#139 Mail-Right Show Special Guest Steven Gurowitz Interior Designer for The Famous & Wealthy

Steven Gurowitz Interior Designer for The Famous & Wealthy
Steven G. Isn’t your typical interior designer basically he is a straight talker with over 35 years plus experience working with some of the most wealthiest people in South Florida and nationwide. What are some of things you will learn from this interivew?

1 – How to service this type of client.

2 – How to build real relationships that will power your real estate career through good and bad times.

Pompano Beach-based Interiors by Steven G. Inc. has been confined the South Florida bazaar and above for three decades, accouterment autogenous designs for businesses and residences.

Steven Gurowitz, arch executive, began his business alive from home. He now operates a 100,000-square-foot Pompano Beach exhibit and a arcade in New York. Gurowitz’s accomplished projects accommodate affluence condominiums like 350 Las Olas in Fort Lauderdale and the homes of brilliant athletes and Fortune 500 executives.


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Here’s a Full Transcript of Our Interview With Steven G.

Thomas: Welcome back my friends to the Mail-Right Real Estate Agent podcast show, episode 139.I’m Thomas J. Nelson, a Residential Realtor here in San Diego, California. My co-host Jonathan Denwood, the founder of Mail-Right, is with us and today we’re with Interiors by Steven G, Steven Gurowitz from South Florida is with us on the show today. Steven, welcome to the show and thank you for joining us today.

Steven: Well, it’s nice to be here today everybody and it’s a pleasure to be one of your guests.

Thomas: Jonathan, I want to give you a chance to say hello to everyone and then we’ll get into our questions.

Jonathan: Oh, hi there folks. Like Thomas said, I’m the founder of Mail-Right. We’re a software system that gets you quality leads from Facebook.

Thomas: All right. And again, I’m Thomas J. Nelson, a Residential Realtor here in San Diego, California where I’m never too busy to serve you or your referrals. All right. Well, I’ve been excited about talking to you Steven because, first of all, your website just blows me away.

Steven: Thank you very much.

Thomas: It’s an amazing website. For those of you that want to check it out, it’s Interiors by Steven G and we’ll have it up on the show notes but if you want to take an advanced look. Steven, I want to take you back to the beginning. When you started the company, do you start out at this caliber or did you work your way up to this caliber of design?

Steven: My story is a bit different, maybe a bit interesting to many of the listeners. I started in my design career with another firm where I became a minority partner for 10 years. And as the firm continued to grow at an amazing rate, I basically said to myself, “Frank Sinatra said he’s going to do it his way”, and I decided 10 years into my career to give notice and start my own firm and my own firm was me. I basically moved into the den of my home and moved in a desk and a telephone and I started Interiors by Steven G and that is almost 35 years ago.

Thomas: Wow. So, what was that like for you going out on your own? Were you nervous about doing it or did you have the confidence and the connections to know you were going to make it?

Steven: Connections is a strange word. I would rather call it relationships. And yes, I think I had some amazing relationships over the first 10 years of my career. Was I nervous? Well, you know, the way you could sort of say it is that I was very nervous but very very confident that I could do this, do it but better and faster and with less grief and the rest is 35 years of history.

Thomas: How did your business get started? What type of design work were you doing?

Steven: At that time, 95 percent of our business was residential high-end.

Thomas: Okay.

Steven: But because of relationships that I had had, I also was thrown into the business of designing high-end ACLFs which were retirement facilities.

Thomas: Oh, okay.

Steven: So my business took an immediate twist. And about 90 days into running this business from my home, I basically leased my first office/showroom space which was about 3800 square feet of space.

Thomas: Wow. You talk about relationships and I love that you focus on that. Were the relationships more in the clientele or was it in the people that you work with when you do the design work? What was your initial company like?

Steven: The relationships were all driven by my 10 prior years of designing. We all know one thing about most businesses that are service businesses, you can only build the business from referral.

Thomas: Right.

Steven: The rest of it, a little luck, absolutely.

Thomas: Sure.

