Are Great Real Estate Agents Created Not Born?
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Are Great Real Estate Agents Created Not Born?
About Krista Mashore
A knack for marketing, devotion to serving others, an outstanding work ethic and a longtime passion for education are the hallmarks of Krista Mashore’s career. Krista consistently earns a spot among the top 1% of REALTORS® nationwide. Krista has recently been recognized in “Top Agent Magazine” as one of the leading agents in California, as well as by the Wall Street Journal in the Top 1% of Realtors Nationwide. “I’ve done things differently than other agents for a long time, marketing from the ground up and staying ahead of the technology curve. I spend a lot of time researching the most innovative technologies on the market, which helps catapult my brand above my competition.”

Jonathon: Welcome back folks to the Mail Right Show. This is episode 224. This is our first show in the New Year 2020. I never thought I would reach it myself. We’ve got a fantastic guest and I’ve got my great cohost as well. And I got a feeling it’s going to be a great show for the beginning of the year. And our guest is Krista Mashore. And Krista, would you like to quickly introduce yourself to the listeners of views?
Krista: Hi everyone, how are you? Thanks for having me. I really appreciate it. Jonathan or Robert. I’m excited to be here. You guys did over 200 podcasts. You guys are rock stars because I know the amount of work that goes in. So congrats to you for that. Yes, I am a real estate trainer, a bestselling author and coach. I also help small businesses and local professionals dominate their industry and become the authority figure in their arena. And start attracting clients and stop chasing business. I have created two, seven figure businesses and we are on our way to helping others do the same.
Jonathon: And I’ve got, for the new listeners and viewers, I’m going to let Robert quickly introduce himself.
Robert: Well, I have to, I usually of don’t do a huge introduction, but after Krista’s like sizzle there, I have to, I’ll throw in a few things. I’ve been in real estate marketing for 12 years. I helped establish quite a few real estate marketing divisions for companies that most real estate agents are familiar with, such as Agent Image. And now I’ve founded my own company, Inbound Real Estate Marketing and been doing that for the last five years. And I consider myself to be somewhat conversant in things related to SEO and inbound. So go ahead Jon. You take it away.
Krista: I love Agent Image, I think I’ve actually used them.
Robert: Probably Krista. I wouldn’t be halfway surprised if you and I have spoken because at one point I was one of the lead people for a while there.
Krista: Yeah. That’s great.
Jonathon: So Krista your tagline on your website is great agents are created, not born. But you know, I thought it was a great tagline. And there’s some people in the industry think that you are created. If you don’t have the kind of looking for the right word, if you don’t have it in you, you’re never going to get success. But I totally agree with your catch phrase, you know, that they create, you’re not born. So how do you create a great agent, Krista?
Krista: Well, that’s a good question. First of all, it starts with the mindset. And I know so many people talk about this and it seems so cliché, but mindset is a huge part of everything. If you have to really constantly be working on your mindset, just like you do your body when you’re trying to lose weight or your marriage. Your marriage takes work isn’t always easy, but if you constantly work at it, it usually does well. So we have a heavy emphasis on mindset and then we just show him, you know, we get them to believe that anything is possible. And then we give them the tools and the strategies on the actual blueprint and how to make that happen. But I’m a huge proponent on mindset because you know, we need it more and more as in our society I think.
Jonathon: That’s true. So I do actually agree with you and also agree its thrown around quite a lot. And there has become a little bit cliché. So what are some of the actual tips you can give that might help our listeners and viewers get the right attitude?
Krista: That’s a great question. So first of all, every morning I fill out a sheet like this right now. This is just a copy of it. It’s laminated, but I have a paper sheet cause I prefer paper better. And we have them first of all, every morning write out six things they’re grateful for. We also have them read their, our manifesto. We can see this my manifesto, it’s the size of me writes my manifesto. We have them read their manifesto. And then we also have them visualize seen themselves succeeding every day. Last time we have them write out six things that they are going to get done that day. And we say that as a professional entrepreneur, you want to have at least six and a half hours, every single day of strategies that you’re actually working on to improve your business.
And then the other three and a half hours, because let’s face it, most entrepreneurs work at least 10 hours a day are kind of left for the filling in type of things. We really want someone to really put the hardest thing for. So for example, we really emphasize video and no one likes to do video. So we encourage them to eat that frog and do video first. Because it gets it out of their way, gives them more energy and it makes them show that they’re succeeding. So reading the manifesto, showing gratitude. Writing out your six steps is the most important part of what we teach them originally. And then lastly, showing what they’re grateful for, like writing down what are we grateful for? What is working in our business right now? We start our mornings that way and we end our days by celebrating our wins for the day and then planning out our next day.
