you’re spot on when it comes to the back end, which basically follows up. And the system that we use is kvCore.

Robert: Okay.

Jaime: So, the core is our CRM that does emails, that does text, that does voice drops, that does video. So, we integrate directly into kvCore and have a lot of the system take care of itself, so the texts, the phone calls. So, the agents that I work with personally on my team, they have the benefit of my ISAs so we have people actually calling on their behalf, but then beyond that, so the extended network of the agents that I work with, they don’t necessarily have access to my personal but ISAs but they have access to other calling appointment setters. So, it’s a combination of texts, emails, voicemail drops, and also calling directly and having a very… I don’t want to say repetitive, but with online leads to your point, there is a good amount of follow-up that needs to happen. So, within those next 30 days from the lead that comes in, they will be hearing from us in some capacity multiple times over.

Robert: And did you decide to build your own ISA team or did you use a service like Version Monster or Asian Assistance? I mean, there’s a hundred of them, so I’m not going to name them all, but I’m just going to say that you have a choice as a business owner when you’re building the system up. It’s like either you can hire and train your own team of ISAs, or you can go out and find somebody who does real estate specific and they’ll call your leads for you. So, which route did you decide to go?

Jaime: We kind of merged them. So, there was a company that was starting out and they weren’t necessarily focused in real estate so when we got involved, we kind of became partners where I was doing the education aspect of it, they were securing the workforce.

Robert: Okay. I got you. So, a bastardization of the two. You found a new vendor and you basically said, hey, I’ll teach you real estate but you give us a good deal on your services [inaudible 15:35] right? Okay. And has that been…

Johnathan: I think we need to go for our break actually when we come from our break are going to be asking apart from video, which we’ve already talked about, we’re going to be asking my great guest about two areas that really get me excited about Facebook and that’s lead ads and custom audiences. I’m going to be asking a few questions about that. We’ll be back in a few moments’, folks.

We’re coming back, folks. I’ve scared off my cohost, but he’ll be back in a few seconds. So, as I said before the break, I wanted to talk about lead ads and custom audiences. They are two areas apart from video that we mentioned in the first half that really get me excited. So, what were your feelings about those two years? Or maybe you could give a brief description to our listeners and viewers, what the hell I’m talking about?

Jaime: Well, there’s a great debate when it comes to online marketing specifically on Facebook. There’re the lead forms which what you’re alluding to, so lead generation campaigns, it’s one of the 11 campaign objectives on Facebook. And just to summarize what they are, it’s a campaign that keeps the audience, people that click on your ads on Facebook. So, whenever they click learn more, download whatever, whatever the call to action is on the ad. they stay on Facebook and when they click on the ad, their information that they willingly gave to Facebook automatically populates in the lead form. That’s where it gets his name. So, all they have to do is click again and their information is shot over to you. So, that’s the lead generation campaign. Now, the other types of campaigns, every single one without exception is basically driving, well, maybe there’s another one, the messages campaign, but most other campaign objectives, they’ll send the audience, the people that click on your ads to an external site.

Whether that’s your website, whether that’s your landing page, basically outside of Facebook. So, the great debate is which is better. Is it the lead forms or the lead generation campaigns or a traffic campaign, a conversion campaign, [inaudible 18:18] campaign, brand awareness, what have you, so, anything that drives people [cross-talk 18:21].

Johnathan: What’s your feeling?

Jaime: What’s the feeling? Just putting it to straight. So, I would say that Facebook conversion ads have higher quality and Facebook lead forms is the great way to get started with advertising. So, The lead generation campaign, it’s the easiest entry point into anybody that’s looking to do Facebook advertising, however, going back to Robert’s point, when it comes to casting a wider net and people submitting the information, it’s going to give you more leads and it’s going to cost less, but at the end of the day, it’s not going to be as high quality as if you send them outside of the Facebook ecosystem and use a traffic campaign or a conversion campaign. Because they actually have to input their information as opposed to Facebook automatically populating their information in the forms.

Johnathan: Now, the other thing I’m a bit… I go on and on with my agents about is building up your database and your email database, and really subdividing it because you then can use it with Facebook, with a look-alike audience and that really gets me going, the power of that. Have you utilized that? And maybe you can tell the audience what that’s about.

Jaime: Yeah, no, you’re absolutely right when it comes to the database. Real estate agents, their business is the database so your database is, is your business. Now, when it comes to collecting people’s information, their names, their emails, or phone numbers, all of that is super valuable, and having a centralized location, whether you use kvCore, whether you use any other CRM or any email autoresponder that is important in and of itself. Now, if you have all of that information in one place, you have the ability to create what’s called a custom audience on Facebook. So, with that custom audience that you have on Facebook, Facebook is going to go out there and find those people on Facebook. So, if they use the same phone number or the same email, when they registered into Facebook, Facebook will find them so you’re able to market to your database, that you uploaded to Facebook as a custom audience and directly speak to them.

So, that’s one level, that’s a custom audience that you create. Now there’s a different level, which you’re alluding to Jonathan, and that is the special ad audience. So, it’s no longer called the look-alike audience when you’re advertising to people that are running as to credit employment, housing, and political action topics. So, that’s the special ad audience that was created because of the changes of, well Facebook is getting pressured a thousand different ways to limit their… what Robert was alluding to earlier. So, that special ad audience, the housing category falls in that special ad audience. So, what you now have to do is create a special ad audience, I know it gets confusing, but…

Johnathan: It does, doesn’t it? But You’re a little bit more up to date than me, there’s an interest in what you’re going to say. So, are you going to say that its power has been cleared down a little bit?