Steven: But happy people, happy clients will refer you to the world. Unhappy clients will also try to refer you in a different fashion.

Thomas: Yeah. Especially these days where it’s so easy to get trashed online. So, when you came out on your own to start with your own clientele, did you have a lot of the relationships with design team or did you have to restart a new design team?

Steven: No. I had to start from total scratch.

Thomas: Got you.

Steven: There was no design team. I was the chief cook and bottle washer down to purchasing a little panel truck that I would use to do some errands, pick some fabrics. So it was really a 7 day, 12, 14 hour a day position at the beginning because I could not afford to hire anybody at that time.

Thomas: Then as the business grew, your team grew. I mean, you’re obviously doing some high-end work here and there’s a lot of Realtors listening to our show that do a lot of luxury real estate and at some point, they too have to build out a team. And how nerve-wracking is that when you’ve got the watchful eye of a high-end client and you’ve got a new team? What was the process like finding the right people that you can count on?

Steven: I believe even in today’s world and we are always growing, Thank God and we’re always looking for competent people. And you know, you could see the most beautiful resume in the world, as we all know. And I believe that, put them under fire, test the waters. So what we do, is when we find a candidate that we feel looks good, smells good, sounds good, we basically bring them in for a 2 to 3 week period where we pay them and actually put them in the firing line and see if they are what they say they are. When you’re in a busy Real Estate world, when you’re in a busy design world, you’re under pressure all the time. That’s the name of the business. That’s the name of the game. We have people that sit down and one of the first questions we ask them is, “How are you under pressure?”, and the answer that you get 9 out of 10 times is, “I’m amazing under pressure. I function better under pressure”. Well, they’re here for 3 days and they’re either closing a pocketbook and saying, “I can’t deal with this”. Because you have to be a different personality, I guess is the right word, to understand pressure, how to handle pressure but how to control pressure. That’s the keyword.

Thomas: Speaking of pressure, how do you take the pressure off? What does downtime look for you? How do you rest and recover?

Steven: My love is the water and I’m a boater. And if I take time off, I leave the office with a stack about this high and I go to the boat and we take off. And I’ll sit and do paperwork half the day, relax, listen to music, have a couple of drinks, have lunch. The water and the sun is definitively my drug of choice is a good way to put it.

Thomas: Nice. So it is possible in the high pressure, high-end world that you maneuver in to take time off. Do you ever get to go on vacation, like a true vacation where you don’t bring the work with you?

Steven: No sir.

Thomas: After 35 years, wow.

Steven: I think I’m blessed. There’s a God above for sure. I know a lot of people that are in the financial institutions, big money guys that, they retire, in 6 or 8 months they’re pulling the hair out of their head or whatever hair they have left.

Thomas: Yeah.

Steven: I’m still very fortunate that I love to get up every morning and face the world of design. As I say to my staff every day, “It was great to share the battlefield today”. But we continue to grow at an amazing pace. We’re housed today in 100,000 square foot facility.

Thomas: Wow.

Steven: And when we moved in here 8 years ago, I figured this would take me to the twilight years. Right now, we’re looking for another 25,000 square feet. So, I don’t know what the answer is.

Thomas: Wow. Well, speaking of your staff, how do you motivate and lead your staff? I would imagine you work with a lot of creative minds which could be like herding cats. How do you get them to work in concert with each other?

Steven: Well, I run a different business. I do not have design teams. I have a designer. That designer has one or two assistants that understand the business. I believe in the word accountability. When you have teams of designers and something goes awry and you’re sitting in a meeting, well whose responsibility was it? You know, that’s what you get.

Thomas: Right.

Steven: So, the training here is pretty amazing. We have an amazing software system. We have this down to a science because we are the controlling factor we do the AutoCAD. We do the renderings in-house, both by hand and digital.

Thomas: Oh wow.

Steven: We have our own warehouse. We have 8 trucks. We do our own deliveries, our own installations, and our own purchasing. We represent about 2,200 lines of product worldwide and growing.

Thomas: Wow.