So basically we’d like to have them sort of try to plan out the six things the night before. Because in their mind they’re already setting themselves up for success. So the mindset, the visualization and the gratitude is just a huge part of them being successful, writing out the six things and get some being more systematic. And then celebrating their wins. Success breeds success. More you win, the more you win. So we want them to really focus on what’s working because then they get more of it because they’re focused on it. So that’s a really good strategy.
Jonathon: I love it. I love it. Over to you Robert.
Robert: Well the stuff that I reviewed of yours, Krista, before the podcast started was I noticed that you were talking a lot about being a community marketer. And I didn’t have enough time or I didn’t make enough time if I’m being honest to go through all your videos and check out exactly what that looked like to you. And I was deeply curious about it. And I couldn’t agree more with the concept but seeing it how you viewed the mechanics of that concept as a real estate agent. Now I’m going to read some stats so that hopefully our listeners will really pay attention to what you’re going to say next. If they’re true, which is at one point you were selling either between one and 200 homes per year yourself. Is that accurate?
Krista: Yeah, so my best year I sold 169 homes and that’s just with me an assistant and a transaction coordinator. So it’s not like I had this big team behind me. Last year I only sold 78 homes, but I am coaching 99% of the time. And spending about 1% of my time on real estate because I’m coaching now. So my numbers definitely have gone down. But my team now, I have a team to two agents that are kind of taking the place of me. And the year that I left was two years ago I started my coaching business. I sold 154 homes that year. Then we went down to 101 because again, I was training them and I was stepping out and they had this whole mindset like they want you, they want you. I’m like, no, they don’t see what I process.
And last year we did 78. So now I’m stepping a little bit back into the role of being the leader for my company. My goal is to have us get back up to 150 homes this year. I have no doubt that we’ll do it based upon the strategy. Basically what happened was, is when I left my real estate business to focus on my coaching, my team, when the cats away, the mice will play. My team. I found out was not doing all of the things I actually teach. And so that’s why our numbers went down. So now I’m back in my office making sure they’re doing those things. So do you want me to kind of go over what those things are that we teach?
Robert: Yes and no. So that’s the coaching side and I know that we’ll hit that a couple times. But I want to know what you meant when you said you should be a community dominator or community marketer.
Krista: So you’re talking about a community marketer, you want to be basically the mayor of your town. Anytime anybody thinks real estate or community, and this honestly works for any profession they need to think about you. Now, I may have sold anywhere from a hundred to 150 homes in a given month or year. I’m sorry, but if nobody knows that like I’m an expert in real estate, but if nobody knows that it doesn’t make a difference. So becoming a community market leader, it basically is you start producing content, adding value. These are strategies at the Fortune 500 companies’ use. So how I did that, and I’ll tell you one year we average a hundred homes a year. So in you know, 18 years I’ve sold over 2000 homes, but one year when the market crashed, but it was doing really, really good.
And then it crashed and then it really started to improve. We went from selling over a hundred homes a year down to 12. And that’s how I got us back up to over 112 months is this strategy. I started utilizing digital marketing in combination with video. So basically the question that we all get asked as real estate agents and lenders is how’s the market? So I started basically running videos and telling people how the market was. I started interviewing local restaurants, interviewing, going, looking at the best dog parts in town, what you should be, you know, where does take your sweetie for Valentine’s day. Specializing in certain neighborhoods, going and doing videos on those neighborhoods, running videos for the local businesses. And then running ads behind them. So going on social media, going on Facebook and not just posting it on my business page or my personal favorite.
Actually taking that video and running ads behind them, creating funnels, creating landing pages, and actually taking people down the funnel. So meaning if I created an ad on three tips when selling your home and somebody watched that video, then the next day I would show them was seven essentials to maximize when selling. And then I would send them down, they watch that one, then I’d send them down to, Hey, let’s get evaluation on your home. And then of course, doing different types of ads that have a really good hook that draws the reader in. And by doing this, I mean, I just did my stat history, I can show you this. It’s pretty cool. I was just trying to, one of my my marketer, I said, Hey, get me some stats on some numbers of our houses that we’re selling and I’ll show you this.
So he gave me something for the back of a postcard. And we average anywhere from 282, 300 hours of watch time on one video. And this is because we’re properly distributing that video and getting the video into people’s hands. And what I have to ask you is this, how many open houses would I have to do to get 555 hours of somebody watching me? 387 hours of people watching me. Now these videos are very, very short. So if I’m doing a video, excuse me for looking down, but if I’m doing a video and it’s two minute long video and I have 555 hours watched on that video, imagine how many eyes actually saw that.