Jaime: It’s been tampered down. Now, the look-alike audience, which is basically is still there, but it’s looking at the custom audience that you once created and it goes out into Facebook and finds similar profiles. That’s basically what we’re talking about, however, there’s a special ad audience, and there’s a lookalike audience. The look-alike audience is a little bit more powerful because they are still collecting a lot more data points that the special ed audience can no longer do.

Johnathan: Wow. That’s a fantastic explanation of that. Over to you, Robert.

Robert: So, I guess my question would be, so, you’re four years into to this road that you’ve taken with Facebook, and you specifically said that you like to accelerate your growth, which by the way, is language for if you have money and you know what to do with it in terms of the language I use is direct marketing. Now, direct can mean TV and radio too, it just means you pay money, you get an advertisement up in front of somebody. You’re leveraging that system via social media if I understand your strategies. So, you’re doing Facebook and YouTube and so on and so forth, but you’ve stayed away from Google you said, I think is what I heard you say, is that right?

Jaime: No, no.

Robert: No.

Johnathan: He’s into it all. He’s a master, Robert.

Jaime: Yeah.

Robert: He [cross-talk 23:15] …

Jaime: It’s not necessarily stayed away from Google, I think Google has its absolute place, but when it comes to the budgets that some of the agents that I work with whether they’re in my network or they’re outside of my network, when we choose most of the time we go with Facebook. That with Google we pick either or so I have nothing against Google at all.

Robert: Okay. And you keep saying agents inside your network and agents outside your network, which seems to infer that somehow, you’re working with agents outside your network because you’re apparently talking to them. Can you explain that to me? Because I don’t know what… like I can see that you have a course or something. I see something called Facebook Ads Mastery. It looks like you’ve got courses, whether or not you pay for those courses or you don’t pay for those courses that isn’t incredibly impaired to me. So, can you explain to me what that side of your business is all about?

Jaime: Of course. So, when I say in the network, I mean to the brokerage that I’m a part of. So, I’m part of Exp Realty, and those are the people that have joined me and are part of my network so I’m their sponsoring agent. So, the smaller core that I alluded to earlier. Now, outside of the network, I consider anybody outside of Exp. Those are the people that do consult with me, those are the people that purchase my courses, those are the people that I have done for you model. And that can be title companies, lenders, real estate agents, have a good amount of builders that I work with as well in doing their lead generation, but everything is revolving around real estate.

Robert: Got you. So, effectively, you’re also a digital marketer in the truest sense of the form in that you have information and you somehow you sell that information, the information in this case if I’m understanding you correctly, the package is I will teach you how to do Facebook marketing for your real estate related businesses. Is that correct?

Jaime: Yes, it’s either I teach you and you learn it, or we have the done for you model as well where I and my team do it for them.

Robert: Got you. Okay, well that’s pretty cool. Can I ask you what the pricing for that is? Or is this not the right place for that?

Jaime: Everyone has different pricing, but it’s generally $2,000.

Robert: Per month? One flat fee?

Jaime: Per month. So, we do is something unique where the… well, I guess it’s not all that unique when it comes to how everyone else does structure, but the done for you model its half will go to the Aspen, the other goes to these services.

Robert: Got you. So, you’re not charging 2000 and then charging an advertising budget beyond that. You’re saying, give me, effectively, give me a thousand dollars a month and I’m going to give you qualified Facebook leads. If I’m getting this all.

Jaime: Standard package there’s more finer print, if you will but that’s basically what it is. The reason we do it that way and not say, hey, 1000 plus, whatever, the reason we say 2000 is because there are people that want to hire us, but are only going to spend $250 a month, that’s not the right fit or for us. We would much rather have them at least [cross-talk 26:48] …

Johnathan: Send them to me, we have to discuss that. Well, we’re going to end the podcast part of the show. Are you up for spending another 12, 15 minutes with us, which we call bonus content? Are you okay with that?

Jaime: Sure, sir. I’m enjoying it.

Johnathan: I want to ask you about your experiences with Exp, what you felt about them because they’ve exploded on the market in the past couple of years, aren’t they? So, Jaime, what’s the best way for people to get hold of you learn more about you and all your knowledge about digital marketing?

Jaime: The best place is going to be YouTube. So, that is really the… even though I talk a lot about Facebook ads, talk a lot about every type of advertising, YouTube is really where I’m focused in on this year and I mean, unless things drastically change, that’s going to be my focus next year. So, YouTube would be the best place to reach me at. In regards to the Exp experience, it’s been fantastic for me and what I do, which is kind of how I had to separate the in network versus out of network where…

Johnathan: Yes, explain that in the bonus content, alright. And Robert, what’s the best way for people to find out more about you, your company and your thoughts and post?

Robert: Sure. For those of you who are new to this show, I also, and both on YouTube and I have… I’m a content marketer, which means that all of my thoughts and my deep learning is in the form of a blog. That blog is inboundremcom. And you can literally learn everything that there is to want to learn about the long game in terms of marketing real estate postcards, how prospects, digital content, marketing plans, you name it, it’s there and it’s all free. So, go to inboundrem.com if you kind of got a little taste of learning from the show and want a lot more.

Robert: That’s great. And to watch the bonus content and all the interview, plus over 200 different interviews with different experts and internal discussions that me and Robert covering almost every aspect of digital marketing for real estate agents, just go over to the Mail-Right Youtube channel subscribe, and you’ll be able to watch all the bonus content and all the great resources we have on the YouTube channel. We’ll see you next week when we are either have an internal discussion or another great guest, we’ll see you soon folks. Bye.

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