Steven: So, the key, the way I have found it, in the world of design is control, as it is in any business. The world of Real Estate, a lot of the bigger and better brokers have a few assistants. But if they left it all to the assistants, would they be the biggest broker in about a month?


Thomas: Right.


Steven: The answer’s probably no.

Thomas: Yeah.

Steven: But in that scheme of things, I’m blessed to have built an amazing amazing staff. An amazing group of people that are here for more than the weekly paycheck which is very very difficult to find in any business today. Everybody says, “The clock-watchers”.

Thomas: Yeah.

Steven: No clock-watchers here. Everyone gives 110 percent and they are compensated for that as well. I don’t ask for people to give 110 percent and they only get 60.

Thomas: And to be blessed with a staff like this, I mean, is this because you’re picking the right people and they just come with these skills or you’re picking people you can mold with the training you mentioned?

Steven: A combination of both.

Thomas: Okay.

Steven: Some of my key designers today are people that started out a design assistant years ago. And a design assistant is a fancy word for a secretary.

Thomas: Yeah.

Steven: So they’ve embraced the industry. They’ve watched. They were sharp enough to listen and learn and eventually one by one, they would approach my team of executives and say, “I want a chance to grow”.

Thomas: Okay.

Steven: And I am the last person in the entire universe that will not allow somebody to spread their wings or attempt to spread their wings. We’ve been blessed again. We’ve had some of them who have become superstars in our world and most have done incredible. There was a few that failed. Some opted to stay in their position. Some opted to leave because they felt that their talent was more than we believed in but that’s the world.

Thomas: Yeah.

Steven: The beauty of the red, white and blue is this is the greatest country in the world and if you want it bad enough and you want to work hard enough, there’s nothing that you can’t achieve and I am a perfect example of that.

Thomas: Amen

Jonathan: I think that’s a perfect segment to go for our break Thomas.

Thomas: Okay. All right. We’ll be right back after this commercial folks. Jonathan, I’ll let you take it away.

Jonathan: Yeah. We’re going for our break folks. We’ll be back in a few moments and we’ll be continuing this fascinating conversation with Steven G. Be back in a few moments folks.

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Jonathan: We’re coming back, folks. We’ve had a fantastic conversation with Steven. I’ve got a quick question, Steven. Obviously, because of the great business that you’ve built up, you’re dealing with a very high caliber type of client. Like Thomas said, a lot of the people that are going to be listening to this interview are in the Real Estate industry. Have you got any insights about dealing with the type of wealthy, high achieving kind of clientele that you’re dealing with that might be useful to our listeners?

Steven: At the end of the day, we all know that people with a large net worth, successful CEOs, CFOs, just people with lots and lots of money, the keyword is service and we are super service oriented. My industry is famous for finishing a project for somebody. And then, 4 or 6 or 8 months down the road, the client has an issue and the client says, “I can’t reach anybody. I leave messages and leave messages”. We believe that standing behind what we do for our client is as important as the talent that goes into the job. So we have a saying, “Never say no”. Client has an issue. I don’t care if it was a dog, a cat, they had a party, there was a drunk who spilled red wine. Get there, take care of it. If it’s a small cost, don’t even worry about it. We’ll just eat it, as we call it. And if it’s a big cost and it’s legitimately the client’s error, let them know. They’re not going to not want to pay. But the fact that we take care of it, is an amazing feature. You know, I’ll tell you an interesting story. We finished a lot of work in a very very new and prestigious building on the ocean and I won’t mention the building in South Florida and the hurricane came. And one of the first things that we did when all cleared is, because we have keys to all the units, I sent one of my site overseers. I said, “Go visit every one of these units immediately”. And I don’t even know why I picked that particular project. And needless to say, they all had some extensive water damage. So the clients didn’t call us. We were calling them. A matter of fact, I called everybody personally.


Thomas: Wow.