That’s how you become the community new market leader in conjunction with philanthropy. So we really encourage our students to be as philanthropists as possible. Here’s an example, so you see that, so see where it says like five 85 so we’ve got one video that has 555 hours.
Another one that has 394 hours, another one, 208 another one 357 hours. So this is just when community related or home related videos that we’re putting out. And then of course they’re seeing me. So when they see me all the time they’re getting to know me, to like me and to trust me. And now I’m being as the authority figure because I’m constantly putting out content and showing people are seeing the content. And they’re not just seeing me as somebody who sells homes, they’re actually developing a relationship with me. So we teach people how to start attracting the right clients and detracting the wrong ones.
Meaning if somebody sees me on video a lot, they’re either going to like me or they’re not. So I’m attracting the right kind of client and then I’m detracting the ones that are not going to be so fun to work with. So it works phenomenally. I mean it just utilizing digital marketing strategies and using video and doing them correctly can very, very quickly increase your business. Does that answer you Robert?
Robert: Yes it did. And it matches philosophies that I’ve been talking about in the SEO world. So I’ll give you something to pass along to your coaching clients. So in the SEO world or the inbound marketing world, when you connect to video to like a WordPress website that you own or maybe that you don’t in in some cases. But one way or the other, a platform that you do have control over that content, what you’re talking about, that engagement rate. Google is all about engagement rate right now in terms of how they rank. It’s more important than links and all these complicated things. It’s more important than all of them.
You take exactly what you’ve already been saying, but then you take the one additional step and say you’re going to put that on a website as part of maybe a blog posts that you’ve got five or 600 words of. And you’ve got a very good chance, a surprisingly good chance to rank and now you’re going to get a whole other stream of eyeballs. Not just from the YouTube search engine but from the Google search engine and your cornerstone, your anchor content.
It’s still the same content. It’s not different. The same thing that you’ve already done, you’re just applying it on a second platform. So you might be able to it like really deeply and lengthened the impact of your efforts just with that step.
Krista: We absolutely do. It’s called video re-purposing. So we teach our students to take one video to then get it transcribed through rev. To upload that video along with the transcriptions. And now you have a video and you also have the words onto their blog posts. So then it is in ranking on Google. So we have students ranking on the first page of Google from that. They also then take that and put it on YouTube as well. They take the long form posts on Facebook as well as run an ad behind it. So from just one video you can get seven uses out of doing one video. So imagine doing, we tell our students to do three videos a week, which no one usually does. They usually do one or some do 2. And they do, let’s say even just do what they want a week.
That’s 52 pieces of content videos that you think can turn into seven pieces of content where you now are being seen on Instagram. Cause we have put it on Instagram, we have them put it on YouTube, Facebook, their website, their blog posts. And then it’s just crazy. And it’s amazing how quickly that somebody can really, really start dominating and they’re being seen. Just take Facebook, well first of all, we know that YouTube is the second largest search engine. So next to Google because Google owns YouTube. And so now they’re seen on the second largest search engine. They’re being seen with words and with videos that are depending on how people like to be seen. They like to research and they just start like dominating. And we know that not everyone goes to YouTube.
Not everyone goes to Google. Not everyone goes to Instagram. But when you just take that extra step and spend the extra 10 minutes and you put them on all the sites. Now you’re ensuring that you’re being seen from everyone everywhere. And you’re not just saying, Hey, I’m the greatest in the world. You are giving true, valuable content, tips and tricks. How do you make somebody’s life better? You’re giving them multiple market trends and it’s really important as far as SEO and when you do it, and we’re learning this. We’re not experts by any means. Please Robert, not even close.
But we do know that we’re trying to get hyper local focus. So it’s really, really important in our content that we’re saying, you know, Brentwood, California, you know, Contra Costa County nine four, five nine, like when, Hey, if you’re looking at market trends for Brentwood, California, and number five Oh nine, here’s what’s happening. And make sure you say that in the video and in the wording so that that way when people are searching, it’s more hyper local focus.
Jonathon: That is fantastic. We are going to go for a quick break folks. When we come back we’ll be discussing some more of this.
Robert: Jon, you’re rapping. You’re going to go on to Krista’s show.
Jonathon: No, no. I think we’ve got enough for five 10 minutes and then we can transfer to Krista’s. So we’re going to go for a break and we’ll come back.