Steven: I said, “Do not panic. We’ve got it under control. Here’s what’s happening. We have taken pictures for the insurance company. I will meet with the insurance adjusters”. Because most of them don’t even live in South Florida. They’re from Montreal. They’re from New York. They’re from Venezuela. And I’ve got to tell you something. One of them in particular from New York who, we not only finished their home here but one in the Hamptons called me and said, “You’re an amazing individual. You went over and above the call of duty. Something that is not even your responsibility and I didn’t have to get nervous. My wife didn’t have to panic because you took control”. He said, “I’ll never forget that”. And it’s the little things like that that make us who we are.

Jonathan: I think that’s just an amazing, sorry Thomas, I just that think that’s an amazing insight because I got from that story Steven that you’re building real relationships there through, not words but for your acts really, aren’t you?

Steven: The problem is I don’t have enough time for the dinner invitations because I’m too.

Thomas: That’s a great problem.

Steven: You know relationships is the perfect word but I go even deeper. I have one of my clients that in the last 2 years, I make it my business to visit them every time they’re in Florida. We speak on a weekly basis when they’re not here and I just had dinner with them the other night. But my dinner they call the “The Early Bird” because I ask everybody to meet me at 5:30 or 6 because I start my day at 4 so I’m tired.

Thomas: Oh wow, yeah.

Jonathan: I’ve got one more question before I give it back to Thomas. It’s a little bit of a cheeky question. It’s tongue and cheek really. How do you deal with clients that think they’ve got great taste but their taste is awful?

Thomas: That’s a good question.

Steven: You have to be upfront.

Jonathan: All right.

Steven: Yeah. You can’t sit here and placate.

Thomas: Yeah.

Steven: They’re sitting at this table or one of your conference rooms for a reason and I tell all my staff, “Be as forward as you need to be but get the client to understand that that decision would be terrible”, and that they would be uncomfortable in the finished product and tell them why. And if you have to, show them. It’s a great question because a lot of wealthy people think they have incredible taste.


Jonathan: They do, they do.


Steven: And unfortunately, and if all of them or any of them are listening, “Poo, poo. Shame on me”. But the majority of them have terrible taste.


Thomas: Well, you’re there to be a trusted advisor. And if you’re not going to do that, like you were saying earlier about the unexpected extras that wow them, I would imagine your honesty with them upfront, because they’re about to spend several thousands or tens of thousands of dollars with you.

Steven: You mean per room.

Thomas: Yeah. I don’t even think I could afford you to do my powder room. I want to ask you a question. I want you to think about this from when you were first on your own to where you are today because I’m sure the answer is different to some extent over the years. But, how do you defend your price? When price comes up, do people ever or did they ever in the early days come at your price?

Steven: People question price all the time. Seriously.

Thomas: Yeah.

Steven: First of all, as I’m sure the two of you know from this short interview, I have no filter and tell the clients at interview stage, if they’re looking for a designer to yes them to death, I’m the wrong person.

Thomas: Yeah.

Steven: It’s just not who I am. I have other designers that work for me. There’s 18 of them here. I could give them the perfect male or female to yes them to death if that’s what they need but I can’t.

Thomas: Right.


Steven: So, the other expression that I use often is, “Profit is not a dirty word”. Everybody is entitled to make a living.

Thomas: Right.

Steven: If we abuse people financially after being 35 years in this town, we wouldn’t continue to grow.

Thomas: Right.

Steven: My bigger issue is what I’m going to say smaller designers, smaller firms say, “Well, I could be more competitive than Steven G because I don’t have his overhead”.

Thomas: Right.

Steven: And I look at my clients and say, “What overhead? I own the buildings. I don’t even pay rent”.

Thomas: Nice.


Steven: So, at the end of the day, our struggles are different struggles. In the Real Estate world, there’s always a broker that’ll say to the client, “Listen, I’ll take a cut in my commission”.

Thomas: Right.

Steven: “Instead of X percent, I’ll take X percent because I want you to buy this and I want to do the deal for you”. There’s always somebody that will do what they think they need to to make a sale. Our commission has been the same for 35 years. I haven’t raised it. I haven’t lowered it. And we get people that say, “You know, we interviewed somebody else and they were 10 percent less”. And my answer is, “I’m always here. My door is always open and I wish you the best of luck”. I won’t sell myself cheaper or my staff because I think we’re worth our weight in gold based on who we are, what we are but most important, how we stand behind the client. You know, there’s a warranty, I don’t know, call it a vision. They say, “Well, we give you 1 year on all the furniture and 30, 60 or 90 days on all the labor”. I give every client that walks in this door, no matter how big or small, we don’t judge them by the dollar. I give them a 2-year unconditional bumper to bumper.

Thomas: Wow.

Steven: I am that confident in what we sell and I am that confident in my labor force to know that I can say and put my chest out and say it in a proud way, not to boast and it goes a long way. No different in ’08, when the market collapsed, it collapsed everywhere. South Florida did not go victimless.

Thomas: Right.

Steven: And I said to my Marketing Director, because we have an in-house Marketing Director, her name is Lisa. I said to her, “I want to add in all of our Marketing, our website that we are a debt-free firm”.

Thomas: Wow.

Steven: Everybody looked at me like I lost my bird, to be honest. And they said, “Why?”. I said, “Because with the condition of the economy right now”, I said, “Any smart husband is going to want to know that that firm that he might be hiring is going to be here 6 months or a year from now”.

Thomas: Right. Now that was brilliant.

Steven: Believe me, it was nothing but a winner.

Thomas: Yeah.

Steven: And it helped us greatly.

Thomas: Not only because you’re saying to them, “Hey. We’ll be here through the end of the design and beyond”. Because you’ve already shown people how you don’t vanish after the checks cash. But on top that, to say, “We don’t need to cut corners or gouge you because we’re doing business as usual, even though everything’s crumbling down around us”. That is a brilliant Marketing plan.

Steven: You know, at that time, 2007 was our biggest year in volume that we ever had.

Thomas: Wow.

Steven: When January sort of bubbled up in ’08, our phones got quiet, the door got quiet, I got nervous.

Thomas: Yeah.

Steven: And I said, “Oh boy”. But at the end of the scenario, by the time we finished ’08, we were $260,000 off the volume of the biggest year in the history of the company.

Thomas: Wow.

Steven: So we considered it a monster victory being what was going on. But also, we were fortunate. South Florida really bounced back very rapidly at that time. By the Summer, not only did it bounce back but the Real Estate prices soared.

Thomas: Really?

Steven: You would have thought you were buying Real Estate in Manhattan.

Thomas: When did you bounce back? When did you feel like the coast was clear?

Steven: I’m going to say end of March, beginning of April of ’08.

Thomas: Wow. That quick.

Steven: Yeah. The phones were back to normal. The traffic was back to normal. We’re a very forgiving country. Although we remember terrible things and bad times, we have a different, I guess mindset and we bounce back fast because there’s no reason to sit and wallow over something you can’t control or change.

Thomas: Right.

Steven: So you have to move forward. You have to continue to think out of the box, which we did. We became a lot more aggressive as a company. When everybody was pulling back on Marketing and advertising and magazines, etcetera, etcetera, which, by the way, even though the Internet is the future, we all know that, we still do tremendous print Marketing.

Thomas: Oh.

Steven: Because print Marketing for a design firm is their work.

Thomas: Right.

Steven: It’s like, you know, it’s a photo. It’s beauty. And believe me, you know, for us, it still works and still works strong. We’re still, if I’m not mistaken, almost every issue of Architectural Digest and we do many others and when people come in, we have a big presence today in this town with Developers and model apartments and model homes. And I say to them, “How did you find out about us?”. Most of the time they laugh and say, “You’re everywhere”. But the percentage still comes up, you know, “I’ve seen your work for years at Architectural Digest”. So we still believe in print ad here.

Thomas: I want to sneak one last question in Jonathan. Real quick. I know we’re running out of time. 35 years running your own company and 10 years prior to that, how do you stay fresh? How do you stay current? What do you do to stay ahead of the trend?

Steven: Okay. That is the best question of the day so far because that’s my life. The worst thing that any designer or design firm could do is for your work to become stagnant. Thomas: Right.

Steven: Okay. We just came off the press with a 92-page new corporate brochure.