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Jonathon: We’re coming back. Krista is on the ball. Krista I saw you on Grant Wise`s day webinar. And I thought Grant did a fantastic job. I also felt that you did a fantastic job as well about what we’ve been previously discussing about video. Because I think that was one of your main topics when you were on Grant`s show a couple days ago, wasn’t it?
Krista: Yes. I love Grant. He’s great. That’s my thing. Video and social media is kind of my thing.
Jonathon: Now I’ve got a follow up question. Cause we’ve been also, me and Robert been hammering video. But I just want to get something cause you’re very experienced and knowledgeable about the psyche of agents. I’ve noticed with all the discussions I’ve had with agents that they seems to be two types. There seems to be what I call the Pothini agent where they use very strong local relationships. And they get not a lot of referrals, but when they do get a referral, it’s normally cast iron. Unless I do some taps, upset the possible prospect. And then you’ve got what I call the Zillow agents where they buy a lot of leads.
And they are not that strong on building strong local relationships. But what I feel we to be really successful in 2020 is you’ve got combined both together. But I found a lot of agents find it very hard to move from the Pothini method to combine the two together or if they’re the online markets or to utilize. Why is that? Do you think I am right? And secondly insight why it’s hard for the two to kind of mix those as one.
I absolutely think that it’s essential to do both. And it’s hard for some people. But think about this, when you’re being seen by eyes, okay, by 2023, 82% of what you see on the internet is going to be video. So it means we have to start getting our selves wrapped around it. But you’re developing a relationship with your audience through video. There’s something called a parasocial relationship. And I actually learned this from Grant Wise. I didn’t even know about it until like three months ago. So shame on me. He taught me this, that when we’re young and we’re, we’re, we’re looking at somebody on the TV screen, and we’re being programmed to see them as somebody of importance. It’s actually being programmed psychologically into us because of us being stuck on that boob tube and we were young.
So when you do this, you’re starting to develop a relationship with people. And think about people you see on TV. You either love them or you hate them. You’re an advocate for the ones that you love. It is no different when you start doing it locally. And you’re also prospecting, you’re inadvertently cold calling. You’re inadvertently door-knocking, you’re inadvertently doing open houses because you’re being seen constantly everywhere. And it’s like you’re doing that by utilizing video, but it’s very important that you properly distribute it. Because if you’re just posting on Facebook or just posting it on your ads manager account. Those algorithms are not letting everyone see you because they want you to pay to play. But you still do both and you still do client appreciation parties.
Like, I still do it. This year we do a pie party and we still do pictures of Santa Claus. You’ve got to do all that stuff. But the thing is, is that you’re going to have a much greater impact when you do those things because people are seeing you all the time and they’re wanting to come more. And the referrals, I mean the referrals that you get just increased dramatically because then people are again reminded. I just recently needed some work done at my house. And I couldn’t remember the name of the appliance guy that I hired because he didn’t keep in touch with me. If I had seen him on Facebook or if he was sending me a flyer or doing both, I would’ve called him. But I didn’t use him because I didn’t remember. And that happens to real estate agents all the time.
We assume our clients are going to come back to us, but they forget. And if you’re just doing pot buys that you’re not showing, that’s what McKinney does. And they do work. I think they work. Absolutely. But if you’re just doing that, we’re in a digital age, people are expecting more from us. Recently I just picked up a listing and they said, they called me. They go, we feel really bad. We’ve had, we’ve been getting for the past six years, every single Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and we’ve been getting little gifts from our agent. But quite frankly, we see that you dominate online. And we want a more experienced agent that can get our homes massive exposure. So if somebody is interviewing people and we can show them, Hey look, this home right here at 555 hours watched, we reached 136,000 people. That’s really more powerful than getting the little box of chocolates.
And according to the national association of realtors, 67% of buyers, we’re going to walk through a home they see online. So it’s our fiduciary duty to get our houses exposed as much as we can for our sellers. It helps our sellers and it also helps us.
Jonathon: I thought that was fantastic. Over to you Robert.
Robert: So one way or the other, we’re probably approaching the last five, six minutes of the show. And I know that you’ve covered in the beginning of the show, the six steps that you tell people to do with your coaching business. And obviously coaching, it seems based on the way that you’re allocating your personal time. You have decided to be passionate about that particular business. So what does a passionate real estate coach with the track record of success as a personal real estate agent?
What do they tell new and medium experienced agents? Cause hopefully experienced agents who are already in the 1% have, they’re things that they’re going to do at the beginning of the New Year. But what do you tell everybody else that may not have a rock solid action plan for? How do you kick off 2020 the right way in real estate?