Thomas: Wow.

Steven: That anybody that has seen it in the last few days, their mouths hit the floor. I was with one my clients at 8:00 this morning. We’re doing a 25,000 square foot law firm for one of the most prominent law firms in Miami. And he said to me, we walked through, he said, “Is your heart beating like mine is?”. And I said, “Robert, it is”. He said, “I spent a lot of money”, and he said, “But look, look”. He said, “Look, it’s unbelievable”. So getting back to your question. You need to, as a designer, continuously think. I get probably 100 magazines a month, all from European publications that I subscribe to.

Thomas: Wow.

Steven: You know, Europe, Italy especially, is the forerunner in the world of furniture.

Thomas: Okay.

Steven: They’re designs, like their clothing, like their shoes really is untouchable. And the rest of the world follows suit by making a lookalike if you want to call it that.

Thomas: Sure.

Steven: Yes. Different prices. But at the end of the day, their vision and their mind is years down the road. When you even see prototypes, it’s almost like the automobile industry. You go to a car show and you see these amazing prototypes and say, “I’d like to order one”. They say, “But you can’t because we’re not going into production”.

Thomas: Right.

Steven: You know, Europe goes into production. So seeing new, fresh all the time keeps your mind and sort of just, you know.

Thomas: Keeps the wheels turning. Yeah.

Steven: No question.

Thomas: Awesome. Well, Steven, I know I could ask you about 100 more questions. You’ve been excellent. Thank you for your generosity. Jonathan, I’ll let you take us out.

Jonathan: Yeah. We’re going to let Steven go but hopefully, you’ll agree to come back at some stage Steven. Because like Thomas, I think we’ve just scratched having a fantastic interview with you and thank you so much for coming on.

Steven: I could only tell you it’s my pleasure and that’s for having me. And I am at your disposal because I enjoy. I do many of these podcasts all over the country but if I could help anybody or if anybody wants to run something by me, my cell number is 954-592-3332. It’s on my business card. It’s been on my business card for 35 years. I don’t believe in not being accessible or attainable, not only to my clients but to anybody that would like to say hi. I enjoy it and gentlemen, thank you so much for this opportunity.

Jonathan: That’s great. We’ve got some announcements. We’re going to let Steven go now. But we’ve also got some announcements for the listeners, so stay with us and thank you so much, Steven.

Steven: Have a wonderful week, whatever’s left.

Thomas: All right Steven. You too. Thank you very much.

Steven: Thank you, guys.

Thomas: Bye-bye. All right folks. That was Steven G of Interiors by Steven G incorporated out of South Florida and what a fantastic interview, huh Jonathan?

Jonathan: It was. He’s a really interesting guy, isn’t he?

Thomas: Yeah. Most definitely. And not your cliche Interior Designer either.

Jonathan: Not at all.

Thomas: I’d be afraid not to have my check clear with him. Well, I’ll tell you what, I want to, I know we’ve got to wrap this up. Folks, we’re going to announce a bit of a change in the show. Jonathan and I are going to part company on this show. This is going to be my last broadcast with . . .

Jonathan: Not on bad terms though, I don’t think.

Thomas: No, no. No, he’s not throwing me off the show folks. Jonathan’s going to and I’ll let him discuss that with you. But he’s taking the show in a different direction and encouraged me and has actually been very instrumental in helping me get my own podcast going. So that’ll be coming out in hopefully, just a couple or 3 weeks. I’ve got to go through all the process. It’s going to be called Postcards from Success San Diego. You’ll find it on iTunes and there’s already a Facebook page up. So if you want to come sign on there and let me know that you’re there. I’ll keep you posted on when the show goes live. Jonathan, I just want to . . .

Jonathan: Oh yeah, sorry. I was going to do the same. I’ve encouraged Thomas to do his own podcast. I thought it was time that he did his own thing. He came on board just at the right moment and he’s been generous with his time. You’re just a fantastic podcaster really Thomas.

Thomas: Well, I appreciate it.

Jonathan: You’re a natural at it actually. I think you’ve made the show a lot more professional. I’m going to take the show in a much more technical about lead generation and about technology. And I’m going to have some co-guests join me and we’re going to have a feast about hardcore lead generation using technology in the coming weeks. It’s a bit of a different direction really, isn’t it Thomas?

Thomas: Yeah and would probably leave me pretty quiet because I don’t know anything about.

Jonathan: I think you would be okay with it initially but I think it would get a little bit to say the least.

Thomas: Yeah. If you’re asking too rudimentary of questions, probably.

Jonathan: But I think with your new podcast and by the sound of the title and the focus, it’s going to be a great thing and boost your own imprint on your city really, won’t it?

Thomas: Yeah. I’m going to have a focus on some localism here in San Diego. We’ll still have guests and it’ll have a broad reach as far as the content. But there’ll just be a little bit of San Diego flavor added to it each episode but still going to keep it in the direction, basically in the same vein of this show in talking about all things entrepreneur and of course, Real Estate. And then, you’ll learn a little bit about San Diego. And I think what that also will help you with is hopefully, I can set a good example for what you should be doing in your market to create localism for your business because that’s really what attracts a lot of people to you online when you’re lead generating. So, folks, I’ve been with Jonathan for a year and a half here. I remember it was episode 57 that I was a guest on. And then, Jonathan just couldn’t live without me so by episode 66, I was a co-host. I learned a ton, not only from you Jonathan but from all our wonderful guests.

Jonathan: Well, if you haven’t learned a lot from the guests, there’s something wrong, isn’t it? Because we’ve had some interesting people on the show.

Thomas: We have. It’s been a Masters Degree. So I really appreciate that you gave me the opportunity. I appreciate that you’re supporting my new venture and I wish you all the best. And as we say in the business, “Break a leg”. And thank you for a year and a half of just having the time of my life every Tuesday.

Jonathan: Well, you’ve had to put up with me as well. So, . I know I can be of a handful sometimes but there we go.

Thomas: We’re a good pair. You were a handful and I was a diva.

Jonathan: But I think we’ve produced some quality stuff together.

Thomas: Amen.

Jonathan: It’s just that I felt it was time for you to do your own thing. I wanted you to do your own thing. It would a shame that you didn’t continue with podcasting. But on the other hand, the show is about Mail-Right and it’s about lead generation. And Mail-Right, I’ve just finished, it’s gone on for about 7 months this.

Thomas: Yeah. We’ve been working hard.

Jonathan: But we’ve just finished everything to do with this update of Mail-Right and we’ve got a bit more testing to do but it’s all live now and running. And I think we’ve produced a really fantastic product and it’s an amazing level of updates. It’s just taken a lot more effort and it’s a lot more time than I thought it was going to take but it is now finished and we’ll be talking about that and also hardcore lead generation topics aimed at Real Estate professionals.

Thomas: Well, I wish you all the best with that Jonathan. Obviously, we’ll stay in touch, especially in the podcast world.

Jonathan: Well, you’ve got my total support and I’ve shown that to you already, haven’t I? And if you need any more ongoing support, I will be there for you Thomas.

Thomas: And likewise, thank you, sir. All right folks. Well, I’ll tell you what. I’ve really appreciated having the opportunity to interview so many fantastic guests along with Jonathan over the last year and a half. I appreciate, and so Jonathan, your support with the show. I ask you to continue supporting this show because Jonathan’s going to take it in a new direction which sounds exciting and you can come join me over at Postcards from Success San Diego when it launches. Check out my Facebook page, Postcards from Success and there’ll be a website up soon as well, same thing, Postcards from Success. Thank you very much, guys. We’ll see you on the airwaves.

Jonathan: Bye.

Thomas: Bye-bye.

Here’s Our Contact Details

Producer: Jonathan Denwood
Call: (775) 237-3884 8am-5pm PST) Monday to Friday
Email: jonathan@mail-right.com

Producer/Co-Host: Thomas J. Nelson, Realtor
Call/text: 858-232-8722 (Mon-Sat 8am-5pm PST)


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