Krista: Great, great answer. First of all, do your morning ritual like I talked about, that’s essential because you’ve got to get your mind right. If you have a blueprint, it won’t work and their mind’s not right. So we’ll do your morning routine.
Robert: Create one. If you don’t have one, you’re really saying create one. Create a morning routine.
Krista: Absolutely. 15 minutes earlier. Show what you’re grateful for. Write out six things. Redraft formations, make your own personal manifesto. Okay, so my students all read this every day we had a coaching call today. We read it out loud together and they fill out their daily sheet. I will tell you, this is the truth, Robert. If I ask my students how they were successful this year, when they look back. 8 of them will say that their morning sheet helped them more than anything else. Because then they were able to do the activities that I have them do.
Secondly, pick a niche, pick a niche, become the specialist in a certain neighborhood or a certain movement or move down by our FHA specialist. And then I want you to start creating as much content on it as possible. And then running ads behind it can make to spending $500 a month running ads behind it. Right now we had a huge project that my students are doing and it’s basically, I call it location domination on the internet.
So we have them picking a certain niche or a neighborhood. And then basically going in there and talking about the types of homes in the neighborhood. This is sun exposure. This is why you want to buy this certain sun exposure. What are the school’s scores? Diving into schools and what schools they will go to, interviewing local restaurants all within that specific subdivision. So when somebody goes in their subdivision and then taking that content and doing, like we talked about doing the video, re-purposing and putting it onto those other locations. If you commit to creating those two videos a week on your subject matter in your niche, I guarantee you that you will pick up a minimum. And I’m just guaranteeing I’m being very, very low here of 12 new deals this year. But here’s the deal. Most people will not do it. Let me show you this list.
Oh, where’s the list? Here we go. See this list right here. This is an example of what I have my students doing. So basically they take their community and there they go and look at personal training gyms. Strip malls, grocery stores, specialty stores, local wineries, local profits, local events, parade, philanthropy. They have five pages of content on a specific area so that they can do this and they will dominate. Most people don’t want to do the work. It’s a lot of work.
Robert: Got you. So I’m going to rephrase what you just said. For those that may not be as advanced. Cause you laid a lot of data on everybody, especially those people listening in the cars and so on and so forth. So what I heard Krista just say, audiences that number one have a plan. And your plan should start off with a morning routine. And though she’s calling it by something else, what she’s really instructing you to do is use neural linguistic programming in order to get results. So I strongly recommend for all those people that may want to know what the core background is of why this would be successful is to go ahead and do a little research on neuro linguistic programming. Because she is actually right. She is not giving you a method, she’s literally telling you to program yourself and that will work.
Krista: Typically this is proven to work.
Robert: It will work. Period. End of discussion. The mechanism, you should probably go check out Krista’s website because she laid a lot of information really fast. And not even, I could repeat what the mechanism is right now if you asked me. But you could probably go find the mechanism on her site and that’s a call with or Krista Mashore.
Jonathon: I think what we’re going to do is wrap it up. So Krista, what is the best ways that people can find out more about you, your company, your ideas and what you’re up to Krista?
Krista: You can go to three clients in 30 That’s a challenge that we offer. Or just go to and she’ll have it in the show notes. And I also wrote a book, sell a hundred homes a year. I can get you a free digital download on that where people can actually and I lay out everything in that book. I mean we literally tell you exactly what we do to sell a hundred homes a year. It’s all these strategies we’re talking about.
Jonathon: Please send it and I’ll make sure it’s available on the show notes. Krista, it’s been a pleasure talking to you. I have to come back later on in the year because I thought we just touched on some of these subjects. Robert, how can people find out more about your knowledge and what you are up to?
Robert: So they could go to I strongly suggest that you subscribe to my site. I usually don’t say that on these shows cause 2019 was more about me refining some technology projects I was working on. But I am now 2020 is all about the marketing. I’m going to be doing lots of content posts a month at least if not more. So please go to the website, subscribe and I’ll keep you up to speed and all the things that I think are relevant for the new the new decade.
Krista: That’s
Robert: Yes.
Jonathon: And folks go to the Mail Right website. We’ve got over 200 interviews with full show notes and links with a widespread of experts like Krista. And we got a lot of other content and our program is getting stronger and stronger as well folks. We will be back next week with another guest like Krista giving your insight to hopefully make your 2020 a fantastic year. Not only for yourself, but for your family. We will be back soon. Next week, folks.